Fairy Winner

Chapter 3220: hope so

Zhao Yueru stagnated, "You said before that he was scheming and smart."

"It used to be. As far as this matter is concerned, he is stupid."

Suddenly it seemed that he couldn’t help saying, “It’s just to lead the wolf into the room. He probably took advantage of Xuan Ming to do nothing and wanted to do a big deal, but he really wanted to do it. It is a disaster for the Zhu Rong clan, and for the Xuan Ming clan. It's not the same. Once Xuanming discovers that the Demon Race has invaded the vicinity of the Xuanming Realm, his divine envoy is absolutely gone, and he will still be punished by the divine. Of course, even if he receives a heavier punishment, he will not be able to make up for the loss of the two races."

Zhou Shu paused, "Brother Xiang, I don't understand Cang Jue, but I don't think things are that simple."

"Why not?"

Suddenly he said anxiously, "Cang Dun has said very clearly. Cang Jue planned for so long to lure the demons to the Kuaiwei Realm. It is impossible for him to tell lies. He deliberately deceived me. Cang Jueyi didn't know that Cang Dun would frame Zhu Huan, and second, he didn't know that I was coming to the Kuaiwei Realm. If he could even count these and deliberately let Cang Dun come to lie to me, then he would be even more powerful than the Sorcerer God."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I'm not saying that Cangdun lied to you, but I think Cangdun may not know the complete plan and cannot get all the information from him."

Suddenly, the image was stunned, "What else does Cang Jue want to do, isn't it enough to attract demons?"

"I do not know."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You said, Cang Jue is really stupid to do this, and I think so. Everyone thinks it is stupid. Will a divine envoy who has ruled the witchcraft world for nearly ten thousand years do it? I think he should have a future. Hands, or whatever."

Suddenly he seemed puzzled, "Is there a back player? The demons have come in, what else can he do?"

Zhou Shu asked back, "What will you do if you change?"

Suddenly, he thought for a while, and sighed, "You can't let the Demon Race really occupy the Kuiwei Realm. The devilish energy will spread over the Great Wall, and the Witch Realm will definitely suffer. If I were him, I'm afraid I can only fight with the Zhurong Clan first. We drove the Demon Clan out together, but it was not flattering to do so. The Kui Kui Jie did not say, Zhu Rong Clan would hate him, and the Demon Clan might launch a war against the Xuan Ming Clan alone. No matter how you look at it, he did not. benefit."

Zhou Shu paused, "He can ignore the Kuiwei Realm and even take the opportunity to attack the Zhu Rong clan."

"This is impossible."

Suddenly it seemed to be very resolute, "The territories of the witch world are determined by the witch **** after consultation. If Cang Jue wants to occupy the witch world of the Zhu Rong clan and start a war in the witch world, the witch **** will immediately intervene, and Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming I have played many times without results, this time there will be no difference, regardless of victory or defeat, but for Cang Jue, there will only be one result, and there is no doubt that he will die."

He glanced at Zhou Shu, "So I said he was stupid enough."

"So he will definitely have a back hand."

On the contrary, Zhou Shu took it more seriously, "Cang will never bet everything for such a plan that is not complicated or even has a low success rate. For him, power and life cannot be lost, what do you think?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be stunned, "You said that...I also think something is wrong, what could it be?"

Zhou Shu thought for a few breaths and could only shake his head, "I don't know yet, I'm afraid I have to wait."

Suddenly, his face looked solemn, "Wait? If the Demon Race really comes over, the clansmen can't leave if they want to leave."

Zhou Shu said, "Then I can't do anything. I don't have any more clues. I can't make the right decision. If I do it randomly, it will be wrong. It's impossible to ask Cang Jue now. Even if you find him, I'm afraid He won't tell you either."

"I'm going to find him what to do, he seems to never leave the mysterious world."

Suddenly it seemed to touch his head, hesitatingly said, "Then there is always something to be done? Knowing such a plan, do you just wait for them to do it?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "You don't need to do anything more. Your appearance in the Kuiwei Realm is a big change for the Xuanming and Demons. After they know, most of them will not launch an offensive at this time. We wait here and should be able to get more clues."

Zhao Yueru said hastily, "That's right, they didn't expect that the Zhu Rong clan envoy would come."

Zhou Shu nodded, "And Cang Dun is dead, Cang Jue will also react."

Suddenly it seemed to understand something, "What you mean is that we wait for Cang Jue to move first, and then we will move again."

Zhao Yueru said slowly, "Then you have to keep an eye on the Xuanming clan here, and when they pass the news, catch them and ask them carefully."

Zhou Shu paused, "I guess the Xuan Ming clan here is not aware of it. Cang Jue is all abandoned children. Cang Jue will definitely not use these people to execute the plan, because I don't know if they will be bought by the Jiang family. , Of course you can also try, but the premise is not to let them and the Jiang family know."

Zhao Yue said suspiciously, "They are all abandoned? There must be some news here, right."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It shouldn't be there. I checked. Except for Cang Jue, no one of the Xuanming clan has come and left during this period. The Jiang family does not allow aliens or magical instruments with the mark of the sun or lunar yin to reside. To deliver the message, you can only leave the Kuaiwei world."

Suddenly nodded, "Yes, this is the request of the Jiang family. They are worried that the wizard **** will drop or transmit power, and will not allow strong men with imprints to come. Zhu Huan was arrested when he was sending news to Zhurongjie. In fact, this is a superfluous rule. If there are no major issues, we will definitely not send such a strong person to the Kuiwei world."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Most of the Xuanming clan can still spread the news, but not through these people."

Zhao Yueru and Suddenly Xiang were both stunned, "Is there a traitor in the Jiang family?"

"It's almost certain."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Without a rape, Cang Jue's plan is difficult to proceed. They don't know if the Jiang family is gone, if the Demon Clan comes over, he has to count on the **** and Xuanming Clan to respond, otherwise. So easy to destroy the defense of the Kuiwei Realm."

Suddenly he said with joy, "If you find him out, will things be easier? He must know more plans."

"How easy is it, there are thousands of people in the Jiang family."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Everything is speculation. You don’t have any evidence to investigate, and Jiang’s family won’t let you do it. They are no less alert to you than to the Xuanming people. If you think it’s a rape, they may It will be protected."

"Yes, to them~www.ltnovel.com~ we are the same as the Xuan Ming clan."

Suddenly the image stagnated, a little unsure, "If it weren't for the request of the witch god, I really don't want to pay attention to them... I want to say that they shouldn't even be allowed to settle here at the beginning, there is no benefit, all bad, something happened. I have to help."

Zhou Shu smiled, "If you talk like this, it's considered disrespectful to the wizard god."

Suddenly he shook his head, "I think the witch **** is still very good at talking. I have said similar things a lot better, and there is no punishment."

Zhao Yueru followed with a smile, "No wonder the witch **** ignores you now, hehe."

Suddenly the image stagnated, "Brother White Horse, then I will continue to wait?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "It won't be long before there will be changes."

"hope so."

Suddenly looking at Huo Rin Valley, he shook his head, "This is the biggest trouble I have encountered since I became an envoy."

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