Fairy Winner

Chapter 3222: Big difference

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Did you tell them?"

Suddenly nodded, "I didn't hold it back for a while, not to mention that the Jiang family was too cheap. It was originally the Jiang family who brought the matter. We tried to solve this problem, but they had nothing to do and wanted to drive us out. What is the reason? "

"you are right."

Zhou Shu could only nod his head and said solemnly, "But then, there is no room for things. The Jiang family will purge the family, drive out the Xuanming clan, prepare to defend against the demons, and you must make a choice."

Suddenly, he felt a few breaths and sighed, "Will you go or stay? Go away, the Jiang family disappeared, and the Demon Race over the Void Great Wall can slowly erode the Witch Realm. If you stay, you will fight the Demon Race. How many people are trapped, no matter what they do, the Zhu Rong clan cannot bear it."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I shouldn't bear it either."

Suddenly said angrily, "Things that are completely useless are the same for the Xuanming clan. What is the point of doing this? To the demons and all the witch clan, there can only be one attitude, which is to resolutely keep them out. That Cang Jue... was either stupid or mad. Xuan Ming was also stupid. He actually let him be a divine envoy and attracted the demons, but he killed himself."

Even the witch **** scolded, and I didn't know if Xuan Ming could hear it.

Zhou Shu patted him, "Brother Elephant, don't worry."

Suddenly, there was a pause, but I couldn't help it, and the anxiety in my heart exploded, "How can I not be in a hurry?! This is what determines the fate of the Zhu Rong clan, and I can't contact the Zhu Rong shaman now."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "Even if she is there, you still have to do things."

Suddenly he hesitated, "But it is better to have her tell me what to do than to make this choice myself."

"When you become a divine envoy, you will lose your own opinion? It can only convey the will of God?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "Brother Elephant, you weren't like that in the Xuanhuang Realm before. I remember that when you accepted Zhu Rong's inheritance, you were very opinionated and asked. Why can't you do things without the guidance of the Wizard? Don't you think that the witch **** ignores you, maybe he wants to train you?"

Suddenly, I was shocked, "I...but this matter is a bit bigger."

Zhou Shu looked at him seriously, "The bigger things are, the better you can exercise."

Before I knew it, I suddenly seemed to relax slowly, "Brother White Horse, what you said is."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then what are you going to do?"

Suddenly it seemed to think for a while, "I'll stay here to see the situation first. Let the Jiang family send practitioners to the nearest Void Great Wall to observe the movements of the demons. If they find out earlier, they can make early plans and send some clansmen. Go to explore near the mysterious world, bring the fire-challing warbler..."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "What is Chau Huo Ying?"

Suddenly said, "The special witch beast that combines fire and water is invisible most of the time. It can also hide its aura very well in the mysterious world. It is difficult to be found. It has a very wide field of view and is very suitable for detection."

Zhou Shu paused, "Oh, don't forget to check out the Seven Star Realm too."

Suddenly, he thought for a while, "Seven Star Realm, you mean the realm that shines day and night, there is also a problem? But it doesn't seem to be the witch realm there. It's a bit difficult to lurch after the fire warrior, I try to find someone to try."

"Try it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Look, you have an idea so soon, you don't have to wait for the wizard **** to come."

Suddenly he sighed, "I can't do too much, just try my best. If there are too many demons, I can only take the clansmen to escape. This time I can only rely on these clansmen in the Kuaiwei Realm. I can't spread the news for the time being. I wish Rongjie, so as not to cause more confusion. By the way, I have something to ask you for help."

"It's the mark of the sun."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I will use it when you need it. I can't guarantee whether you can get a response. If you want it now, I can also try it."

Suddenly hesitated and waved his hand, "Forget it, I will do this first. If there are not so many demons, I don't have to alarm the Sorcerer God."

He left in a hurry, and Zhou Shu slowly walked back to Juding Mountain.

Zhao Yueru whispered, "Shu, what are we doing now?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Wait and see, there is nothing to do."

"No," Zhao Yueru shook her head quickly, "Quiwei is facing such a big danger, isn't it just the right time for you to show your strength and rectify the emperor's name? You help Shan Hai Jing against the demons, he is too embarrassed not to take Lin Zhu Hand it over?"

Zhou Shu continued to move forward, silent.

Zhao Yueru still couldn’t help it, “Although the Shan Hai Jing is powerful, it’s just a tool that can only control everything in the realm, and he can’t get involved in matters outside the realm. He has said so too, right, if the Demon Race breaks through the defenses Entering the Kuiwei realm, a large number of devilish bombs are put in, and the devilish energy will overflow, and the whole world will be contaminated. No matter how strong it is, it will be over. This is also the most terrifying place of the demon race. ."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I discussed with Hu Lao that the realm of the artifact is like this. After the virtual realm is transformed into the real realm, everything in the realm is omnipotent, but it is difficult to form a normal canopy outside the realm. The problem."

"That's it, this is when we shot."

Zhao Yueru said excitedly, "It can not only kill the demons and exercise, but also bring back Lin Zhu, and also rectify the name of the emperor."

Zhou Shu looked at her and smiled, "You like killing demons so much."

Zhao Yueru nodded involuntarily, earnestly, "Yes, I don't think the Demon Race should exist. This is the case in the Xuanhuang Realm, and the same is true for the heavens. They will only slaughter other races and can't do anything good, the dead Demon Race. It's a good demons."

Zhou Shu followed, "Of course the demons want to kill, but haven't they come yet? We are not the most anxious now."

What did Zhao Yueru understand, "When he needs us, will he come to us?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I think Shan Hai Jing must have known it a long time ago. He hasn't appeared yet, so we don't have to do more. After he appears, it won't be too late to do it, and I haven't figured it out yet, Cang I’m not familiar with the whole person, but it’s crazy to do something like this. There must be other things we don’t know."

"Even if he has any other players~www.ltnovel.com~ now he has to send his arrow on the string."

Zhao Yueru thought for a while and said, "Now the Zhu Rong clan and the Jiang family have started to act. The relationship between the Xuan Ming clan and the Jiang family and the Zhu Rong clan has been broken. Cang Jue can only proceed with his plan and must solve the Jiang family. , Otherwise there are all enemies around, so how can we gain a foothold here in the future?"

Zhou Shu suddenly said, "You are talking about the Jiang family, not the Kuiweijie?"

Zhao Yueru was a little at a loss, "What's the difference? Aren't the Jiang family and Kuiweijie together?"

"There is a big difference."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, as if thinking of something, "I thought, Cang Jue's use of the Demon Race to solve it may not be the Kuiwei Realm, but the Jiang Family. He wants the Kuiwei Realm."

Zhao Yueru didn't understand even more, "The realm occupied or destroyed by the demons is either the dead realm or the demon realm. What use is he coming?"

(PS: Thank you Mondo for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~~)

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