Fairy Winner

Chapter 3236: Guarantee to do

     a few days later.

   The tool demon clan on the Purple Demon Star is completely gone, and the originally regular demon qi cover has been twisted into twists, and it is ugly.

   "It seems that no one will come, let the Jiang family send someone to guard, let's go back."


Zhou Shu is not disappointed, it is normal. Since the Demon Race chose to use the Purple Demon Star to attack, most of them are scattered. The Xuanming Clan member is probably responsible for contacting the Demon Race to control the timing of the activation of the Purple Demon Star and count the time. , Almost another Purple Devil Star is about to appear.

   As expected, when he returned to the Kuiwei Realm, he received a call from the Jiang family.

   Another purple magic star appeared.

   did not stop, Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru continued to attack.

   changed directions, walked for a few more days, spent three hours, killed two great demon kings, and completed the task again.

   Repeatedly, in a few months, Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru discovered nine purple devil stars and killed 25 great demon kings.

   "Thanks to your hard work, I haven't found a new Purple Devil Star for the time being. Take a good rest for a few days. We can send you whatever you want."

   Seeing the two falling, Jiang Ji strode over, with joy on his face, hands down, with an expression of respect.

There are many things that can be respected, but strength is obviously omnipotent. It is possible to solve twenty-five great demon kings within four months, and Jiang Jiaji’s family strength may not be able to do things. How can it be done by two people? Disrespect.

  To Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru, the whole Jiang family completely changed their attitudes, no matter what they are, they are almost as gods.

   "Nothing? So fast."

   Zhao Yueru frowned, as if not satisfied.

   She hasn't fought enough yet, so the fighting spirit is hard to draw.

The Great Demon on the Purple Devil Star, whose strength is comparable to the powerhouse on the celestial pole list, is a great opportunity to practice swords against such an enemy again and again. She is a bit addicted now, especially the unblocking sea-stepping sword. At that moment, the sword intent that skyrocketed to the sky made her feel like a sword master.

   Why is it gone? I want to fight again.

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "I know the elder, then we have a rest."

He doesn’t care if he has not hit enough. Although the power of reincarnation can be exercised well in the Purple Devil Star, where is it not to practice? After coming out of Hanshan, Zhou Shu’s understanding of the law has been improved. There is no need for a special training environment anymore.

   To put it simply, whether he is fighting against the Great Demon Lord or the Demon General, his experience is similar.

   It's not a moment of life or death that can be enlightened any more. This kind of battle that is extremely hard in the eyes of others is nothing to them.

They are all fights in twos and threes, at most one-to-two, no difficulty, and it is also blamed for the demon clan to use the purple magic star. It seems to be advanced, but in fact it is just restrained. The practitioners are good at singles, not to mention Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru. In accordance with their usual style of play, the demon clan's soldiers crushed the realm, and directly millions of demon clan and dozens of great demon kings rushed over. Even Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru could not stop it, and it was almost inevitable that the Kuiwei Realm would be broken.

   The demons didn't do this, and they only lost their soldiers and lost their generals, and died one by one.

   It's a pity that Zhou Shu didn't get any more news. The Xuanming clan member didn't see it, nor did the Great Demon Lord Broken Sky.

  Jiang Ji thought of something, "By the way, you respected driver, the envoy has been waiting for you in Juding Mountain for a few days, it seems something is going on."

   Zhou Shu paused, "Do you know anything?"

   Jiang Ji smiled and saluted, "I don't know, the envoy said only after seeing you, we naturally dare not ask more."

As the leader of the Kuiwei Jie said such things, he did not feel that Zhou Shu was overwhelming. In his understanding, Zhou Shu is the support of the Kuiwei Jie and the Jiang family. It should have been. When the Great Demon Lord was killed, the Purple Devil Star was no longer a threat. Everyone would look at Zhou Shu like that.

   Watching Zhou Shu leave, his face is full of joy. Has the crisis of the demons been resolved?

   Maybe, he thought so.

   In the void, a hidden floating island a few days away from Kuiweijie.

   The demon aura is violent, and hundreds of thousands of demon races are arrayed on top of them, all of which are wise demon races, and they are also the main force who came this time.

   "Cangmo, what a good deed your envoy did!"

With a roar like thunder, he came from an unusually tall demon, at least sixty feet tall. He glared at a figure covered in blue light with his back facing him, "How do you explain? Nine, nine already. , It's all destroyed! How many purple magic stars do you want to lose to Phosphorescent Demon?!"

   The man turned around, exactly like the Xuanming clan, "What's there to say, Broken Sky, who makes your people so useless."

  Duantian furious, "What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I don't care about Kuaiwei Realm now, and take these people to Profound Underworld!"

"You can try."

Cang Mo didn't have any fear, and said slowly, "I've said it beforehand. You will help Cang Jue Divine Envoy to surround the Kuiwei Realm. We will prepare a good material for you Demon Venerable Demon Abyss Dragon. Now you have something like this. What did you say if you didn't do it?"

   He sneered, "Do you still want to really invade the witch world? Then you try."

Broken Sky stopped for a while, and then shouted again, "Before you talked about the conditions, you didn't say that the Kuiwei Realm was so troublesome! We have already died 25 great demon kings, although it does not hurt the bones, but so many people for a few months It's gone, and Demon Lord is also uncomfortable!"

   "If there is a Demon Abyss dragon, Phosphorescent Demon Lord will be able to make a big step to the Demon Lord, right?"

Cang Mo smiled faintly, "For so many years, the demon lord has been conquering everywhere, is it not just to wait for this opportunity, we Xuanming clan take the initiative to give you the opportunity, you only need to do such a simple thing, what else do you complain about? If you don’t have it, Master Cang Jue can still find someone else, Shen Tian Demon Venerable and Blood Wish Demon Venerable, I heard that they all want..."


   Duantian's complexion slightly changed, "I promise to do it, don’t worry, dozens of great demon kings~www.ltnovel.com~ a few purple devil stars, the devil does not care!"

   Cangmo slowly said, "Then hurry up, I can wait, but others may not be willing."

   Broken the sky and shouted, "Isn't someone your divine envoy? He has been waiting for so many years and can't wait for a few months? A Quebec realm needs us to help. What are you afraid of, if not..."

   "You are still talking nonsense, you really have no time."

   Cangmo smiled, a very penetrating smile, and stayed for a while.

   Duantian turned his head and said slowly, "The Demon Lord has sent someone over."

   Cangmo nodded, "In any case, first protect a purple devil star as the center point. It is best that you guard it yourself, and you can't make mistakes."

  Duantian hummed, "I see, there will be no problem this time, but you still have to leave a hole, right?"

   "Of course, my lord didn't let you surround Kuiweijie."

   Cangmo raised his hand and made a weird gesture, "I'll come back in a few days. I'd better see the result."

   A cyan light flashed across the void, and disappeared for a moment. Looking in that direction, it was not towards the Profound Underworld.

   (PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the old bookworm who loves to watch movies, and thank you for the book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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