Fairy Winner

Chapter 3206: Just want to see

Latest website: Between the mountain walls, a clear spring gurgled out, and below it was a small lake with a radius of tens of meters.

Zhao Yueru took a few breaths, "The water is all red, like a pool of blood."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Water is sweet, so it gets its name. It is said that only when the origin core of a realm is most active and vigorous, will the realm produce sweet water springs. There were many Xuanhuang realms back then, but then there was no one. Up."

Zhao Yueru seemed to think, "Can you drink?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, the sweetness that is unique between heaven and earth, nothing can compare."

"Then I will try."

Zhao Yue leaped over, landing like a dragonfly on the water, and was about to fish for the lake, but suddenly stagnated.

Under the water, there was a strange beast that had never been seen before, and he was looking at her with wide-eyed eyes, fierce.

"There are monsters here!"

Zhao Yueru flew up and was a little surprised.

"No? There should be no living creatures in the sweet water spring."

Zhou Shu took a few steps closer, his eyes condensed slightly, "It's still a hooked snake, how is this possible?"

Before the words fell, the water surface was surging, and the hook snake completely emerged from the water. It was covered with barb-like spikes, covered with scales, and its long tail was divided into three prongs, shaped like harpoons. Faint blue light.

Zhao Yueru stopped, "What should I do?"

Before he finished speaking, the hook snake had already jumped up, and the long tail curled up, surprisingly fast.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Zhao Yueru's willow eyebrows are erected, and the blue light in his hand rises, and the sword intent is roaring out.


As soon as the sword intent came out, the figure was shocked, and I felt that the sword intent was being pulled by something, and even the sword in his hand could not be held firmly. After a stalemate, he was pulled strongly and involuntarily moved to the hook snake. slide.

Zhou Shu stretched his finger, Shu Zhili cut the sword intent from it, and Zhao Yueru just got off.

Stepped back, looking at the hook snake, there was still some fear on his face. This thing, as if the sword intent was used as a rope, directly pulled itself over in the air, and the strength was too strong to resist it.

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Be careful, it used to eat Spinosaurus."


Zhao Yueru was in a daze.

The ancient kendo came from Spinosaurus. Although kendo has undergone countless changes and evolutions, the sword intent is still inseparable from the Spinosaurus. Since this hooked snake can eat Spinosaurus, it obviously has the ability to restrain the sword intent.

She would feel sorry, but there was a lot of war spirit in her eyes.

She said loudly, "Then I have to try even more. If I can beat it, it means that my sword intent has risen to the next level!"

Zhou Shu nodded and took a few steps away.

The hook snake is a very strong animal, but he doesn't care, the situation is under control.

Only in my heart I doubt that although sweet water is the sweetest thing in the world, it is too extreme, so that there is no vitality in the water. It can be tasted, but it is impossible to survive by it. Spring water is not suitable for any living creatures to survive. Why live A beast with extremely high vitality requirements?

But Lin Zhu's breath is gone here, is it related to it?

Lin Zhu, who was standing by Zhou Shu, seemed to mutter to himself, "You did it just now. I used to come here, but I didn't see any monsters."

The young man appeared on top of Hook Snake's head, pointing at Zhao Yueru, with a slight smile, "I can kill her for you."

"help me?"

Lin Zhu sneered, "Is it your own idea, or is it that the monster's wish is to kill her? Not surprisingly, you have always been like this, forcibly giving others wishes, but I tell you, you will definitely Regret, neither Zhou Shu nor I will let you go."

"I never do anything that I regret."

The young man smiled faintly and disappeared.

"Don't mess around!"

Lin Zhu was stunned for a while, and rushed up quickly, trying to block Zhao Yueru and Hook Snake.

She did it, she stood between the two, but no matter how she shouted or moved, it had no effect, the two still played fiercely.

But it didn't take long for her to see that the young man hadn't participated in the battle at all, otherwise, Zhao Yueru would definitely have lost.

After hundreds of breaths, the battle subsided.

The hook snake screamed, curled up to the bottom of the lake, and refused to come up.

Zhao Yueru is still screaming, "I haven't played enough yet, come on!"

Zhou Shu paused, "Forget it, you consume a lot. Come back next time."

Zhao Yueru stopped then and took a few steps, "What are you looking at?"

Zhou Shu stared at the bottom of the lake, watching with extreme concentration. He didn't look up when he talked to her just now.

At the bottom of the lake, there are two drops of crystal clear blue water drops. A little bit of perception will tell that there is a lot of water travel power inside, but they are not sea spirit beads.

Zhao Yueru also noticed, "There seems to be Lin Zhu's breath there?!"


Zhou Shu nodded.

Zhao Yueru's heart palpitated, "Could it be that this hooked snake..."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Impossible, these two beads just appeared, they haven't been before."

Zhao Yueru was a little dazed, "This... how come?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand and the two beads fell in his hands. There is no doubt that the aura definitely came from Lin Zhu. He couldn't be more familiar. Looking closely, it seemed that there was still some cold temperature on the surface.

He was shocked and said loudly, "Joo, are you here?!"

Zhao Yueru realized something and shouted, "Lin Zhu, are you there?"

The sound echoed over the lake, making waves of ripples.

Lin Zhu, who was standing next to Zhou Shu, responded involuntarily, "Senior, the little girl is here!"

But no matter how she shouted, she never got a response.

Zhou Shu also received no response.

Close at hand, but in two different spaces, it is impossible to meet.

After hesitating, Zhou Shu suddenly punched.

Big cutting punch.

He realized this.

With the progress of Shu Zhidao, his big cutting punch has reached another level, more accurate and faster. Even if a mistake is found and the wrong space is cut, it can be stopped quickly without causing harm.

The surrounding space suddenly cracked!

Like a mirror shattered and scattered, there are the shadows of Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru everywhere. The lake is divided into many pieces, one piece here, one piece there, the horrified hook snake shrinks in the corner, looking at the distorted space, dare not move.

At this time, the space where Lin Zhu was located suddenly shrank, looking like dust, and returned to the original state after avoiding the big cutting fist, without being affected at all.

The chaotic space quickly returned to its original state, Zhou Shu gently shook his head, unable to hide his disappointment.

It was not the first time he had encountered the feeling of hope but was immediately broken, but this time it was even weaker. In this valley, he found many clues, but the confusion in his heart was not less, but more and more.

Zhao Yueru whispered, "Look at other places?"

Zhou Shu shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ and took the two beads solemnly into his arms, "I have seen the valley, come again next time, go out and see Zhu Huan and thank them."

Watching the two leave, Lin Zhu was still there, silent.

She knew what those two beads were, the tears she shed before, but the tears were clearly in her own space, why did they appear at the bottom of the lake again?

The answer is obvious.

She shouted, "What are you going to do?"

The young man appeared and said lightly, "I just want to see."

Lin Zhu stared at him, "What do you want to see?"

"It's okay, you should go back."

(PS: Thank you for your monthly ticket support of the wandering heart, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted~~~)

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