Fairy Winner

Chapter 3224: of course not

An unsearchable sorrow flashed across Jiang Mill's face, and he slowly said, "The old man will say a few words first."

In a few words, it is actually a long story, but the focus is on two points, strengthening defenses, seeking assistance, um, there is no plan to abandon the world, and it is impossible.

Jiang Su looked at the sudden appearance, and said slowly, "Xuanming clan and Zhurong clan have always been at odds. Now the Xuanming clan ignores the rules of the witch world and draws the demons to the witch world, putting Zhu Rong world in danger. Maybe just ignore it, it's time to let the wizard **** to stop it, right?"

Very direct advice, more like an order.

Suddenly his expression changed slightly, "The clan elder made a mistake, right? As a divine envoy, he can only obey the will of the witch god, not instruct the witch god. If the Xuanming clan really invades Zhurong Realm, the witch **** will definitely not sit back and watch, but Kui Wei The realm does not belong to the Zhurong realm, nor does it belong to any witch realm. It is impossible for the witch **** to appear.

Jiang Su was very calm, "It's the old man who has failed to speak, how can the witch gods work hard? But the envoy is in charge of the Zhurong tribe, so it's not difficult to send more tribesmen to defend it?"

"I've said it, clan elder."

Suddenly he shook his head, "The wizard **** has no instructions, and the envoy can't go over and mobilize the people to go to the outside world. I can't be the master."

Jiang Mi didn't speak, but Jiang Ji was a little angry, "You mean you can't tell the witch god, but the witch **** doesn't know you and you can't call someone to help, then it's impossible to call someone over?"

Suddenly nodded, "It is true."

Jiang Ji couldn't help but slapped down the table, "I mean, don't do anything? Don't forget, we can order you Zhu Rong clan! If you don't care, we have ways to deal with you, even one..."

Suddenly it seemed to look at him, with a cold expression on his face, "Clan elders, don't speak falsely."

"Jiang Ji, it's not your turn to speak, shut up!"

Jiang Mi sternly scolded, and even the third brother stopped screaming. Jiang Ji's figure was shocked, and he quickly stepped back and stopped talking.

Jiang Su bowed and saluted very seriously, "Don't mind the envoy, the third brother is too stupid, the old man apologizes, I also promise the Jiang family will never deal with the Zhu Rong clan, we have always been the best allies. "

Suddenly, he replied, "Clan elders, it's not that I don't help. The Zhurong people in the Kuiwei world, as well as myself, will all contribute to resist the demons."

"It is an honor for my Jiang family to be able to fight with the envoy."

Jiang Su lightly nodded, "How does the divine envoy plan to help us? I just said our plan."

Suddenly it seemed to ponder for a few breaths, "We Zhu Rong are not good at fighting in the void, and I didn’t have horned mammoths and chariots this time. I’m afraid I can only help in the realm. We will help you build a triple red crow fire wall. , Can stop the devil qi in a radius of one hundred thousand miles. If a demon race comes from here, it can also be handed over to us, but there can be no more than four great demon lords."

Jiang Wei showed a lot of joy, "That's great. The old man has heard of the Red Crow Fire. It is the top three flame of the Zhurong Clan. It is able to restrain the devilish energy. Thanks to the envoy, the Kuiwei world is grateful."

Jiang Ji was secretly frightened. With just a few dozen people, daring to deal with the four great demon kings, this divine envoy was really extraordinary.

"It just happened to be the meeting, you are welcome."

Suddenly nodded, but he sighed in his heart. This battle really fought, and I don't know how many people can be saved.

He has been busy with this issue these days, and even Zhou Shu didn’t have time to look for it, but the result was not so good. Zhu Rong still ignored it. The demons got closer and closer, and none of the people sent to the mysterious world came back. I can only fight here, I can't give up the Kuiwei world.

Suddenly, Jiang Mi got a satisfactory answer here, and felt a little relieved.

It was just a little loose, and now it can be said that it is the biggest crisis encountered since the establishment of the Kuiwei Realm.

A large number of demon races who do not know where they may invade at any time, turning the Kuiwei world into a demon domain, but the scholar has never shown up, is the scholar planning to abandon the Jiang family? This is impossible. The Demon Race doesn’t care about the Jiang Family and the Kuiwei Realm. Once in, the Kuiwei Realm will inevitably suffer, and the old scholar himself can’t protect himself, but he hasn’t appeared yet. What is he brewing, or he is sure to block it. Demon?

Thinking about it now, thousands of years ago, the Patriarch of the Jiang family was so stupid that even the scholar dared to offend the scholar, causing the temple to collapse, and even the means of actively contacting the scholar... What?

Jiang Ji's words just now proved that he is an out-and-out fool.

If it is the Xuanming clan to attack the Kuiwei Realm, you can also use the Shulao to knock on the side to force the Zhu Rong clan a little bit, but now the Xuanming clan has betrayed and drove the demons to come over, facing the demons, you can only offend you. Zhu Rong, his helper, isn’t that stupid or something? Isn't this driving the Zhu Rong clan to the Xuan Ming clan?

If the Zhu Rong clan is arrogant and allows the demon clan to occupy your Kuaiwei world, it will be comfortable and will no longer be restricted in the future.

Fortunately, this divine envoy is still nostalgic, and Zhu Rong clan is better than Xuan Ming clan.

Thinking, his gaze fell on Zhou Shu, and he didn't realize that he raised a lot of spirits. If Zhou Shu didn't say anything else, his strength was absolutely fine. Only a clone could defeat himself. If the main body was still here, it must be The best support the Kuiwei Realm can find at the moment, but how can he help him?

Jiang Su said warmly, "Respect, what do you think about our defense?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Very good, I think it should be enough that the demons can't break the defense of the Kuaiwei Realm."

Unlike others, he is not nervous at all.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t care about Kuiwei Realm and Lin Zhu, but I don’t need to be nervous now. The first mountain and sea classics did not appear. This is his realm. How could he not come out at the critical moment of life and death? The second Zhou Shu believed in Cang Jue. If the Demon Race won't destroy the Kuiwei Realm, then Cang Jue is really a lunatic, not so much.

Jiang Su stagnated, "Look at me and wait. This time the demons are coming, our defenses are far from enough. These formations can deal with ordinary demons, but they are not enough to deal with powerful demon kings. , If they come together in a concentrated manner, it will be really hard to stop the more than twenty Great Demon Lords."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "If so many great demon kings gather together, something will happen."

Jiang Su quickly nodded, "Yes, Jiang's family will definitely not be able to keep it."

Zhou Shu smiled~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s not that you have an accident. I said that the Great Demon has an accident. If so many equal-level Great Demon Lords act together, and there is no Demon Lord or the leader of the Demon Envoy, most of them will have infighting. If they fight internally, you can easily defend. "

"Respect, how can you pin your hopes on the inner conflict of the demons?"

Jiang Su frowned unconsciously, "Furthermore, maybe there is a magic envoy leading them, so it will be even more troublesome."

Zhou Shu said frankly, "If there is a magic envoy, it will be very difficult for the Kuaiwei Realm to hold it."

Jiang Ji stared at Zhou Shu and couldn't help but talk again. Under Jiang Mi's glaring, he froze back anyway. Jiang Mi's expression was slightly condensed, and he said slowly, "The respected driver said he was the emperor of the Xuanhuang world. Wouldn't you just sit back and watch the demons kill practitioners?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "If it were the emperor, of course it would not fail to help."

"Knowing that Zunjia will not let us down."

Jiang Mi nodded slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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