Fairy Winner

Chapter 3216: Cultivator

     was silent for a while, and Old Jian said slowly, "I don't know if he took it away, but I did feel the breath of the artifact from him."

   Old Hu hesitated, "Old Jian, you should have said earlier."

   Old Jian paused, "No...no one asked me."

"It's ok."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Who doesn't want to take away the artifact? I won't lower my view of Emperor Xuanyuan because of a artifact. He is still a human emperor, and he has done a lot to mankind. There is no emperor, and there is no such prosperous fairy world. And so many practitioners."

   Jian Lao looked at Zhou Shu, very apologetic, "I, I should have said earlier."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "You don't want to affect the image of Emperor Xuanyuan. At that time, everyone called the Emperor. If you tell this matter again, the Xuanhuang Realm's evaluation of the Emperor and Xuanyuanjian will only Worse, it will not do any good for things. Even if you just tell me, it may leak out, I understand."

   Old Jian was stuck, as if choked and speechless.

   It took a long time before he said, "It's my fault, what I should say in the days."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "In the heavens, our cultivation level is useless, and it is useless to say it, and you didn't want to drag me into the water at that time, did you? I feel that you have always wanted to solve the Emperor by yourself. Do not want to rely on other people."

   "Zhou Shu, you... alas!"

  Old Master Jian sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

   He didn't think that Zhou Shu would excuse him everywhere. Although Zhou Shu said all the reasons were correct, the more he said, the more guilty he was.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said warmly, "Don't tell me, just stop this matter, Jianlao, we are partners along the way, we should support each other, not to mention that I am also the emperor, and I am responsible for solving these things. Scruples."

   Old Jian has been concealing such important news. Of course he is very upset, but scolding can't solve any problems, just beating is enough.

   This is in line with his habit all the time, and the same is true when he conquered the demon pot.

"I understand."

   Old Jian nodded his head very hard, and had an unprecedented emotion towards Zhou Shu. Maybe it was dependence?

   "Don't talk about the fact that the emperor took the pictures of mountains and rivers."

   Zhou Shu seems to have realized, "If it weren't for Jiang's house, I wouldn't know, but the fairy world should know that they have been keeping secrets. There is probably something wrong with this matter. I will figure it out later."

"for sure."

  All those present were people whom Zhou Shu trusted, so naturally I wouldn't say much.

Old Hu was still sighing, "The deep sleep of the Xuanhuang Realm may have something to do with the landscape of the mountains and rivers. When Pan Gu Axe left, the Xuanhuang Realm was asleep for a long time. When the Donghuang Bell left, he was also asleep... ..."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "Old Hu, what do you think that young man is?"

Old Hu paused, "As far as I know, most artifacts don’t have their own boundaries, and the pictures of mountains and rivers seem to exist, but if the pictures of mountains and rivers belong to the emperor, their people will certainly not say these words. There are also some divine tools that don’t have tool spirits, and the laws they carry are too powerful to accept vitality, such as Kunlun Mirror and Haotian Tower."

   Old Jian said solemnly, "It is the Book of Mountains and Seas, which is also the Book of the Emperor of the Earth."

   Hu Lao and Zhou Shu are both stagnant.

   Old Hu shook his head quickly, "That's not right, the book of the earth emperor should still be in the Xuanhuang world, and it shouldn't leave."

   Zhou Shu followed, "I watched the succession ceremony in Jiang's house. At that time, there was a breath of artifacts. It should be the Book of the Emperor of the Earth, at least part of it."

   The Scripture of Mountains and Seas is also a well-known artifact, and is as famous as the landscape of mountains and rivers.

The difference between the two is actually not that big. They are both tied to the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm, and even their lifeblood. The only difference is that the form of expression is different. One is text and the other is a picture. It is said that when you see the pictures of mountains and rivers and the scripture of mountains, you know What it looks like.

Old Jian paused, "The Emperor of Humanity can take away the pictures of mountains and rivers, and the Emperor of the earth can also take away the pictures of mountains and rivers. Like the pictures of mountains and rivers, they have their own boundaries, which are similar to me at the beginning. The difference is that their boundaries The gift from the Xuanhuang Realm was not built by myself."

   Hu Lao and Zhou Shu looked at each other, seeming to understand something.

   Yes, the Emperor of People can take away the pictures of mountains and rivers, why can't the Emperor of Earth take away the classics of mountains and oceans?

If it is true, this is undoubtedly a shocking big news, but it is too shocking for human practitioners and many creatures in the Xuanhuang world. Two emperors respected by the Xuanhuang world have done the same at this moment. The choice, between the Xuanhuang Realm and himself, chose himself.

   But speaking of it, what can you blame? What is the blame?

  As a practitioner, who doesn't want to achieve greater success in the heavens and become a saint beyond all things? The Three Emperors couldn't get rid of such thoughts. Even Zhou Shu took away the Xuanyuan Sword and the Demon Refining Pot. Although these two divine artifacts were both scourges that practitioners wished to leave, they all wanted to leave.

   As soon as the matter fell on him, Zhou Shu unconsciously explained it. The practitioner, after all, is not a saint.

   And to be honest, even the artifacts themselves are unwilling to stay in the Xuanhuang Realm. It is their goal to become a holy artifact.

   Of course, without the help of practitioners, it is difficult for the artifacts closely connected with the Xuanhuang Realm to leave the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is impossible to think of it.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Those extinct fairy grass and exotic animals may indeed have been brought by Shan Hai Jing. It is said that the pages of Shan Hai Jing contain many spirits and spirits. Not only can they use Shan Hai Jing to summon and command them, it is conditional. If they can resurrect anywhere in them, things in the Kuiwei Realm are likely to come from this way."

   Old Hu nodded, "From what you have seen and heard, it is indeed very similar to Shan Hai Jing, and Shennong Ding alone cannot achieve such an effect."

Old Jian paused, "The scriptures of mountains and seas are omnipresent. It is not only the creatures in the Xuanhuang Realm, but also things from the heavens~www.ltnovel.com~Hu Lao thought about it, "I seem to have heard that too. After this, it is not easy to write things that are not in the Xuanhuang Realm into the Shanhaijing. It is said that the emperor paid a great price for this. "

   Old Jian nodded, "Yes, it is said that the emperor of the earth was cursed inexplicably because of this."

   Zhou Shu thought, as if he had caught something, "There are also witches in the classics of mountains and seas, right?"

   "Yes, that's why the curse came about. In the end, Xiang Liang Xiangmiao was not written in the Shan Hai Jing, but I didn't know."

   Old Jian paused, "There are at least four witch races in the Shanhaijing, and there may be image marks of the witch gods."

   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, feeling suddenly open.

   The young people in the Kui Kui world must be Shan Hai Jing, the Book of the Emperor of the Earth.

   The reason Zhu Rong and Xuanming were jealous, they had to send their tribesmen to the Kuiwei realm to follow the orders of the Jiang family, because of the power of the sacred tool Shanhaijing. The witch gods and the witch tribe were recorded in the Shanhaijing, and it was possible to command and control them.

   It's no wonder that the Jiang family can hide here safely, as long as there are mountains and seas, they don't have to be afraid of the Wu clan.

   (PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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