Fairy Winner

Chapter 3201: Have been here

Latest website: Not long after, the two have reached the top of the mountain.

There is a large stone wall in front of it with a screen-like screen, but hollowed out in the middle, revealing a circular hole. Looking through the circular hole, there is also a mountain wall similar to a screen hundreds of miles away. The two huge screens look at each other in a strange way.

Zhao Yueru said unconsciously, "These are the two ears of Juding?"

"It's really a giant tripod."

Zhou Shu smiled and walked to the pierced ears, staring at it, feeling slightly startled.

Behind the stone wall, there is a deep valley, more than a hundred miles long and wide. The clouds and mist in the valley are misty and fragrant.

Zhao Yueru leaned closer, "This valley is inside the tripod. I don't know what's in it."

"Go down and have a look."

Looking around, there is a path covered with bluestone on the right side of the ear hole, descending level by level, straight into the clouds.

Before going down the road, two figures suddenly emerged from the ground and stood in front of them.

It's not the **** costume, nor is it human-like. It's like a mountain spirit tree, with a rugged and knotty figure, and yellow hair hanging down to his waist.

"excuse me."

Zhou Shu raised his hand and left with a smile.

"You can watch, but don't touch it."

The two figures bent over together, making a blunt sound, and then went back underground.

"Thanks a lot."

Zhou Shu froze, nodded gently, and stepped down leisurely.

Zhao Yueru whispered, "It's weird. I didn't notice how they came out. The perceptual limitation here seems to be larger than the phosphorescence world."

"Almost, just be careful."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, he also felt the same, a feeling of entering an illusion, everything around him was not real that he could perceive.

But he was curious, and had to go, because the familiar aura of the artifact had been sensed before he entered the Kuiwei Realm, and when he arrived here, the aura became stronger, as if calling him.

The silhouettes of the two of them gradually disappeared in the clouds, and several more shadows appeared from the woods behind them.

This time it is the Jiang family.

"They just go on like this?"

"Yeah, even the tribe elders have only gone down once. The few tree monsters at the door didn't let it go. Just let it go this time?"

"Who knows, these two people are really weird."

"You are here to guard, I will return the tribal elders."

Several people murmured a few words, and soon disappeared again.

The path soon came to an end, and there was a cross-cutting cliff in front of it, but the clouds and mist were still lingering, and there was still some distance from the bottom of the valley.

Zhao Yue flew up with the following consciousness, but was held by Zhou Shu and pointed to the distance, "Look."

There was a clear cry in the clouds, and a big bird flew over leisurely. This bird was born special, with bright feathers like satin, white belly and green back, red stripes on the back, long beak like a crane, white like jade, even more strange Only one foot, the rudder swayed in the wind.

"Bi Fang!"

Zhao Yueru recognized it at a glance, and said in surprise, "Isn't this Bifang, a divine bird that has long been extinct?"

Zhou Shu sighed with emotion, "There is no Xuanhuang Realm. I haven't encountered it in the heavens. I didn't see it in Ming Yaotian, who was in a group of alien beasts. But I saw it here. Perhaps Jiang Family has not forgotten the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhao Yueru blushed, "You will take my fault... it's here."

Bi Fang flew close, raised his neck high, whispered twice, and put his spread wings to the edge of the cliff.

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, leaped lightly, and landed on Bi Fang's back. Zhao Yueru leaped over and looked at the large swaths of gorgeous feathers. The more he looked at the large swaths of gorgeous feathers, the more he became happy, he couldn't help but touch it a few times, and said in surprise," It's so smooth and comfortable."

Bi Fang spread his wings and flew straight into the clouds.

Through the clouds, the bottom is much clearer, the eyes are all green, the huge vitality is within reach, and the cotton wool is as thick.


When Bi Fang fell, he stood very steadily even though he was on one foot.

Zhao Yueru glanced down and said in surprise, "Ah, why did it fall into the water?"

Suspiciously, the water wave dispersed, and a huge strange beast slowly emerged from the water. Bi Fang was stepping on its back. Its back was fiery red, like a piece of thirteen carapace. The lines are different, and when you look closely, there is a profound feeling.

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "Turtle, there is such a big one."

Zhao Yueru nodded, "Yes, aren't all spinners very small? This is almost a few hundred feet."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "The small one is the later Rotary Tortoise. It is said in the ancient books that the Rotary Tortoise is like a mountain, and the soil helps Dayu to control the water, but it has long been lost and I can't expect to see it here."

"It's another kind of mythical beast... Hey, go!"

Zhao Yueru exclaimed, the rotating tortoise began to sink, and at the same time it was sinking, like a long tail curled up, as if to knock them down.

"This doesn't seem to welcome us very much."

Zhou Shu held her, flew up with a smile, and jumped into the clouds, like a big bird, overlooking the surroundings.

"No, it is looking for trouble with Bi Fang, who made Bi Fang step on it."

Zhao Yueru pointed to the bottom with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "Look, these two were fighting very intensely."

Fighting on the surface of the water was constant, and the waves of tens of feet, like a waterfall, were sprinkled down. In the light of the water, there were a few points of azure blue glittering, which seemed particularly dazzling.

Zhou Shu held his hand quickly, grabbed it from a distance, and was surprised, "Hai Lingzhu?"

"Where are the rare treasures in the Profound Yellow Realm," Zhao Yueru glanced at it, and was quite surprised, "but this is not the sea, so why are there?"

As the battle became fiercer and the waves rolled up, the more Sea Spirit Orbs were rolled up.

"I can't finish picking it up, alas," Zhou Shu sighed slightly. After a few breaths, he picked up at least a few hundred sea spirit beads. This thing that is regarded as a treasure in the Profound Yellow Realm is as common as a gem here. The lakes are at most tens of miles in radius, but the water movement aura in them is really majestic to the extreme. I am afraid that there are not thousands of such sea spirit beads, which may be more than an East China Sea in the Xuanhuang World."

"Otherwise, there won't be such a big spinner."

Zhao Yueru nodded in agreement, and only doubted, "Shu, we don't seem to need to do what you do with these sea spirit beads."

Zhou Shu looked at the spirit orbs in his hand and let them fall into the water, "I just thought of some past events and couldn't help picking it up. Lin Zhu almost lost his life for a sea spirit orb, huh, but now she You don’t need these anymore."


Zhao Yueru nodded gently, staring at the water, "Shu, do you think ~www.ltnovel.com~ the breath in this water is a bit familiar."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I only came down when I sensed the breath of the divine tool. This valley is everywhere and it is very rich."

Zhao Yueru shook her head, earnestly, "It's not a divine tool, I don't know the breath of the divine tool, but I feel a little familiar with the Heyin school."


Zhou Shu calmed down and felt it carefully. After a while, he was shocked, "Lin Zhu has been here!"

Zhao Yueru smiled unconsciously, "I'll just say, I stayed with her for so long in the Heyin School before, so I never remembered it at all."

"I didn't even notice."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, quite annoyed.

Zhao Yueru covered her mouth and smiled, "When you see Hai Lingzhu, you are busy picking it up. Who knows what you want to go."

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