Fairy Winner

Chapter 3223: Listen well

Zhou Shu nodded, "Kuiwei Realm becomes the Demon Realm, and he has no advantage, but if the Kuiwei Realm does not become the Demon Realm, he can benefit from it."

Zhao Yueru is still confused, "It is difficult to be invaded by the demons, and it is difficult to change the demons. Even if he does, he is a wizard of the witch tribe. He will get a world or a world of divine tools. What is the use and what benefits can he get?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This is something I haven't figured out yet. Maybe Cang Jue himself is useless, but he can use it to exchange benefits with others."

"Yes, they must also know the secrets of the Kuiwei Realm, but the only ones who want divine tools are practitioners."

Zhao Yueru's expression condensed slightly, and she was surprised, "Could it be that Cang Jue not only contacted the Demon Race, but also the Immortal Realm? How could it be possible?"

"It's hard to tell, but it's obviously good for Cang Jue to do so."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Using the Demon as a tool to solve the Jiang family, it triggered a war between the Witch and the Demon, forcing the Zhurong and the Demon to fight each other, and then he won the Kuiwei Realm and exchanged it with the Immortal Realm in exchange for benefits. The Jiang family is gone, Kuiwei The world changes hands, and the Xuanming clan loses the restriction of the artifact, and may be able to drag the Zhu Rong clan, their biggest opponent, into the quagmire of war. Besides, they and the immortal world have a basis for cooperation. The immortal world does not want the Jiang family to continue to exist, but the artifact in the hands of the Jiang family is It must be obtained, just to get the Xuanming clan to cooperate, the immortal world must pay a very large benefit to be able to convince Cang Jue."

Zhao Yueru was unconsciously amazed, "If this is the case, then the benefits must be amazing."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Yes, maybe it's the technology or talent that is subverting the current situation."

Zhao Yueru's heart tightened, "Could it be a teleportation array?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Although the teleportation array is good, the Wu Clan doesn't know its value, and will not use it if you know it. Besides, if the Xuanming Clan wants a teleportation array, it is better to find the Jiang family directly than to the immortal world, definitely not."

Zhao Yueru was relieved, "That's good."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "In any case, this kind of complicated plan requires too much, no matter which step you make a mistake, Cang Jue himself may be forever, unless"

Zhao Yue said suspiciously, "Except what?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Unless he did it at the instruction of the wizard god, then there is nothing to worry about."

Zhao Yueru stagnated, "In other words, Xuan Ming really intends to do something with the Zhu Rong clan? That's a big deal."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Now things are very big, haha, but these are just speculations. What is clear is that the Xuanming clan really wants to solve the problem of being restricted by the Kuiwei realm through the demon clan. Maybe they want to do it. Only this."

"It's as simple as that."

Zhao Yueru didn't realize it, "We just want to find Lin Zhu. How come so many things have happened? Why doesn't that Shanhaijing come out anymore?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I will come out when it's time to come out, right now is not the time."

Having arrived at the Giant Dingshan Mountain, Zhou Shu casually searched for a quiet place, and started practicing with peace of mind. Suddenly, several days passed.

The realm where Lin Zhu is in a predicament is also trapped in it. He is still so leisurely. For this reason, Zhao Yueru has not complained less, but Zhou Shu is very clear-headed and things are really big. What is known and unknown, all forces will be there. The Kuiwei world gathered, but before finding the key, it is difficult to make a big impact with the power of two people, so it is better to stand still.

Even Shan Hai Jing is waiting for it.

Zhu Huan came in a hurry, with layers of sadness hovering over his face, "Master Zhou Shu, the envoy invites you to discuss matters."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu stood up, "Is there any definite news?"

Zhu Huan sighed, "The Jiang family found a temporary magic tunnel near the Void Great Wall. It appears to have been built not long ago. Judging from the concentration of residual magic energy, many powerful demons have entered the witches through the tunnel. Boundary."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "I just found out?"

Zhu Huan was worried, "Yes, I have been exploring around the Great Wall close to the Kuiwei Realm before, but I didn’t expect that they put the passage far away, closer to the Xuan Ming Realm. Every Witch Realm has it. For the fragments of the Void Great Wall he is guarding, the Demon Race can come from there without the permission of the Xuanming Clan. This is enough to prove that the Xuanming Race and the Demon Race are indeed colluding together."

Not long after, Zhou Shu entered the Lieshan Temple.

The main hall of the Kuiwei Realm, which was bright on weekdays, was still brightly lit at this time, but it seemed extremely depressing.

Everyone inside looked solemn and said nothing.

Jiang Ji and Jiang Mi are there, the clan elder from Lei Lei Mountain is also there, there are also two golden immortals, and of course Xiang and two Zhurong clan are also listed.

Jiang Su took a few steps and saluted respectfully, "I take the liberty to please come, I'm really sorry, I really want to discuss something with him."

"It's all the same, it doesn't hurt to say something,"

Zhou Shu raised his hand, walked quickly to the side of Sudden Elephant, nodded lightly, Suddenly shouted Brother White Horse, with a solemn expression.

Jiang Su looked around for a week and said in a slow voice, "Everyone knows about it. The demons have passed through the Great Wall of the Void. The number is still unclear, but it is roughly estimated that there are at least 20 great demons. Everyone knows. In the war of tribes, a great demon king will at least bring hundreds of thousands of demons to attack at the same time. That is to say, at least several million demons are ready to take action against the Kuaiwei Realm, and the magic channel is not closed, it is very likely There will be demons who will continue to come."

No one speaks.

Jiang Wei paused, "Divine Envoy, as the actual master of Zhurong Realm, you have the power of the witch **** and inherit the will of the witch god. Now in the Kuiwei Realm, you definitely don't want the demons to occupy the Kuiwei Realm, the frontier of the Zhurong Realm. Right? I don’t know what the god’s envoy has, or how to retreat from the enemy.

Suddenly it seemed to hesitate for a few breaths, "I am not familiar with the Kuiwei Realm. If the clan elder has any thoughts, I might as well say it first, and I will see if I can help."


Jiang Wei nodded lightly and turned to Zhou Shudao~www.ltnovel.com~ The superb driving strength was recognized by the guardians of the Kuiwei world, and he was also the emperor of the Xuanhuang world. It can be described as the nemesis of the demons. The race that all the heavens hate must have unique insights, and I am waiting to listen to them. "

Zhou Shu said calmly, "For the demons, it's naturally best to keep them away."

"Yes, once the demonic energy invades a lot, the Kuaiwei world is in danger."

Jiang Su nodded, and said sincerely, "I don't know what method can I do to keep so many demons out? I don't know that he has killed countless demons from the Xuanhuang world to the heavens. A lot of experience can teach us, it’s not that I’m waiting to belittle myself, I really haven’t had much dealings with the demons, and the formation of the Kuaiwei Realm is not strong enough to stop so many demons.”

"For the demons, I will do my best to punish them, but, clan elders, let me talk about your plans first. I don't know your current situation, and I can't say any practical way."

Zhou Shu sighed, just like suddenly, choosing to wait and see first.

: Thank you Chen Shihong for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted

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