Fairy Winner

Chapter 3218: No explanation needed

     Zhou Shu frowned, before speaking, he suddenly pressed his shoulder hard, "You don't have to worry, it's useless to worry."

   Zhou Shu hesitated, "Can't I help?"

   "When you need your help, the Sorcerer will definitely speak to you. Since she didn't guide you, then it's fine."

Suddenly it seemed to be in a much better mood, "It’s very troublesome. After all, it provokes the Sorcerer God and the Demon Lord, but since the Sorcerer God has helped you, it will definitely be able to solve it. I think it’s nothing more than trading in exchange for believers or something. Things, we just wait."

   "It's okay to be okay."

   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, still a little worried.

I didn’t think about it too much when I borrowed the force, but now it’s really reckless. Then decide, of course, it is better not to encounter, try to improve the strength as soon as possible.

   "Why are you so verbose! It's okay."

   suddenly looked dissatisfied, "And you let me know that the Sorcerer God didn't have an accident, nor did it deliberately alienate me, then I can rest assured."

   Zhou Shu gave a strong punch, "Brother Elephant, you are thinking too much. You are such a divine envoy, who can't ask for it, so how can you be alienated."

Suddenly he stretched out his arm like a big tree, and put it back after thinking about it, "I think the witch **** values ​​you more. How has the previous suggestion been considered? If you are willing to come to the witch world, I think the witch **** can let you Be an envoy."

   Zhou Shu just shook his head, "I don't want to take your place, and I can't take it away."

   "Why, are you afraid that I will beat you up? Would you like to try?"

   Suddenly, a war spirit ignited in his eyes, and he looked around, as if looking for a suitable battlefield.

   Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Okay, this is the Kuiwei Realm, it is the Jiang family."

   Suddenly, it seemed to be stunned, clutching his head, "Also... I seem to have forgotten what I am going to do..."

   Zhu Huan hesitated, "My lord, you are here to investigate my disappearance."

   "Yes," suddenly turned around, a little confused, "Aren't you here?"

Zhu Huan felt helpless, "I just told the adults that this Master Zhou Shu saved me from the Demon Realm, and the Xuan Ming clan that caused me to be captured by the Demon Clan was also found, and now I’m locked in Huolin. Gu, but he wouldn't say anything."

   Suddenly, he thought a few times and nodded, "Well, I almost remember, brother Baima, thank you very much."

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "What's so polite, Zhu Huan also helped me a lot."

   "I will reward him, that Xuan Ming clan... take me to see first."

   suddenly stood up, his tone and expression became serious, and naturally a little more awe-inspiring, which made people daunting.

   Is it an envoy?

   Zhou Shu followed and got up, "I'll go over and take a look."

   suddenly nodded, "Okay, it's better to have you."

   Zhu Huan hurriedly led a few people there, a little surprised and a little bit happy.

Dealing with the Xuanming clan is entirely an internal matter of the Wu clan, and no outsiders are allowed to intervene. Even if this is the Jiang family's territory, they can't control it, but Zhou Shu actually proposed to go and watch, but the gods did not hesitate. accepted.

   The relationship between the two is very unusual. I did it right before.

   Fire Rin Valley was completely shrouded in steaming fire mist, like a furnace, and ordinary golden immortals would not dare to approach it, let alone stay in it.

   I can imagine the situation of the Xuan Ming clan.

   Sure enough, he was left in a corner, showing no energy, but there was still a circle of blue light around his body, and he was not completely conquered by the fire.

   Zhu Huan looked at him with disdain, "Cang Dun, our lord is here."

   Cangton opened his eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed, not because of the sudden appearance, but Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru, there were practitioners here.

   frowned and realized that something was wrong.

   suddenly stared at him condescendingly, and suddenly shouted, "Stand up!"

   It seemed that there was a spring suddenly under his body, and it bounced after a sudden pause, or because of nervousness, he also seemed a lot more serious.

   suddenly sternly, "Are you a member of the Xuanming clan who colluded with the demons?"

Cang Dun settled his mind, and smiled reluctantly, "My lord, please don't talk nonsense. The Xuanming people can't tolerate this slander. If you let Master Cang Jue know this, you might have to start a war of the Wu clan. Up."

   Suddenly the voice became louder, "You let him fight, am I afraid he won't make it?"

   Cang paused, not knowing how to speak for a while.

He has been interrogated countless times in the past. As long as he said something that might trigger a war between the Witch clan, other people would not dare to ask more. Unexpectedly, it won’t work now. It doesn’t make sense. The two clans have been in peace for tens of thousands of years. No one wants to start a dispute first.

  He paused, "My lord God Envoy, fight as you say you want to. Are you sure you can represent the will of God Zhu Rong Shaman? Lord Cang Jue would not be happy to speak like this.

   "As a divine envoy, you can naturally represent the wizard god!"

Suddenly he said categorically, "Whatever I say is what I say, Cang Jue is uncomfortable, it's my shit, if I have the courage to fight, I will ask you again now, you are a member of the Xuan Ming tribe who is in collusion with the demons? Shock!"

   Cang Dun closed his eyes, "No."

   "You mean we wronged you?"

   Suddenly it seemed to look at Zhu Huan, "Zhu Huan, how many Xuan Ming people are there in the Kui Kui realm?"

   Zhu Huan thought for a while, "There are more than forty."

   suddenly nodded, "Catch them all, is there a problem?"

   "No! I'm going to find a tribe."

   Zhu Huan quickly agreed with a smile on his face, "Although we have few people, we have a lot of enthusiasm in the Quebec world and have a natural advantage. They are not our opponents."

   suddenly waved, "Go."

   Cang was taken aback, "My lord, what do you want to do?"

   suddenly seemed to sneer, "Of course I sent them all to the demon world as slaves."

   Cang Dun was anxious, and he couldn't think of such a rough handling method, and he held back for a while, "You...you are deliberately starting a war!"

   "Call me Lord God Envoy! The Xuan Ming clan is so rude?"

Suddenly, like a slap in the past~www.ltnovel.com~, it was beaten up and down, but did not fall, "Tell you, I am not provoking a war, but a tooth for a tooth. If you harm my people, you must get retribution. Forty, barely lost."

   Cang Dun glared at him, "My lord, if you want to send me, what does it have to do with them?"

   "This is my way, no need to explain to you."

Suddenly he looked at him steadily, "Either you tell me about the collusion with the Demon Race, and I will only solve you alone, or all the Xuanming Race people I meet are responsible for you, you There are still options."

   Cang Dun couldn't help it anymore, "You are totally unreasonable, you deliberately want the two clans to fight!? Then you are the sinner of the two clans!"

   "You colluded with the demons, isn't it for war?"

   suddenly shook his head, "What is Cang Jue thinking about, do you think we Zhurong clan knows nothing? When it comes to sinners, Cang Jue is the first."

   Cang Dun's face changed drastically, and he slowly went down.

   (PS: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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