Fairy Winner

Chapter 3215: Jian Lao is silent

"how come?"

   Zhou Shu settled down, but still questioned.

   No matter how you look at it, this young man should be Shennongding’s tool.

   "Wrong is wrong."

   The young man shook his head faintly, "Go out, it's not time yet."

   Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "Senior, when did you say that? Lin Zhu is the one I must take back."

   The young man paused, and suddenly raised his hand with a wave.

   The surrounding scenery quickly receded, leaving the mountainside, seeing the guards, breaking the formation, and returning to the farming fire field... It was like repeating all the things I experienced before, until the sky of yellow sand appeared again in front of me.

   Zhou Shu perceives it, and the soul is back. The desert is real. The young man is nowhere to be found. The old man stood before them with a stern expression.

   is like a dream.

   Zhao Yueru was stunned, "What...what's going on?"

   Zhou Shu was very calm, "It's okay, but we were sent out."

Being in a cage, there is almost no connection with the outside world. Perceiving the surroundings is like looking at a picture, and because the speed is too fast, it produces the illusion similar to a revolving lantern. Of course, if you don’t know that you are in another secret space, all of this It really looks weird.

   Zhou Shu raised his hand like the clan old man, and walked away.

   Zhao Yueru paused, "Aren't you looking for it, Lin Zhuming is inside."

"He doesn't let us find, we can't find it. In this world, I am not his opponent. If I can't beat, I can only think of other ways." Zhou Shu shook his head, seemingly calm and a little anxious. He will not be against Lin Zhu, there is still time."

   Zhao Yueru seemed thoughtful, "When did he say that before, when was it?"

   Zhou Shu meditation for a few breaths, "Unexpectedly, but most of them are not related to the emperor, so I still have to prove myself."

Zhao Yueru dissatisfied, "This is not a proof. He has already said that you are very good. I can see that you should be the first person to discover the secret cage. You can even find a way to break it. The family is much stronger."

   "The Emperor is asking for more than strength."

   Zhou said calmly, "The Emperor Xuanyuan back then was probably inferior to me now, and before he went to the Demon Realm, no one would deny that he was the Emperor of Humanity."

   Zhao Yueru is still dissatisfied, "What you have done is no worse than the Emperor Xuanyuan. The establishment of the Tongtian Pagoda allows the Xuanhuang Realm to re-establish contact with the heavens. There is no comparison. I will go and talk to him."

   "You should also have the opportunity to say, besides, people like this probably won't listen to the past."

Zhou Shu looked at her and shook his head lightly, "I am wondering now, how could I guess wrong? Those speculations are very reasonable, and all the evidence clearly proves this. Only Qi Ling can do these things. Why would he deny it?"

   Zhao Yueru paused, "Maybe he is not the spirit of Shennongding, but other artifacts?"

   Zhou Shu frowned, "That Juding Mountain is obviously Shennongding."

   Zhao Yue thought for a while, "Maybe I deliberately confuses you, or there are two or more artifacts, so the Jiang family is also very powerful..."

Zhou Shu's mind was shocked, the confusion was gone, and the bright light in his eyes returned, "I have a horn of the horns, no one has stipulated that there is only one artifact in the Kuiwei Realm. You are right, there must be a second artifact, and he is definitely Spiritual."

   "I just talk about it casually."

   Zhao Yueru looked at him, a little puzzled.

   Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "But you are right, the answer is inherently simple, but I think more."

   Zhao Yueru said with joy, "Then we shall find him again?"

   "I won't see it this time, wait for the next time, as long as there is always a chance here."

As if he had figured out something, Zhou Shu calmed down instead. Since his own speculation is okay, if the other party is an artifact spirit, he is also much more confident. In these heavens, I am afraid that no one knows artifacts better than him. , It happened to take advantage of this time to discuss with Laojian Hu.

   "You really found the descendant of the land queen, you should take me there!"

   Old Jian was a little excited when he heard the news, "Back in the Xuanhuang Realm, I met them many times, and they must know me."

   "Kunlun mirror and Jianmu bud are enough to prove your identity."

Hu Lao said slowly, "Master, I think you are thinking about it correctly. They still care about the identity of the Emperor. It is very likely that the Emperor did things that were sorry to them, or someone pretended to be the Emperor and did things that were sorry for them, so They are wary of you, otherwise, they will not offend a practitioner of the Xuanhuang Realm with the Bud of Jianmu, let alone deny you."

   Old Jian angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, Xuanyuan wouldn't do this!"

"Don't get excited, I said someone might pretend to be," Hu Lao paused, "Human Sovereign's current name is not seen anywhere in the heavens. This is always true, before I find out why Before, this will not change."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "The Jiang family said that this is the third time to use the cloud step, the second time is undoubtedly Lin Zhu, the first time is the impersonating Emperor."

   Old Sword said unconsciously, "You must find this dummy emperor!"

   "Of course, I will."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Old Jian, when the Emperor Xuanyuan left, he still carried a picture of the gods and mountains and rivers on his body? Why didn't I hear you say it."

   Old Jian hesitated, "It should be, I didn't notice."

   "The Emperor actually took away the pictures of mountains and rivers?"

   Hu Lao was a little surprised, "Isn't it said that the mountain and river map has long been shattered, and the origin has scattered into the world, has it returned to the Xuanhuang Realm? Has it been taken away?"

   Zhou said in a soothing voice, "It is also said in many ancient books, and it is the first time I have heard the saying of being taken away by the emperor."

   Hu Lao shook his head unconsciously, "This...this..."

The mountain and river picture is one of the most important artifacts in the Xuanhuang world~www.ltnovel.com~Of course the artifacts are very important, but there are also a few very important ones, such as the Pangu Axe, the Donghuang Bell, and the Nuwa Stone, etc. The power of the artifact may not be considered great, but it is deeply related to the Xuanhuang World. It can be said that it is the source of the Xuanhuang World. Without them, there is no Xuanhuang World. It is of great significance. The mountain and river map is not one of them, but the significance is not far away. , It is said that the mountain and river map is closely related to the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm. The changes of the mountains and rivers on the map can affect the Xuanhuang Realm, and the use of the mountains and rivers can even recreate a new Xuanhuang Realm.

Shanhe Tu is an artifact in the Xuanhuang realm. It has always been a name but no appearance. When the Emperor led the humans to unify the Xuanhuang, the Shanhe Tu was born. An ancient family accidentally obtained it and presented it to it. The Emperor Xuanyuan.

The emperor has always held the mountain and river map, and manages mankind based on this. When he was ascending to the immortal, it is rumored that he tore up the mountain and river map and returned the source of it to the Xuanhuang Realm. This may not be good for the artifact and its holder. As a result, it was a better ending for the Xuanhuang Realm and humans. The origin of the Xuanhuang Realm was strengthened, and it could be born again when needed.

  The worst result for the Xuanhuang Realm is probably to take it away.

   Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't know if it's true yet."

   Jian Lao was silent.

   (PS: Thank you for your long-term support of the wandering heart, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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