Fairy Winner

Chapter 3203: Dare not look up

The latest website: Zhu Huan descended from the Giant Dingshan Mountain and strode towards the distant Fire Rin Valley.

Huo Rin Valley, where the fire is steaming day and night, is the most violent place in the Kui Kui realm, and it has naturally become the natural residence of the Zhu Rong tribe.

It was about to reach Taniguchi, and Zhu Huan's expression gradually loosened, but at this time a figure stood out from Taniguchi and stood in front of the valley coldly.

"Zhu Huan, do you still know to come back?!"

"It's you, Jiang Jie?"

Zhu Huanli stopped and said coldly, "Get out of the way."

Jiang Jie sneered, "Huh? Get out, let you, a traitor, come in?"

"what did you say?"

Zhu Huan angered, "Traitor? Do you know what you are talking about! Zhu Rong clan never betrays!"

Jiang Jie watched him and slowly said, "Aren't you a traitor? You don't listen to Jiang's words, but you want to get involved with outsiders. Have you told him all the secrets of our Kuaiwei world? Then you are not. What else can a traitor be?"

Zhu Huan said calmly, "I don't know what the secret of your Kuiweijie is. I only know that every word I say has been approved by Lord Sorcerer. I have a clear conscience."

Jiang Jie smiled unconsciously, "Then you have a clear conscience when you tell us about Zhou Shu?"

Zhu Huan's heart was shocked, "You take the statues out, can I not say?"

Jiang Jie slowly drew it into his arms, "That's good, then I will ask you with the idols of your witch gods now, what purpose do they have besides the teleportation car when they come here? That Zhou Shu, after all, and the fairy world what is the relationship?"

"It's useless."

Zhu Huan raised his hands and inserted his eyes without hesitation.


Although Jiang Jie was stagnant, an exclamation came from Taniguchi, but it was an old man who just came over and saw this scene.

It was not bloody, because Zhu Huan was caught by a shadow before his hand was fully raised.

Zhu Huan said coldly, "Let go."

"No way."

Xie Bai shook his head and looked at Jiang Jie, "You don't want to see the entire Zhurong clan as enemies, do you?"

Jiang Jie froze there, "You...what are you talking about? How dare they?"

Xie Bai said calmly, "Then you don't want to see Hazhi Country also be your enemy?"

Jiang Jie realized something and dropped his hands, "Actually...actually..."

Xie Bai said faintly, "Actually, you don’t have a witch **** statue at all. You came out on your own, and you didn’t get permission from the Jiang family’s steward. You just wanted to vent and win back face for yourself and for the Jiang family, but that’s nothing to you. benefit."

Jiang Jie was stunned, "You...how do you know?"

Xie Bai shook his head, "You can't control this. Get out of the way and don't get in the way."

Jiang Jie hesitated for a while, and he had to leave. The old man exclaimed just now. Taniguchi had run out four or five people. At first glance, he was the same Zhu Rong clan as Zhu Huan. He quickly knew how to return. It happened, looking at him with a bad face.

Zhu Huan stagnated, "Xie Bai brother, thank you very much, I...I am too impulsive."

"You are welcome, I should do it."

Xie Baili was there, "Go in, I will continue to follow you, is there any problem?"


Zhu Huan shook his head and strode into the valley, surrounded by the Zhurong clan.

A middle-aged man patted his shoulder vigorously and smiled, "Lao Huan, you can come back. It's been so many years since you left. It's really worrying!"

The old man said worriedly, "What's the matter? You offended Jiang Jie as soon as you came back. That guy is a person close to Jiang Guanshi and is not easy to mess with."

"Don't worry, it's like this..."

Zhu Huan briefly explained for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Now that Zhou Shu is in the Kuiwei Realm and is embarrassed by the practitioners in the Kuiwei Realm, I think we have to help him, and how to help him and the brothers have to make suggestions. "

"You were actually captured by the Demon Realm, those **** Xuan Ming clan!"

"I didn't suffer much, right? This Zhou Shu is really good, we should really help him."

"But we are all bound by those practitioners of the Jiang family, how can we help others? Are we really going to betray the Jiang family?"

"Don't talk nonsense, who said it was betrayal?!"

Zhu Huan's face changed slightly, "Furthermore, who is the bigger friend of the Jiang Family and Lord God Envoy, you don't even know this?"

"Naturally, the envoy is bigger, and we must listen to the order of the envoy."

The old man nodded and slowly said, "But how do you know that he is really a friend of the Lord God Envoy? What if he lied to you to use you?"

Zhu Huan became angry, "Zhu Liang, what nonsense are you talking about! How could Zhou Shu take advantage of me? Besides, I clearly saw Lord Sorcerer's sun mark, which can only be carved by the envoy and the Sorcerer himself!"

Zhu Liang groaned, "Maybe you read it wrong, you know that those practitioners are so scheming, and that Zhou Shu you said is so powerful, maybe he deliberately made it to deceive you, he may have come to Kuiwei You do it internally."

Zhu Huan scolded, "My lord doesn't have as much thought as you!"

"Who knows?"

Zhu Liang spread his hands, "We are in the Kuiwei Realm well, and suddenly we are going to betray the Jiang family for an outsider. It can't be justified."

Zhu Huan looked at him, "Who asked you to betray, just help, not let him be bullied by the Jiang family!"

Zhu Liang's expression was slightly condensed, "Will such a powerful person still be bullied? I think things are very strange, let's talk about..."

"Don't say it!"

Zhu Huan looked at everyone and said loudly, "Do you all think I'm lying?"

Zhu Liang shook his head seriously, "It's not you, Zhu Rong clan won't lie, it was Zhou Shu who used you."

The other people looked at the two, and didn't know who to help.

The middle-aged man said in a slow voice, "Lao Huan, don't worry, the Lord has known the news of your disappearance. I heard that the adult will be coming soon, and then he will naturally know that Zhou Shu is true or false. "

Zhu Huan was shocked, joyful and suspicious, "Zhu Jiang, Lord God is coming over?"

Zhu Jiang nodded earnestly, "You know, Lord God Envoy, like Lord Sorcerer God, doesn't want any troubles in any of the tribesmen, so the time will come soon."

"The Holy Fire protects the Lord God Envoy!"

Zhu Huan gave a weird and cumbersome ceremony, and said solemnly, "But the time is too late. Master Zhou Shu and Jiang's family are arguing very stiff now. I'm afraid we can't wait for Master Divine Envoy to come. We must help him as soon as possible. Jiang, you have to listen to me."

Zhu Liang waved his hand, "How do you listen, for you, go and fight against Jiang's family? Lord Sorcerer will not be happy either."

Zhu Huan said anxiously, "There are so many people, you can think of other ideas, you don't have to fight."

"No way, no way~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Liang just refused. The other people looked at Zhu Huan and shook their heads.

Zhu Huan was helpless to the extreme, and said angrily, "You...you, don't even believe me!"

He turned his head and strode out. After only one step, he had to stop, because Xie Bai stopped in front of him. Seeing Xie Bai's heart was even more sad. Before, he told Zhou Shu that he was going to find a helper, but he took it. No one was found.

"You touch your waist."


Zhu Huan was a little dazed, and he couldn't help but touched his waist, shaking his mind.

At some point, there was a hard object under his shirt, and he subconsciously took it out.


The Zhu Rong people in front of him knelt down one after another, and did not dare to look up.

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