Fairy Winner

Chapter 3221: Divine envoy to stay

Zhu Huan hurriedly walked into the valley and saluted, "My lord, the old Jiang Ji of the Jiang family has come to visit you."

Suddenly the image paused, "Let him in."

After a while, Jiang Ji strode forward, raised his hand and smiled, "The envoy is working hard, I'm so busy when I come."

Suddenly it seemed to be polite, "What's the matter with the clan elder?"

Jiang Ji smiled and said, "Is the divine envoy finished handling the matter here? We have prepared a feast for the divine envoy."

"You have all seen it, so there is no need to ask."

Suddenly, he said faintly, "Hospitality is difficult, so let's go, but my brother also wants to go together."

"Zhou Zunjia?"

Jiang Ji glanced at Zhou Shu and looked embarrassed, "Divine Envoy, we have important things to discuss with you. As for Zhou Zunjia, he is also our distinguished guest. You can host another banquet for him at any time. That's the companionship of the divine envoy."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Brother Elephant, go by yourself, I have things to do."

Suddenly, he didn't say much, and left with Jiang Ji.

In the Zhuxian Hall on the edge of Lieshan Hall, a feast of delicacies has already been set up, and the two clan elders are there, just waiting for the banquet.

After the greeting, he suddenly seemed to say very directly, "Clan elders, if you have anything, please tell me quickly."

He didn't like the Jiang family, and didn't want to fight for it.

Jiang Ji and Jiang Mi looked at each other, and Jiang Mi said in a slow voice, "It's mainly to discuss the affairs of the Zhurong tribe in the Quebec world."

"Do you still need the power of the sun?"

Suddenly frowned, "We don’t have many fire-seekers in our clan. If the long-term expectation is here, they will not be able to absorb the power of the wizard **** to grow. It will be harmful to them and the Zhurong clan. At present, we can get these The clansman is already at the limit, and no amount of them will work."

"Haha, the envoy thinks too much."

Jiang Su laughed unconsciously, "We are not asking for people, and the Zhu Rong clan has helped us so much, so why are we embarrassed to ask for it?"

Suddenly nodded, "What is that?"

Jiang Su said slowly, "To be honest, now our research on certain things has reached a bottleneck stage. Without progress, we don't need the power of the sun to maintain it temporarily. In other words, your Zhurong tribe can temporarily Go back to Zhu Rongjie."

Suddenly it seemed to be slightly stagnant, "No more people?"

Jiang Ji hurriedly said, "Yeah, they have worked hard enough. They haven't seen their family members for so long, so it's time to go back and have a good rest."

Suddenly it seemed to think of something, "Where is the Xuanming clan?"

Jiang Su paused and nodded, "Similarly, we don't need their power for the time being."

Suddenly looking at them, I quickly understood, and laughed, "You think that the Zhu Rong clan and the Xuan Ming clan are about to fight soon, and you don't want our fight to affect your Kuiwei world, so let both clans leave as soon as possible. Right?"

Jiang Ji was stagnant, and he didn't expect to be so blunt suddenly, "This..."

Jiang Su was very calm, "There are two great witch races involved, as well as the participation of the demons. We are very weak and it is really inconvenient to intervene. Please forgive me."

Suddenly I thought about it, but couldn't help but sighed, "Do you think that the Xuanming clan and the demons are colluding to deal with our Zhurong clan?"

"Is not it?"

Jiang Ji nodded subconsciously.

Jiang Wei pondered for a few breaths, "Isn't it because of the Zhu Rong clan or because of something? It can't be the Kuiwei world."

Jiang Ji laughed unconsciously, "That's right, the three major forces are just to deal with us in the Kuaiwei Realm? The God Envoy is a little tricky, right?"

Suddenly he stood up and sneered, "Since you think so, then I won't say much, two clan elders, I agree to your request, Zhu Rong people will withdraw from the Kuiwei realm soon."

Jiang Ji stood up, trying to say something, but he was still holding the bottom, "Don't blame the gods, I am not clear about this, please enlighten me."

Suddenly the elephant stood there, and said solemnly, "The news I found out here is that the Xuanming Clan intends to let the Demon Clan invade your Kuaiwei Realm."

"Isn't it?"

"That Cang Dun said it? No wonder he wants us to go to the wizarding world, he wants to adjust the tiger away from the mountain?"

"Impossible, how dare the Xuan Ming clan attack us..."

Jiang Ji was shocked, and Jiang Mi groaned, all with an unbelievable expression.

Suddenly he said in a slow voice, "Yes, as Cang Dun said, it is not convenient for the Xuanming clan to start, so let the demon clan come. Of course, the two of them don't believe it."

"Second brother, what should I do?"

Jiang Ji's face has changed, "The Xuanming clan actually came for us. Where did we offend them, and the evil hands? Not only did we collude with the demons, but also let us go to the witch world to participate in the ceremony of recruiting the moon. Want us to annihilate the race!"

Jiang Su kept his composure and said slowly, "If this is the case, the matter will be serious."

"You two consider it slowly, I'll leave first."

Suddenly, he glanced at the two of them, then turned and was about to leave.

Jiang Su hurriedly said, "Let’s stay with the ambassador. For today’s matter, let’s not say anything about it. Don’t worry about the ambassador. We still need the power of the sun from the Zhu Rong tribe. We also hope that God Zhu Rong can help us. I’m really sorry. ."

"I have to think about it again."

Suddenly, I felt a gust of disgust rushing toward my throat, and I would have an attack if I didn't go, waved my hand and went straight.

Jiang Ji looked anxious, "Second brother, what he said is true? We knew that we should take the first trial of that languor."

"We can't ask."

Some melancholy appeared on Jiang Mi's face, "It may be true. I didn't expect the Xuanming clan to betray us."

"Go to the senior scholar."

Jiang Ji said anxiously, "The old scholar knows how to deal with them. If it is really done by the Xuanming clan, it must be painful for them."

Jiang Su nodded, "Only the bookkeeper can solve this matter. We can't handle it, whether it's the Xuanming clan or the demon clan, but where is the bookkeeper? He always came to our Jiang family, but we couldn't find him."

"This is really troublesome. The bookkeeper seems to be hiding from us, and he didn't even leave us the means of contact."

Jiang Ji almost pulled off his beard. "I remember there were two book temples in the world before, where you could communicate with the old scholar, but now they are gone."

Jiang Su smiled bitterly ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was long gone. After the paternal head annoyed the old scholar, the temple collapsed, and it collapsed soon after it was rebuilt. Maybe it was because we felt that we were overwhelmed and didn't want us to take the initiative to find him. Right. "

"We don't have a Patriarch anymore, does he still refuse to forgive us."

Jiang Ji's expression was a little ugly, "But he can't watch the Kuiwei Realm being invaded by the Demon Race and the Xuanming Race, right?"

Jiang Wei's face turned sharply, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course it's impossible! Kuiwei Realm and Shulao are closely related, and he is absolutely impossible to give up. I think... I have seen these things now. After the danger, I will definitely not sit back and watch."

Jiang Ji's eyes lit up, "Then what should we do?"

Jiang Su nodded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Of course I have to do something, such a big thing will not appear for no reason, first carefully check the Xuan Ming clan, and the Jiang family..."

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelids with Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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