Fairy Winner

Chapter 3231: Purple Devil Nebula

     all the way back, Zhou Shu felt a lot lighter, and he was slightly startled.

   immediately let go of perception, the four fields are clear, the whole world is in the eye, and sure enough, the restrictions seem to be completely opened.

Maybe it’s not completely let go, but it’s enough. For example, we can clearly see how the Jiang family elders are busy preparing for battle. Well, we have also seen the sudden phenomenon in Fire Rin Valley, Lin Zhu, and the giant Zhao Yueru walking around on Dingshan.

   There is no chain-like taste on his body, which is good.

   But Zhao Yueru's situation seems a bit wrong.

   Hurry up, and soon arrived at Juding Mountain, stopping in front of Zhao Yueru.

"what are you doing?"

   "Ah, you are back."

   Zhao Yueru raised her head, somewhat happy, "How about Lin Zhu?"

   Zhou Shu looked into her eyes, "It's not someone or a flower that told you weird things, such as wishes?"

   Zhao Yueru looked confused, "No? No one talks to me."

   Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "I see you pointing at the ground, and the look in your eyes is not normal."


   Zhao Yueru paused, and pointed to the grass in front of him, "That's it...Huh, why is it missing?"

   Looking at the unremarkable grassland, Zhou Shu became more and more weird, "What's missing?"

Zhao Yueru was still curiously flipping the grass, "A group of ants crawled over just now and formed two weird symbols. I seem to have seen it, and I just think what it means, but I can't figure out what I mean... Now, that's it. ."

   Looking at Zhao Yue's picture-like symbol, Zhou Shu was slightly startled, "Help me?"

   Zhao Yue was shocked, "Help me? Do you mean these two symbols?"


Zhou Shu nodded, let go of perception and explored towards the Giant Dingshan. He quickly retracted. A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. The perception restrictions in other places were opened. Even Lei Lei Mountain did not cover it, only this Giant Dingshan. You can see the surface, but you want to go deeper.

   It seems there is a secret here.

   "Who wants me to save?"

   Zhao Yueru frowned, "In the Kuiwei Realm, the only thing that can instruct the ants to come over and write the scriptures is Shan Hai Jing, but what can he do to save?"

   "It's definitely not him, but don't think about it. Shan Hai Jing will solve the matter here."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "I saw Lin Zhu, and I also saw Mu Lao, they are all very well."

   "That's great!" Zhao Yueru was also very excited, "Shan Hai Jing did not interrupt you? When can we take them back?"

   Zhou Shu thought for a while, "It's hard to say, but don't worry, our priority now is to block the demon."

   Zhao Yueru just nodded, "Listen to you, tell me about Lin Zhu, how did she get here and what has she been doing all these years?"

"It was brought by the passing Jiang family. Lin Zhu didn't think it was a coincidence, and I didn't think it. The Jiang family seemed to know that the Tongtian Pagoda was going to appear in the Wuji world, and they had been waiting at the Tongtian Pagoda for a long time. They left, it seems that Shan Hai Jing should know something..."

  Unconsciously, a long time passed.

   "Respect drive!"

   Jiang Yuan hurried over, his expression extremely solemn, "Second Clan elders, please come to discuss the matter, please as soon as possible!"

"it is good."

   Zhou Shu didn't say much, and rushed to Lieshan Temple with Zhao Yueru.

   "The situation is urgent?"

   "Yes, the old tribe seems to be injured."

   In the Lieshan Temple, a few people were waiting long ago, Zhou Shu's eyes fell on Jiang Ji, "Devil energy into the body?"

   Jiang Ji was surrounded by a faint black air, and his spirit was very distressed, but his eyes were still clear and his soul seemed undamaged.

But this is also very scary. It is not possible for ordinary demon races to make a Hunyuan Golden Immortal like him contaminate devilish energy. Ordinary demon kings can't do it. At least it is possible for a demons equivalent to the celestial list to do it. .

   "It's okay."

   Jiang Ji strongly supported and shook his head, "I'm here to wait for you."

   Zhou Shu nodded, and raised his hand to Jiang Su, "The second clan old man, has the demon clan already come?"

   "We haven't reached the Quebec Realm, but the situation is dangerous."

   Jiang Yu raised his hand, and a virtual Kuaiwei realm emerged in the middle of the hall. There was a small purple dot above the Kuaiwei realm. It continued to emit a thick black mist and expanded to the surroundings. The expansion speed was not very fast.

   Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "Purple Magic Star?"

   "Do you know the respected driver?"

   Jiang Su was a little surprised, and nodded, "It's the Purple Devil Star. I didn't expect the Demon Race to use the Purple Devil Star against us. The problem is big."

   Zhao Yueru curiously asked, "What is the Purple Devil Star?"

Zhou Shu explained, "It is a demon creation, constructed with many demon crystals. It can continuously exude a stable demon energy and gradually form a strong network of demon energy in the void. The average practitioner is very It is difficult to break through, and it can enclose the target world. Because it presents a kind of mysterious purple in the void, it is called the Purple Devil Star by practitioners, and the large web it forms is called the Purple Devil Nebula."

   He looked at Jiang Wei, his expression also dignified, "Unexpectedly, the Demon Clan will send out the Purple Devil Stars, the second clan elders, how many Purple Devil Stars are there near the Kuiwei Realm?"

   Jiang Su paused, "I see one right now."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The purple magic star must be formed into a film to have strategic value. Although the Kuiwei world is not big, if you really want to be surrounded by the purple magic star, you have to dispatch at least 20 or 30 stars, only one. , It seems to have just begun."

   Jiang Ma was a little puzzled, "I heard that the Purple Demon Star is very rare. Will the Demon Race send 20 or 30 for us?"

"It's rare, but they haven't had war for so many years, they must have accumulated a lot," Zhou Shu said slowly, "The Devil Realm has used a lot to attack the Immortal Realm. I remember that Xiao Dutian was surrounded by 3,000 purple magic stars. It’s been three hundred years."

   "I won't talk about these things, the key is what to do."

   Jiang Wei waved his hand, "After discovering the Purple Devil Star, we dispatched a group of people to destroy it, led by Jiang Ji, third brother, what's the situation?"

   Jiang Ji nodded~www.ltnovel.com~It's...it's like this..."

   Without saying a few words, his figure trembled, almost fell down, and his face turned a lot darker.

   The nearest Jiang Ma hurriedly helped, "Brother, what's wrong, didn't you just say it's okay?"

"no no……"

   Jiang Jiqiang stood firm, "It's okay, I will continue to say."

   "If you speak again, you will be almost helpless."

Zhou Shu looked at him and said calmly, "If you are not mistaken, the demon clan that hurt you has the power of the demon god, and it is the power of the demon god, it is difficult to get rid of this kind of demon energy in the body, you must be strong Self-expelling will instead allow the power of the demon **** to invade further, if you enter the sea of ​​knowledge..."


   "Brother, what's the matter with you, are you still supporting such a serious situation?"

   Jiang Ma's complexion changed drastically, staring at Jiang Ji, anxious and worried, and a little angry, "Look for the old scholar, he must have a way!"

Jiang Mi remained calm, not looking at Jiang Ji but looking at Zhou Shu, "Extreme driver, if you can recognize it, there must be a solution. If you can cure him, Jiang’s family resources, regardless of the elixir, etc. , Take whatever you want."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "For such a simple matter, it doesn't require such a heavy commitment. It is enough to send less people to monitor me."


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