Fairy Winner

Chapter 3230: Don't listen

     Zhou Shu nodded calmly, "It means that Xuanhuang Realm has taken the first step of recovery."

   The young man's complexion changed, and he looked at Zhou Shu for a while before he said, "Recovering the mysterious yellow world?"

"Is not it?"

   Zhou Shu said earnestly, "The glory of the Xuanhuang Realm begins with Jianmu, so its recovery will naturally begin with the renewal of Jianmu."

   The young man stared at Zhou Shu, seeming to have figured out something, "Is this your consciousness as a human emperor?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This is the enlightenment of every Profound Yellow Realm human being. I believe that the predecessors must also have it. Otherwise, why do you vigorously cultivate Mu City Lord? I can see that it is completely different from when it was first promoted. Hunyuan Jinxian can't match it. Senior must have put in a lot of hard work, senior."

   After finishing speaking, he paid a salute.

   The young man's expression was stagnant, but he took a few steps back, "I cultivate it with my own ideas, not what you think."

   Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, "Senior is humble, what do seniors think represents?"

   The young man hesitated for a few moments, "It represents... that he has realized a great unparalleled wish."

   Zhou Shu seems to understand something, "Then seniors can deepen their understanding of the law of desire, or can they draw a lot of desire power from it?"

   "Lin Zhu told you about it."

The young man regained his calmness and said calmly, "Yes, what I practice is the law of wish. I help people realize their wishes and gain strength. The bigger the wish, the more I get. It is rare and possible to become a Jianmu. I will not let go of my wish for success."

   Zhou Shu pondered for a few breaths, "Is this how the law of desire is practiced?"

  The young man took a trace of complacency, "What else can I do? This is the best way."

   Zhou Shu understood something, and slowly said, "There are thousands of practitioners in the Kuiwei world, and there are also many alien races. Does the senior help each one?"

"of course not."

The young man shook his head, "There are some wishful thinking, and you can’t help if you want to help, but it’s ridiculous that most people’s wishes are like this. You don’t have to ask more, you can tell at a glance, there is no value in helping. As for the alien race, it seems to be different from the cultivator. I tried it a few times, but there was no good result."

   Zhou Shu paused, "For example, Zhu Liang?"

   Zhou Shu still remembers the person who betrayed the Zhu Rong clan inexplicably.

The young man nodded, "It's me. I can see what he wants in his heart. I helped him a little bit, but he is too stupid. He is just a flying sword. He has to consult with someone. Such a person wants to become Divine Envoy? Doomed to be impossible."

   As expected, Zhou Shu said calmly, "Where are those creatures and beasts?"

  The young man slowly said, "I gave them their existence, and I also hope that they can have a wish, but I can't see it now."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "So seniors have been looking for and helping those who have big aspirations. Only when they realize their wishes can seniors get the most and best aspirations, and I who have no wishes, seniors must not like me. "

   The young man shook his head, "You just refused to say it."

   Zhou Shu is very serious, "I'm not saying it, I don't care, I believe that by sticking to my heart, I will get what I want, no need to make a wish."

The young man looked at him, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, "Just say goodbye, no practitioners don’t want to live forever, no strong people don’t want to be holy, you are one of the most gifted humans I have ever seen, if you have the ambition to be holy , I will find a way to help you do it, don’t think I’m lying to you."

   Zhou Shu paused, "I take the liberty to ask, if I realize my wish, you can also realize your wish."

   The young man smiled faintly, "Yes, but I can do it without you."


Zhou Shu looked at the tower, as if thinking of something, "Senior said that Xuantian Temple does not understand the law of wish, but this miraculous tower of Senior is very similar to the 13th Pagoda of Xuantian Temple. It's exactly the same."

   The young man paused and said freely, "I don't want to change the mistakes I made in the past."

   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Senior also studied the inheritance of Xuantian Temple, failed?"

   The young man reached the tower in no time, looked at it from top to bottom for a while, "Failed."

   Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Can you talk to the younger generation?"

The young man snorted and fell lightly, "What is there to say about the failed approach? The Zen method is not demanding. What you get is only the power of desire, not the power of true desire. You have to learn desire. You don’t have to find the wrong to learn the law. What I just said is the best way. If you understand it, you will naturally learn it."

   Zhou Shu paused, "Senior, have you heard the words of Ziduduren?"

  The young man's complexion changed slightly, "Are you taunting me?"

   Zhou Shu said calmly, "I dare not, but I think this sentence makes sense. I haven't realized my wish. How can I help others achieve it?"

   The young man sneered, "If you don't help others to realize their wishes, if you don't have enough strength, how can your own wishes come true?"

   "If there is no chicken, there is no egg, so it will be endless."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "Senior thinks that helping people realize their wishes and drawing strength from them for their own use, is that really the essence of the law of desire?"

The young man looked at him coldly, "You didn’t know the rules of your desires, so you came to me and told me. I thought about your words a long time ago, and I gave up on them. These words are heretics and have no effect on me. , You don’t have to worry about it anymore."


   Zhou Shu nodded, "The younger generation is indeed the gangster, and the older generation does not listen."

   The two people under the tower, each thinking about their minds, were speechless for a long time, as if they didn't notice, some green gradually grew on the ground.

   "If you don't want to be holy, then your wish is to become the real emperor?"

  The young man slowly said ~www.ltnovel.com~ This wish is more difficult than sanctification, but if you must do this, I am not unable to help you. "

   Zhou Shu shook his head without hesitation, "The younger generation said, the younger generation just wants to stick to the heart, but the senior's words confuse the younger generation. It is harder to become a human emperor than to become a saint? How is this possible?"

   The young man nodded surely, "It's harder."

   Zhou Shu settled there and said slowly, "Senior has seen Emperor Xuanyuan, how is he now?"

   Zhou Shu didn't quite understand this sentence, but the old man said so confidently, maybe it has something to do with the emperor of the past, or even what the emperor of Xuanyuan said, so most of them have been in contact, and they are still deeply connected.

"not the right time yet."

   The young man glanced at him and shook his head, "You should go now, Jianmu's favor, I will pay you back, but if you want to become the emperor, you first let the Jiang family admit it."

"it is good."

   Zhou Shu nodded, and did not ask any more questions.

   The young man said calmly, "This matter is not simple, I also feel a great crisis, but it was not brought by the demons."

   Zhou Shu's heart moved, "Is that the fairyland?"

  The young man's figure gradually disappeared, only the voice came, "Maybe it is, maybe it is not."


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