Fairy Winner

Chapter 3217: Did not miss you

     Zhou Shu was quite happy, raised his hand and said, "Thank you for your advice, I have benefited a lot."

   Hu Lao shook his head quickly, "The master is too polite, this is what I should do."


   Old Jian also echoed it, although his voice was very small.

   Does he also have the idea of ​​focusing on Zhou Shu?

   Great improvement.

Zhou Shu felt useful in his heart, smiled slightly, and quickly brought out his worry again, "Since the Kuiwei Realm is blessed by the mountain and sea scriptures, they can use the Zhurong and Xuanming clan to do more, instead of just asking for some power. Used for research, it’s really wasteful, it's a bit weird to think about."

   Hu Lao said unconsciously, "If you want to get the necessary contribution, the cause and effect is like this, and the artifact can't be exempted."

Old Jian nodded, "Yes, if you want to order the Witch Clan, you must pay a high price. The Kuiwei Realm cannot afford it. Besides, if they ask for too much, the Witch Clan will not obey. The Witch God is better than a magical weapon. , And the Jiang family does not have enough power to bear the name of the earth emperor, and the book of the earth emperor cannot exert its strongest power."


   Old Hu said in a slow voice, "The Zhurong clan is fortunate to be close, but the Xuanming clan has always had a bad attitude towards humans. If they are pressed into a hurry, they can do everything."

   Zhou Shu nodded, and said thoughtfully, "You said, after all, it is a foreign race, it is impossible to squeeze too hard, two, I will leave first."

   "Master, be careful."

   Hu Lao said respectfully, "If something difficult should happen and take me, I should be able to help."

   Old Jian followed, "I can too, Zhou Shu."

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded.

   It took some time for the news to reach the Quebec world.

   "Yueru, it is basically certain that the young man we looked at is the spirit of Shan Hai Jing."

   "Is there really a second artifact?"

   Zhao Yueru was a little shocked, "The Jiang family is very powerful, why not go back to the fairy world?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Because of the immortal world, even a few more artifacts are no match for the immortal world. You also know the attitude of the immortal world to the Xuanhuang world. The descendants of the three empresses are not doing well. One was raised in captivity and the other Disappeared completely, one was forced here."

   "Damn the fairy world!"

   Zhao Yueru cursed angrily, "But the Jiang family is not a good person, especially the Shan Hai Jing."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said nothing.

After knowing the identity of the young man, Zhou Shu became more interested in the Kuiwei world. Besides Lin Zhu, there may be a lot of gains. It is impossible to bring the Jiang family to Xianshu City or collect Shan Hai Jing. , But it is definitely a good choice to form an ally with them, but the problem is how to prove that you are worthy of trust.

   This is difficult.

"grown ups!"

   Zhu Huan walked over quickly, with excitement on his face, "My Lord God Envoy is here!"


   Zhou Shu was overjoyed, but also a little strange, he didn't perceive any powerful vitality coming down.

   Zhu Huan hurriedly said, "We haven't come in yet, Jiang Ji and Jiang Yuan are greeted outside the boundary, shall we go too?"

   Zhou Shu groaned for a few breaths, "Farewell, when he arrives in the Fire Rin Valley, you will tell me to go."

   Zhu Huan didn't understand, but still nodded.

   Zhao Yueru paused, "Suddenly?"

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, feeling excited, "Yes."

   Zhao Yue asked suspiciously, "Why don't you pick it up, isn't your relationship very good?"

   Zhou eased and said, "This is someone else's place. If it is overwhelming and irritated by the Jiang family, it may not look good. Besides, the relationship between me and him is actually hard to tell, so let's see it again."

   Not long after, Zhu Huan came again, with a giant man behind him.

The last time I met was set off by mammoths and brilliant chariots. I couldn’t see the sudden brilliance at all. Now I’m standing with Zhu Huan, on the blue giant Dingshan, and I can see the difference at a glance. I’m afraid I’m not tall. Four or five feet old, the muscles formed into a ball, as if they were about to explode at any time, full of strength, and the whole body was still shining with a faint golden light, like a statue of a Buddha.

   Seeing that Zhou Shu was a bear hug, his strength was surprisingly strong, and the air was squeezed to crackle.

   Zhu Huan and Zhao Yueru were taken aback, for fear that Zhou Shu would be crushed.

   Zhou was relieved and came out lightly, "Brother Elephant, I am looking forward to you."

   suddenly frowned, and complained, "Brother White Horse, you are too interesting. If you come here secretly, you won't notify me. If you know you are here, I will come here long ago!"

   "I plan to go to the edge of Zhurongjie to find you when there is something here."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "But you should be aware of my movements, I have the mark of the sun on my body."

Suddenly he shook his head, "The sun imprint was given to you by Lord Sorcerer God. Only Sorcerer God can see you through it, and she hasn't appeared for many years. I don't know what she is up to. I want to ask something. I can't ask anything, I hope there is nothing wrong."

   Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, "You think too much, why is there something wrong with the witch god."

   "Yes, as you practitioners said, I am unreasonably worried, hahaha, hahaha."

   suddenly burst into laughter, with an indelible worry in his eyes.

  How could you not worry, as a divine envoy but did not get a response from the wizard for a long time, this kind of thing is still rare.

Zhou Shu took a picture of him and said with a smile, "It must be okay. Not long ago, I borrowed the power of the wizard **** Zhu Rong, or twice. It really helped me a lot. This time you go back. You must Thank her for me, and if I have a chance, I will thank her myself."


   Suddenly it was stunned, with joy and surprise, "You and the wizard **** have borrowed twice? Are you sure you got it from the mark?"

   Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "I'm sure, once it was dealing with the believers of Shebi Corpse, and the other was dealing with the mark of Blood Wish Demon Venerable. It was a great help."

   "Extravagant corpse~www.ltnovel.com~Mozun?"

   suddenly seemed to be stunned, looking at Zhou Shu, his eyes were a little straight.

   After a long time, he sighed leisurely, "You are amazing, brother Baima, the enemies you meet are all extraordinary, but..."

   Looking at him who was silent for a while, Zhou Shu frowned, "To put it bluntly, hiding and holding is not your character."

"Such an enemy, any witch **** will be very cautious. I have never heard of such things as sending power to you directly with a mark..." Suddenly looked at Zhou Shu and shook his head, "I now know why the witch **** Your lord will give you the Huoman Bible instead of me."

   Zhou Shu paused, "Is this going to cause trouble to Zhu Rong Wushen?"

   suddenly nodded, and slowly said, "If you don't talk about yourself, think of the wizard **** first, then she will not give you the power in vain."

Zhou Shu stared at him, "The impact is great? I really don't understand this aspect. If I knew it, I wouldn't ask the wizard to take advantage of it. If there is any trouble, tell me frankly. If I can help, I will definitely help. I just said it, pay for it."

   Suddenly shook his head and laughed, "Brother White Horse, Sorcerer God did not see you wrong."

   (PS: Thank you Xinglin Swordsman for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)


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