Fairy Winner

Chapter 3235: She can save me

     "The clan boss is overjoyed! They got it!"

   Jiang's guard walked into the Lieshan Hall and reported with joy.

   Jiang Xi and Jiang Ji were shocked.

   "So fast? They left for less than three days."

   "Can you see clearly?"

The guard nodded quickly, "It's okay, the subordinates can see clearly, a blue light that cuts through the sky falls, the Purple Devil Star bursts, and the devilish energy overflows, and then the Purple Devil Star also stops expanding. It must be It has been destroyed, and the great demon above should also be dead."

   Jiang Ji was shocked, "They caused the blue light two days ago?"

   At that time, he had seen all the people who were far away in the Kuiwei Realm. A purple light flashed across the air, thinking it was a meteor, but didn't want the purple magic star to be destroyed.

   Jiang Yu seemed to think, "It's so obvious after being so far away. It's not easy. You are so close, do you perceive what power it is?"

   The guard said without hesitation, "Sword intent, it must be sword intent."

   Jiang Su nodded, "They are still there, haven't come back?"

  The guard shook his head, "I don't know, the subordinate is here to announce the good news first."

   "Thank you, let's go down."

   Jiang Su waved his hand, looked at Jiang Ji and said, "If it's a sword intent, it should be Zhao Yueru's hand."

Jiang Ji's expression was condensed, "Her Dao weapon flying sword is really not a display. A big Luo Jinxian can use Dao weapon to destroy Purple Devil Star. It's really incredible. This... I underestimate her too much. I think we can't stop it in front of her. A few tricks, brother, it’s time to have a good talk with them."

"I thought that Zhou Shu's body would definitely come out this time, and we can also see his true strength. As a result, a Purple Devil Star is not enough, heh, he will solve it without taking a shot," Jiang Su nodded, "You said That's right, we are going to talk to him, and we can pay a sufficient price. If we have such an ally in Outland, it will be very good for us to return to the fairy world."

   sighed as he spoke, "Oh, there is no way, we must find a way out."

Jiang Ji slowly said, "This is the end of the matter. It is almost impossible to repair the relationship with the Xuanming clan. In addition, the demons have invaded the witch world. This place has changed from a treasure to a dead place. The Jiang family can only go to the Outland. , Second brother, fourth brother and fifth brother, when will they come back?"

   "It should be coming soon."

   Jiang Su was quite worried, "I don't worry about them, but I don't know what the old man means. If he doesn't speak, it will be difficult for us to leave."

Jiang Ji thought for a while, "This is not difficult. When Zhou Shu comes back, we will return Lin Zhu to him and make a deal with him. When the demons are driven away, he and Lin Zhu will definitely leave. Shi Shulao will definitely come out, he cares about Lin Zhu very much."

   "We are looking for an old scholar, and we have to pass through outsiders. Is the Jiang family really so shameless?"

Jiang Su smiled bitterly, with some sorrow in his eyes, "But we are indeed shameless. The descendants of the earth queen who used to call the wind and rain are now living on the edge of the heavens. They are completely protected by family artifacts. Even the places where they live are given by artifacts. Yes, it's completely a parasite, haha."

   Jiang Ji was shocked, "Why did the second brother say this? You are the actual head of the Jiang family, why do you suddenly become so depressed?"

   Jiang Su sneered, "The owner of the house is just a poor worm and can't do anything."

   "We have done a lot of things too!"

   Jiang Ji was puzzled, "Four brothers and five brothers are operating outside and earn a lot of money. There are also many good children in the Quebec world."

   Jiang Su said indifferently, "This is not even a matter of maintaining the family business."

Jiang Ji was indignant for a while, "Why not? The most important thing is that Lin Zhu's teleportation formation was supported by us with all our strength. With this, we have a foothold everywhere. Even if we leave the scholar, it may not be impossible to develop. ."

   Jiang Su did not speak, and after standing still for a long time, he sighed again.

   "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

   Jiang Ji frowned. This second brother is the strongest on weekdays. He doesn't care about any blows. Why is it like this today?

   Jiang Su's expression changed, he smiled, and returned to his former dignity and calmness, "It's okay, you see that we have said so much, but the bookkeeper hasn't come out. It seems that you can only use your method."

   "Ah, you said that deliberately, wanting to draw the old man out?"

  Jiang Ji was stunned, and he was a little frustrated just thinking about it, "Now that the Jiang family is facing such a big change, the book elders are not coming out, what are they thinking?"

   "Don't pretend to be an old scholar, the old scholar may already have a countermeasure."

Jiang Su said calmly, "It's just that we also have to make some preparations. If the old man doesn't make a statement when Zhou Shu is about to leave, you will go with Zhou Shu and the others. Take your eldest brother and Jiang Jie, as long as you keep your blood. , The Jiang family is still there."

   Jiang Ji's expression changed drastically, "The second brother, how about you?"

   Jiang Su said faintly, "I naturally want to stay here. Maybe the old man can solve the problem of the Wu clan."

In the current situation in the Kuiwei world, it is impossible for the Jiang family to put all the eggs in this basket. Even if leaving the artifact is a great blow to the Jiang family, but if you don’t do this, the Jiang family may really be destroyed, just like those An ancient family.

   When it's broken.

   Giant Dingshan.

   The young man the Jiang family wanted to find stood quietly in the valley.

   There was no one around, but he slowly opened his mouth, "This is the third time."

   "An ant spreads characters, a very good idea, but what can escape my eyes in this Kuaiwei world?"

   "The mistakes made back then can no longer be made up for. What can you do after you come out."

"Besides, what's the use of finding that female swordsman. She has good sword skills and flying swords, but she can't save you. You may have a little hope for Zhou Shu. After all, he has the power of the three highest laws, and he has a bright future. , If the body comes over in the future, there may be a chance, but for that chance, the old accounts of the past must be turned out, why bother?"

   "You are not a cultivator, so what do you insist on? Just stay in the Quebec world and die with me. Are you still not satisfied?"

   "The past can't be changed, and the heavens now are not what you think they are."

  " Give up~www.ltnovel.com~ The young man shook his head slightly, was about to leave, and suddenly stopped.

   A group of ants suddenly appeared, forming a few strange symbols in front of him, derived from the oldest language of the Xuanhuang world.

   "Can she save me?"

The young man sneered, "What are you talking about, are you stupid, can she save you? How can she save you? Back then, you were sealed by Mi Zhu, who is fourth on the celestial list, and you can become holy by taking one step. The character, whether you or I are his opponents, you and I are not his opponents, but you are counting on a big Luo Jinxian?"

   The group of ants is still crawling, and the characters on the ground are changing back and forth.

   "She can save me."

   "You find her."

   The young man looked at him and felt a little bored. With a wave of his sleeve, the group of ants was blown away in an instant and disappeared.

He said in a deep voice, "That female sword repairer is impossible. If you do these things again, it doesn't make any sense. I want you to come out. But if you come out, it will only make you, me and the Jiang family get into more trouble. Go, stop making trouble."

   For a long time, there was no movement.

   "I thought you were listening."

   The young man nodded and disappeared.


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