Fairy Winner

Chapter 3229: not very good

     "Here, can you go anywhere with this car?"

   "Yes, where are the seniors going, the little girl will send you over, soon, just in a thought."

   "The Emperor's Palace."

"Ah good."

   Blue shadows flashed, Zhou Shu appeared among the mountains.

Looking up, there is a vast palace complex, with mountains tens of thousands of miles around, all surrounded by crimson lacquered palace walls, five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, the corridors are back, and the eaves are high. Pecking, the total number of buildings is more than tens of millions. It is magnificent and magnificent at first glance, elegant and sophisticated, the palace is dancing with dragons and dragons, vast and mighty, several changhongs pass across the mountains, blooming with colorful splendor, sprinkling celestial clouds, reflecting the entire palace It is more brilliant, and the fairy palace is not as good.

   At a glance, I knew that I didn't come to the wrong place. This is undoubtedly the miracle of the Kuiwei world.

   Stand for a while, as if the real breeze quietly approached.

   This kind of breath is undoubtedly the source of the mountain and sea classics, but Zhou Shu didn't care, so he accepted it all.

   These breaths are all good products to enhance cultivation,

   There is a furnace in his body, he doesn't need to worry about any marks or the like, even if Shan Hai Jing is much stronger than Hu Lao.

Those who have been in and out of the world of refining monsters are equivalent to having the mark of the old man. The old man can perceive their whereabouts at any time, and if necessary, he can extract the origin and cause damage. This is also the same as the creatures from the Xuanhuang world. They all have the aura of Xuanhuang Realm.

   Zhou walked forward slowly, marveling at the magnificence and exquisiteness of the Emperor's Palace, and at the same time, he would pounce on his own origin and transform everything.

   Before I knew it, I had reached the top of the mountain.

   There is a thirteen-story tower in front of it. Its exquisiteness is more than that of the palace. It is a creation of heaven and it is by no means human.

   Zhou Shu stood there for a long time, sighing secretly, there was no way to enter.

There is a tower outside, but in his perception, this high tower emits five colors of light, and thousands of vortexes surround it, constantly suffocating vitality. There is no doubt that this tower is the core of the Emperor's Palace and the essence of the mountain and sea. Gathering, if you can enter the tower and have a look, you will have an understanding.

   "Hit this tower hard, will you come out?"

"You can try."

   Young Sanxian suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Shu, his expression unhappy.

   "Senior, see you again."

   Zhou Shu smiled and saluted, not surprised at all. He came here just to find this old scholar.

   how to find? If you touch something important to the old man, he will come out naturally.

   The young man looked indifferent and did not respond.

   Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Senior doesn't think it is a pity that there is no one living in such a big Emperor's Palace?"

   The young man looked at him, "Am I not a human?"

"Senior's huge foundation makes the younger generation amazed. The heavens can't match it. I think it's the Xianting Palace in the Louvre Realm. But it's a pity," Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "If this The Emperor’s Palace is in the immortal realm, and even in the Outland, it can attract countless strong people to stay. After waiting for a long time, the seniors will be promoted to the sacred artifact, which is not difficult."

   The young man did not move, but also showed a trace of disdain.

   Zhou Shu smiled, "What is the wish of the senior? Isn't it a sacred weapon?"

   The young man stagnated and glanced at Zhou Shu, "This is not what you should ask."

   "The junior is rude."

   Zhou Shu apologized very seriously, and said slowly, "The younger generation wants to see the senior, because I want to see the younger generation's old friend, the city lord, please seniors to make it."

   The young man said lightly, "You can come here, and you can find him yourself."

   "The younger generation is welcome."

   Zhou Shu smiled, his right hand slowly opened, the light suddenly rose, and the sky was full of fairy clouds.

   "You really have the bud of Jianmu."

   staring at Zhou Shu's palm, the young man was a little uncomfortable.

The green brilliance of Jianmu swayed all around. The vitality in the brilliance may not be as dense as that of the Imperial Palace, but the essence is surprisingly strong, like a sword that penetrates into the clouds or into the ground. After ten breaths, a rustling sound came from the ground, and the ground began to tremble slightly.

   It seems that something wants to come out.

   Zhou Shu looked at the young man, the young man sighed slightly, and did not stop.

   A little green stubbornly broke through the ground and continued to extend upwards. Soon, a green branch stood in front of the two of them.

   "Zhou Shu, you... how did you find this place, what you have is really the bud of Jianmu?"

The branch shook a few times, and gradually turned into a human form, not a baby or an old man, but a young man, a young man with anger and anger. Looking at Zhou Shu, he was surprised and happy, and then he noticed the young man opposite Zhou Shu. Frowned.

   Zhou Shu sighed with emotion, "I found you, Lord Mu."

   There is no reason to use Jianmu to seduce Jianshizhimu.

   City Lord Mu nodded, his gaze returned to the green light, "You... how come you have a bud of Jianmu?"

   Zhou Shu smiled, "A coincidence, Mu Chengzhu, you should be able to merge with it, right?"

   "Yes, but I haven't tried it, what?" Mu Chengzhu was shocked, "You said give it to me?!"

   "You can do it now."

   Zhou Shu let go, and the green light slowly descended, falling in front of Mu City Lord, who hesitated for a while before taking it.

As soon as he touched the green light, his body couldn't stop trembling, and soon his whole body became dark green, and bursts of green smoke emerged one after another, wrapping him in a ball, still expanding outward. .

   "Can't bear it, I will go back to the root of the tree, or it will burst."

   City Lord Mu exclaimed, and hurriedly went down, the green light also disappeared into the ground.

   The young man looked at Zhou Shu with a hint of surprise, "You gave it to him like this?"

   Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "Ah, do you want it too?"

   "Is there any more if I want you? Ridiculous."

   The young man seemed to be a little annoyed, "I don't want it, and I'll give it to him if I want to come, let's talk, what do you want, I won't take your things for nothing."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Senior made a mistake. I didn't give it to him to ask for something from Senior, but because he was my friend in the Xuanhuang Realm, and helped me many times. It is normal for me to help him once now~www. ltnovel.com~A liar? You give it to him first, isn't it because you are afraid that I will refuse? You want to find what I want, it must be a great treasure, right?"

The young man sneered, "But you are wrong. I don't know what you want, but I tell you that there will be no better treasure than the Bud of Jianmu in the heavens and the earth. You may be the only one in the whole heavens. The bud of Jianmu still contains so many vigorous buds of Jianmu. It is possible for it to grow up. With it, it means that it is possible to get a good Jianmu!"

   Zhou Shu asked back, "If you give it to him, is it more likely to get a good build?"

The young man was stunned, "Of course, Jianshizhimu itself is a descendant of Jianmu. After years of cultivation, I now have the bud of Jianmu. If he cannot become the first Jianmu within two hundred years, I ..."

   Zhou Shu came interested, "How about senior?"

   The young man calmed down and smiled, "Not very good, 100% successful things, I don't have any need to assume."

   Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "I also feel that those few words just now don't resemble the temperament of the predecessors, they are too calm."

"What do you know?"

   The young man was a little angry, "He will be the first Jianmu since the collapse of Jianmu. Don't you know what does this mean?!"


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