Fairy Winner

Chapter 3241: Think so

     Zhou Shu smiled, “As long as it is strong enough, it’s not that Shan Hai Jing deliberately lied to me.”

   "How can I lie to you?"

   There was a strange light in Zhao Yueru’s eyes, "I even think that this sword pill may have been left by the Juggernaut!"


Zhou Shu was stunned, and said, "I believe your eyes, so I won't scold him secretly. After all, it is an ancient artifact, he has a lot of good things, but the Kunlun secret technique... , If this thing can be passed back to the Xuanhuang Realm...think too much," he said, "Yueru, don’t go out during this time, try to figure out the sword intent in the sword pill, and strive Make your kendo stronger."

   "How about that? I want to go!"

Zhao Yueru hurriedly put away the sword pill, eyebrows and eyes raised, "Now that the Kuiwei world is in such a big trouble, how can you deal with it alone? Besides, I am still the protector of others. Let me help you with your Shuzhidao. Guardian, and your name as the emperor, I also want to keep it and never let others slander it."

   "I understand that you are good to me."

   Zhou Shu said with a smile, "But if your kendo can improve in a short period of time, it will only help me even more. Besides, I am not without helpers."

   "Where is there a helper?"

Zhao Yueru thought for a while, shook her head and said, "Those Jiang family are unreliable. If they suddenly seem to be, I always feel that they are not very good...Ah, are you here?" She immediately understood the billowing yellow sand coming towards her face. Okay, then I will feel at ease here to comprehend kendo, hum."

   The desert is boundless, the sky is full of yellow sand, and there are mazes everywhere, but for Zhou Shu who has opened up his perception, it no longer has any effect.

   After passing through the guards of the Zhu Rong clan, Zhou Shu arrived at Lei Lei Mountain.

   Before ploughing the fire, there were still the Jiang family's children busy. When they saw Zhou Shu, they saluted together. There were no guards in front of the mountain and the road was smooth.

   "Senior, sister Yue, you are here."

   Lin Zhu, who was sitting on the jade platform and making gestures, turned around, with a blush on her pale face.

   Zhao Yueru stepped forward excitedly, "I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still exactly the same as before."

After the greeting, Zhou Shuwen said, "Zhu, what are you doing these days?"

   Lin Zhu took out a jade slip and said with a smile, "The little girl took a map from Jiang's house, and is determining the coordinates one by one. It is almost done, hehe."

   Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "Ah..."

   He quickly guessed Lin Zhu's thoughts, but the problem was the Kuaiwei realm, and Shan Hai Jing still looked at it.

   Lin Zhu gently shook his head, "It's okay, he won't care about me this time, the little girl can also feel that he is not here."

   Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "Why don't you care?"

   "Because you are here."

Lin Zhu calmly said, "Before the little girl helped them, it was nothing more than wanting to see the seniors. Now that they have seen it, they don’t have anything to persecute the little girl. Even if they die now, it’s okay. In fact, the little girl can still react. I came over to intimidate them. As for the teleportation formation, I would help if I wanted to, and would not do it if I didn't want to. If they trap the little girl, the little girl will die immediately, hehe."

   Zhou Shu's heart shook slightly, "Don't take it for granted, you can never die."

   Lin Zhu smiled faintly, "The little girl can't bear it either, but only does it when there is no other way."

   "Don't think about it, there are many things waiting for you to do."

   Zhou Shu looked at her, seemingly thoughtful, "Are you sure the old man doesn't watch you anymore?"

   Lin Zhu nodded seriously, "He said so, but he also said that it would be troublesome for me to leave, and the little girl thinks he can't lie."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Zhu, you have stayed in the Kuiwei world for too long, and you have been using the original energy of the Shanhaijing to cultivate, and it is too closely related to the Shanhaijing. If he wants to disadvantage you and remove the original, it will be really troublesome. , But it’s not a big problem, at best you can start over, don’t be afraid.”

   Lin Zhu whispered, "The little girl is not afraid, now I am not afraid of anything."

   "I shouldn't be able to get to this point. Besides, I don't want to go now. Let's talk about it when I want to go."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "Are the coordinates of the surrounding circles determined?"

Lin Zhu nodded quickly, her eyes flickering, "Yes! It's all set, and you can go as soon as the teleportation formation is opened. There are thousands of realms on the realm map, seniors can go wherever they want, whether it is Zhurong Realm or Profound Underworld. Even the demon world is okay, the teleportation array is not afraid of any barriers, but it can only jump from one world to the next, and cannot collapse two worlds at once. You must add energy in the middle and adjust the coordinates."

   "That's enough, Zhu, you have solved the big problem."

   Zhou Shu excitedly picked her up and circled her a few times. Lin Zhu blushed and lowered her head and glanced at the corner.

   Zhao Yueru sat in the corner, holding the sword pill in his hand, very focused, as if he hadn't noticed this way at all.

   Zhou Shu stopped and carefully put down Lin Zhu, but still couldn't hide his excitement, and couldn't help but nod in praise.

   looked at Lin Zhu at the same time, with an almost fanatical look,

   What kind of genius is Lin Zhu? She has done things that the immortal world has not solved for so many years.

   He can meet Lin Zhu, perhaps the most precious gift from heaven.

The practicality of the Transboundary Teleportation Array is too high. Even if only one world can be collapsed, it will greatly promote Xianshu City. It is hard to imagine that when the Teleportation Array appears in Xianshu City, it will bring the fairy world and the entire heavens. How shocking it came, perhaps only Jianmu was born can surpass it.

   It's just that these two things will not happen in a short time.

   may not happen for a long time. Zhou Shu will never allow them to appear in front of the public when they are not sure that they can solve the hidden danger.

Lin Zhu felt very helpful in her heart, closing her eyes and muttering in a low voice, "The little girl is satisfied to see the predecessor so happy, just as satisfied as when she made the teleportation array, or she may be more satisfied now~www.ltnovel.com ~ Hmm."

   Zhou Shu looked at her, secretly guilty, "As a practitioner, Dadao is more important."

   "For a senior who is a human emperor, it must be true, but it is not necessarily true for a little girl."

Lin Zhu opened his eyes to look at him, her eyes clear and firm, and she did not back down. "The little girl always felt that no matter if she was practicing Dao or following the predecessors, she could achieve the same goal. The former is very difficult. The little girl will not give up, but When it comes to choosing, the latter is more suitable for young women."

   Zhou Shu stared at her for a few breaths, seemingly promised, "You won't have the time to choose. Follow me, you can achieve the same way, faster and better."

   "The little girl thinks so too."

   Lin Zhu laughed, the curvature of the bend is beautiful.

"I think so."

   Hearing the sound coming from the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhou Shu was slightly startled, and she felt unconsciously leaning towards Zhao Yueru. This is the first time she said such a thing. She was in a daze for a while and felt more responsibility and satisfaction.

   Zhao Yueru still looked at Jian Wan intently, as if nothing had happened, except that there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

   (PS: Thank you for the old bookworm who loves watching movies for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)


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