Fairy Winner

Chapter 3202: Like this

Latest URL: Zhou Shu paused and sighed, "Maybe."

Zhao Yueru looked at him and said warmly, "In fact, it's more likely that your perception has been concealed by the aura of the artifact. It's nothing, don't think too much, is it almost certain that Lin Zhu is here now?"

"The remaining breath a few years ago is very clear."

Zhou Shu said with certainty, "She has mostly practiced here, which also shows that she must still be in the Kuiwei Realm."

Zhao Yueru said with joy, "She is here, and it's probably okay, we will definitely be able to find it."

"Well, don't worry."

Zhou Shu looked at her and smiled, "Keep looking, maybe you can find something."

"Isn't she in this valley?"

Zhao Yueru was overjoyed in her heart, looking around, she couldn't see far, and finally her eyes fell on a large cluster of bright red grass, "What kind of grass is that, how high is it? The fragrance is so light but very attractive. Can't help but want to see it."

"Then go and see."

Zhou Shu held her hand, and several ups and downs stopped in front of the long grass.

Zhao Yueru sniffed, and she seemed to relax, and she became more happy, "It's really comfortable, you try!"

Looking at Zhou Shu who was focused, she realized something, "There won't be any problems, Shu?"

"If you have a problem, you won't get close, it's okay."

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "This is Wangyoucao, also called Guicao, and it's the first time I have seen it."

"Nangyoucao, good name."

Zhao Yueru looked at the grass faintly, "Who made the ghost grass? Where does it look like a ghost? It's so beautiful, it looks bright red, look carefully, there are still small goose yellow flowers on the top, but the fragrance does not come from the flowers. ."

Zhou Shu paused, "It's called ghost grass, not like a ghost, but because it can make ghosts supernatural, and even deep obsessions can be resolved by it."

Zhao Yue suspiciously asked, "Can it resolve obsessions?"

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "It's true, but there are conditions. It needs to be mastered to guide its true power. Otherwise, you can only forget your worries and what to do after you leave."

"It's good to be able to forget your worries temporarily, but I'm fine now, but I don't have any worries to forget."

Zhao Yueru gave Zhou Shu a deep look, "Shu, what is the law, have you mastered it?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "No, I can't talk about getting started. It is the law of desire. It is difficult to learn in the highest law. Rumors are more troublesome than destiny. Destiny can be reversed and mastered by itself, but to realize the desire, ultimately Reaching a self-duty person... that's still a situation I can't even think of."

Zhao Yueru seemed to think, "The law of desire, I have heard that it seems to be related to Zen?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The power of the wish of Zen is related to the law of desire, but apart from those few Buddhas, few Zen can figure it out. There are even fewer in the heavens, but the force of wish is not rare. There is a natural power of wish in this kind of joy spring, which can help people achieve their wishes, but that is only the satisfaction of the heart, not the real realization of the wish."

Zhao Yueru stared at him, "Shu, you won't be ignorant at all, it's not like you."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Of course I have thought about it. I have been thinking about it recently. I told you that now Xianshu City has come to a Xuantian Temple meditation. He has a lot of experience in this aspect. I and him After talking for several days, I also gained some insights, but it is still far from understanding the rules."

"The bald donkey of Xuantian Temple, what do you know about the rules of desire?"


Zhao Yueru's face tightened, and the long sword slipped out of her hands and hurriedly looked around.

Zhou Shu looked at her and shook his head slightly, "Don't be nervous, it's okay, just treat it as if you didn't hear it."

He always knew that there was at least one strong person in the Kuiwei realm who was in control, just as the city lord controlled Xiancheng and even surpassed this level of control. Everything in the realm could be noticed by that strong person. There is no doubt that it is what the strong man said-the source of the sound can not be found at all, there is no wave of power-in this case, the tension is meaningless.

Zhao Yueru understood something, but was still dissatisfied, "Is it the realm master, how did you hide?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I will come out naturally when I think about it."

Zhao Yueru nodded and whispered, "Then we..."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Say whatever you want, and you can't speak to others."

"The gentleman is magnanimous, and the emperor is not afraid of being looked at," Zhao Yueru snorted, and looked back on the forget-you-grass. "Well, do we also bring some seeds back. It should be good to plant in Xianshu City."

Zhou Shu narrowed his eyebrows, "I don't know if I can raise a living after I go back."

"Try to know, then I'll take it."

Zhao Yueru was obviously still disgusted by being spied on. She stretched out her hand and grabbed a small handful of light red seeds on her palms. She smirked, and she took a frankly in her pocket. She also glanced around proudly, "I said, this too Don’t take it without notice, right?"

Before the words were over, a large clump of Forgetfulness Grass in front of him all flew up.

The grass of dozens of feet quickly condensed into a small ball in the air, slowly falling in front of her.

Zhao Yueru stared at the undamaged Wangyoucao that had shrunk countless times in the ball, and was at a loss for a while.

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu asked her to put it away and raise her hand to salute, she was also a little surprised.

Cut the space quickly, stabilize and shape the space, and do not use any space materials. This method is afraid that most quasi-sages cannot do it. No, it is impossible to do it. However, Zhou Shu cannot say that the strong The author has mastered the law of space, which... is incredible.

In addition to admiration, there was also a hint of fear.

Although the panic disappeared quickly, it was extremely rare for Zhou Shu.

He has a feeling, at least in this Kuaiwei world, he is not the opponent of the strong, and the body is the same here.

Zhao Yueru put away the ball, although there were a lot of worries, but quickly diverted her attention.

Obviously, the effectiveness of forget melancholy is still showing.

"There is still a big bunch there. No wonder they are willing to give those to us."

Zhao Yueru ran for a few steps, stopped in front of a clump of bright red grass, said something jokingly, and leaned in contentment.

"This is not Forgetfulness."

Zhou Shu hurriedly walked over, pulled her back two steps, and said solemnly, "You take a closer look."

Zhao Yueru stared at it, but it was still stagnant, "The leaves are a bit square and the flowers on them are different, but the fragrance is very similar."

Zhou Shuwen said, "This is Diaotang, and it is also a kind of immortal grass that has long been extinct. It looks similar, and even its function is to make people forget something, but it is not forgetting worry, but forgetting perception."


Zhao Yueru's eyes widened~www.ltnovel.com~ and she was still a little scared.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. Even if you forget to perceive it, it will be fine if you eat its fruit. I am afraid it will take decades to wait for it to bear fruit."

Zhao Yueru shook her head, feeling a little sad, "How can I wait here for decades, I almost missed something."

"It doesn't matter, there are other ways, but you still have to be careful."

"It's always easy to relax with you, which is not usually the case."

"Hehe, I didn't relax just now, each other."

"To each other, I like this."

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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