Fairy Winner

Chapter 3214: I understand

     Zhou Shu looked around, the bright light in his eyes flickered, and there was no doubt.

   Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu like this, and felt a little aggrieved, "You know, I know Kendo."

   "That's not a bad thing, it's better to focus."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Let me simply say, the Great Escape Talisman just now should be able to work, but if it works, we can leave this secret realm immediately, so the strong person will specifically restrict the Great Escape. Talisman, let it no longer take effect, and if this is another space that really exists, he doesn’t have to do it at all. No matter how many big escape talisman we use, we can’t get out, we will only keep changing positions in the dust. Because no matter how small the real space is, it is essentially endless, and it is impossible to leave it no matter how you use talisman."

"I understand."

Zhao Yueru squeezed Zhou Shu's hand next time and complained, "He was afraid that we would go out, so he deliberately made the Great Escape Talisman invalid. How simple it is to say that, and I can't understand so many explanations... Shu, how are you? Thought of trying it with the Great Escape Talisman?"

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "No matter how you restrict change, the nature of things will not change. There are talismans around us that use the law of space, which can be used to verify whether this is a real space."

   Zhao Yueru nodded, "Now that we know that it is a secret realm, can we go out?"

   "At least it's a lot more straightforward."

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and his fists struck out like thunder.

   Big cutting punch.

   Although Zhou Shu does not understand the laws of space, he can still use the power of various laws to change the space.

   This is the same as that of the strong, at most it is not as proficient as others.

   Since this is not a real space, there is no need to worry about the shattering of the space affecting Zhao Yueru and herself, then there is no scruples, and you can do it with all your strength.

   Regardless of the power of the law that constitutes the cage, the highest law does not matter. The power of order and reincarnation possessed by Zhou Shu is not under it, and there is a steady flow of Shuzhi power to make the bottom line. If you don't believe it, you can't shake it.

   hundreds of times, thousands of times.

   Zhou Shu became more sure of his conjecture. He felt a clear resistance, coming from the law, not the endless real space.

   But when cracks gradually appeared in front of him, the surroundings collapsed.

   Like countless pieces of glass falling down, one can clearly feel the sense of breakage, but at the same time, the surrounding scenery also instantly changed.

   is not in the hillside, but a flat grass.

   Zhou Shu puts down his hands, if he realizes it, it was indeed a secret realm specially created before, but when he broke the secret realm wall, a new wall appeared again. The scene in the secret realm was controlled by the strong at will.

   And this piece of grass seems to be telling this fact directly, without concealing it.

Opposite   , a young man appeared without warning, with a trace of appreciation on his face, "Zhou Shu, you are okay."

   "The juniors Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru, have met the seniors."

   Zhou Shu raised his hand to salute, a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

   Needless to think about it, there is only one person who can appear here, the strong man who controls the world of Quebec.

   seems to be just the most ordinary fairy, maybe no one can get more information, but Zhou Shu is different, because in this young man, he perceives a special kind of breath, only the breath of such a person.

   The same breath as the old pot.

   Now, he understands.

   Zhou Shu looked condensed, "Senior is the spirit of Shennongding?"

   He has always felt that it is not the practitioner who controls the Kuaiwei Realm, because he has not sensed any powerful spirituality for the practitioner.

There is only one place of tremendous vitality that Zhou Shu felt before, and that is the core of the origin. This is not in line with common sense. There is no doubt that there are powerful controllers in this world, unless the strong person has no vitality, otherwise Zhou Shu It is almost impossible not to perceive it, and of course it is not absolutely impossible. If it is a strong person comparable to a saint? But apart from this one-in-a-million probability, there is another possibility, that is, the origin core is also the controller of the world.

   In fact, this is also very inconsistent with common sense. The original core of a realm is fixed and unchanging, and it is impossible to transform into a human being, but Zhou Shu has encountered this special case.

   That's right, it's the realm of refining demon.

  The old pot is not only the core of the realm of refining the demon, but also the master of the realm of refining the demon, able to transform a human form and walk around at will.

   Kui Kui Realm also has an unusually strong aura of artifacts, will the situation here be the same as the Demon Refining Realm? It's just that Qi Ling is stronger than Hu Lao, and it has gone further, and has even taken the most critical step, turning the virtual world into the real world, allowing its own world to stand among the heavens.

   This was a difficult guess, but after Zhou Shu saw the young man, the guess became a fact.

   That breath is simply announcing that I am an artifact spirit.

   In this way, many of the previous doubts were suddenly resolved.

   The whole world, from the core of the source to the heavens and the earth, is all intelligent, so naturally you can do whatever you want.

Turning Forget Worry Grass into a small ball, creating a dusty mystery, putting Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru into it, and so on, the incredible operations that seem to directly use the law of space, but actually use his absolute control over the world, everything in this world , Including space, originally originated from him, and using his own law to change it may be complicated, but he can definitely do it.

   As for Shennongding, it is easy to explain.

The Shennong Ding has always belonged to the descendants of the earth emperor, and there is no trace in the Xuanhuang Realm. It should have been to the heavens by itself long ago, and the giant Dingshan Mountain looks like a tripod, and the many strange objects in it are all from Xuanhuang. The treasure of the world is difficult to survive in the outside world, but it is completely fine in the Shennongding.

   The young man stared at Zhou Shu, with a lot of surprises, "How did you guess it?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "The Demon Refining Pot is here for the younger generation, and its spirit has such a realm, but it is still the virtual realm, unlike the seniors who have turned the virtual realm into the real realm. The younger generations really admire this realm. If possible, the younger generation would also like to ask one or two."

   "Refining the demon pot?"

   The young man’s eyes lit up~www.ltnovel.com~ The scourge is actually with you, besides Kunlun Mirror, do you have other artifacts? "

   Zhao Yueru murmured, "I said before, we have four artifacts."

   The young man paused, "I said it outside the bounds. No one told me. I don't know everything outside the bounds."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, the demon refining pot is here in the junior, and his memory has not been restored, but he is not a scourge now."

   "The world is indeed unpredictable."

The young man shook his head slightly, but had to obey him. Who would have thought that Zhou Shu had a demon refining pot, and the demon refining world was the same as himself, so many of his secrets were no secret in front of him. He glanced at Zhou Shu , "Did you guess it early?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's only determined from the breath of seniors."

   "Maybe I came out early."

   The young man laughed at himself and shook his head, "But you guessed it wrong, I am not the spirit of Shennongding."


   Zhou Shu was completely taken aback.

   (PS: Thank you Feng Wei for your monthly ticket support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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