Fairy Winner

Chapter 3205: Tears fall

Latest website: Bi Fang leaned a few steps closer and carefully touched the girl with her smooth feathers, trying to comfort her.

The girl was like an electric shock, pushed away and said loudly, "Do you know, tell me!"

Seeing that the girl who is usually treated to them suddenly became almost mad, Bi Fang and Xuangui were a little overwhelmed, they would not know that this kind of thing happened to the girl more than once, and that time was also for that person.

Bi Fang was frightened, spread his wings and flew away, and the rotating turtle slowly sank and disappeared.

The girl stood in the ups and downs, her body still trembling slightly.

The azure water mist continued to emit from her body, and the temperature around her suddenly dropped. The water mist almost sealed the lake, and there was a lot of broken ice in the lake. They condensed into a beautiful snowflake shape and gathered in circles to the center to form a The huge half-solidified vortex.

Snowflakes continued to rise in the center of the vortex, layer upon layer, and gradually extended to the girl's body, condensing into icicles, piling up and burying her.


The icicles broke open suddenly, and broken ice scattered across a lake.

She seemed to have been awakened by the ice, the girl was no longer crazy, and the flame in her eyes was still burning fiercely.

"He's still here."

The girl stared at the forest not far away and flew in.

It's just that he was still in the air before he flew out for a few miles, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and the fast-moving picture was suddenly stopped, which was indescribable.

The girl didn't feel anything unusual, and said calmly, "You're here again."

"Yeah, I'm here again, Lin Zhu."

A young man appeared in front of her suddenly, without warning, but really.

Lin Zhu stared at him, "Don't stop me, I am not leaving here."

The young man smiled slightly, "You're looking for him, right? I found him and left. I tell you, now is not the time, and he is not worth it."


Lin Zhu sneered back, "No matter what, he is worth it."

The young man asked with surprise, "You really think so? I thought that after all these years, you have thought about it clearly. Do you think you will have a better chance of fulfilling your wishes if you leave here? You are wrong, except for my Kuiyu world. , There is no other place that can give you so much support. Leaving here, you will only waste your talent. I can't watch this happen."

Lin Zhu said slowly, "Here, my wish is half."

The young man's face changed slightly, "Half, do you mean you haven't been paying attention?"

Lin Zhu calmly said, "You can see everything I do."

The young man seemed to think, "That is to say, the talent you have shown so far is not the embodiment of your true ability. This is not a bad thing. I have more confidence in you. You can definitely realize your wishes here."

Lin Zhu shook his head, even with a hint of sarcasm, "I never think so."

The young man said lightly, "That's why you still don't understand. Didn't you see him? The one who came with you, he is very close to being realized."

Lin Zhu looked at him and said coldly, "Do you think you are doing the right thing? His wish is to become Jianmu? As far as I know, he just wanted to find the one in the Xuanhuang world who took him on the road to immortality. That person, but you imposed the desire to become Jianmu on him. You are not helping him, you are harming him."

The young man whispered, "What do you know? As the founder of Jianshi, is there any reason to not want to be Jianmu?"

Lin Zhu shook his head, "I said, that is your wish, not his."

The young man's expression was slightly condensed, "Don't talk about him, what about you, isn't your wish the best teleportation array? Why do you want a discount?"

"Without him, I can't take the first step to realize my wish. Likewise, without him, I can't take the last step," she said calmly and firmly, "I told you a long time ago, my Wish is closely linked to him, and it is impossible to separate. As long as I can help him, even bit by bit, I will do it. I have made up my mind in the Profound Yellow Realm."

The young man's voice suddenly became cold, "Even if it's abandoning wishes?"

Lin Zhu smiled and smiled very comfortably, "If I give up my wish in exchange for a wish that makes me more satisfied, what's wrong?"

The young man shook his head slightly, "You humans are really incomprehensible. By the way, you don't seem to be a human being."

Lin Zhu said faintly, "I am a demon cultivator and a human being. Just let me go."

The young man smiled, "If you let go of you, you won’t find him. Even if you pass him by, he won’t see you, and you are unlikely to have any contact with him. If you are willing to , I can let you try."

Lin Zhu thought without thinking, "I am willing."

"Then you go."

The young man nodded, seeing no movement, Lin Zhu was already free from the restraints and flew into the forest quickly.

The speed is still very fast, but she can obviously feel that she is out of touch with the surrounding environment, as if she is in another space, can see everything around, but can't leave the space where she is and enter the normal space.

"Will you be firmer, or what?"

The young man looked at the forest, muttered to himself, and laughed as he said it, "Don’t I know, have you been hiding your talent all the time? But what can I do, you humans, will never let me understand, It’s just that I didn’t expect that a demon cultivator and a tree could be so persistent..."

His figure disappeared suddenly, as abruptly as it appeared.

No trace was left.

"Shu, can you eat this pale yellow fruit?"

Zhao Yueru pointed to a tree full of fruits several feet high, with a curious look on her face.

Unexpectedly, in the valley of Juding Mountain, there are so many strange flowers and plants that she has never seen before, um, there are many rare animals.

"It's edible, it's good."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and looked very attentively, "This is Shatang fruit, it can protect water, and it will not drown when eating. There is a foundation-building talent in the Xuanhuang Realm called Hydrophilicity, do you remember? Eat a Shatang fruit , The effect is much better than hydrophilic."

"It's a pity that such a good thing is extinct."

Zhao Yueru sighed, "Do you think Lin Zhu has a similar talent?"

Zhou Shu nodded softly, "Although she has learned to control water with the demon cultivator, her own talent for water movement is definitely good, and few people can compare it."

"Then we pick more, we can use it if we find her."

Zhao Yueru was picking up the fruit while looking at Zhou Shu, and said seriously, "I think we will definitely find her this time."

"Her breath is so clear in this giant Dingshan Mountain. She must have been here too, but every time she traces it, there is no trace. If it weren't for that person..." Zhou Shu was a little angry~www.ltnovel.com~he I don't want to and can't destroy the vegetation here, and the perception is greatly restricted.

Zhao Yueru shook her head gently, and said warmly, "We just keep looking."

"Going to the sweet water spring over there, I seem to have noticed something again."

Zhou Shu nodded and strode far away.

He wouldn't see it, let alone know, Lin Zhu was standing in front of the Shatang fruit tree, no more than a few feet away from him.

Close at hand but in a different space, unable to meet.

"Senior, the little girl is..."

Speaking over and over again, floating back and forth in the confined space.

The girl stood inside, tears falling.

(PS: Thank you for your monthly ticket support from Xinglin Dao Ke, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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