Fairy Winner

Chapter 3242: 1 as always

     Zhou Shu settled down, "Zhu, the seven star realm also has coordinates, right?"

   Lin Zhu nodded, "Of course there is, and the distance is enough. You can go directly, but you have to go out and find a place to place the teleportation array. It is not convenient to use here, and it is still impossible for him and the Jiang family to know the cross-border teleportation array."

   "Well, I can go."

   Zhou Shu thought about it, the Seven Star Realm is likely to be the crux of the problem, and he must go there.

   "Senior, go now, together?"

   Lin Zhu looked very much looking forward to it. It has been a long time since he left the Kui Kui realm, let alone being with Zhou Shu this time. It was completely different.

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Of course it's good, I'm here to go with you."

  Ding, ding.

   Just walked to the front of the teleporter, and suddenly two clear bells rang, even Zhao Yueru was shocked.

   Lin Zhu didn't care at all, didn't even look at the bell, "Don't care about it, senior, let's go to the Seven Star Realm."

   "It's just a few breaths, just go and see."

   Zhou Shu smiled. Maybe there is new news. He still knows too little information now. He doesn't want to miss any opportunity to get information.

   "Listen to seniors."

   Lin Zhu smiled softly, pulled Zhou Shu into the car, and in a flash, she arrived at the Lieshan Temple.

Seeing Zhou Shu and Lin Zhu stepping out of the car, Jiang Su was startled slightly, and then smiled like I knew I knew, "The driver came at the right time, and I planned to let Miss Lin look for you, but now I don’t need it anymore. ."

   Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Clan elders, but what's new?"


   Jiang Su sighed unconsciously, "I also want to take a rest for the driver, but now things are troublesome, and I have to ask the driver to take action."

   Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "I found the Purple Devil Star again?"

   "Two, next to each other."

   Jiang Ji respectfully saluted Zhou Shu, "This time it is different. Our people were forced to come back before they got close, and it was impossible to see the specific situation clearly."

   Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, could it be that the Lord came.

   Jiang Su paused, "Extreme driver, if the two purple devil stars are allowed to unfold, the demon clan will have a fulcrum."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "Tell me the location, I'll go see it."

   "Trouble you to drive."

   Jiang Su was overjoyed and quickly took out the boundary map to demonstrate.

Zhou Shu looked at it earnestly and was quite focused. Speaking of the Jiang family’s boundary map is exceptionally detailed. He went to the nine Purple Devil Stars, none of the positions were deviated. It was perfect, indicating that this boundary map could be drawn carefully with Zhou Shu. In contrast, you must know that Zhou Shu's boundary map not only has been tested on the spot, but also used the talent of calculation and deduction. It can be said that it is the best boundary map of the heavens, but it is rare for the Jiang family to compare with Zhou Shu.

  The Queen of Land still has some abilities.

   Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, "It's very close to Quekui, so I can see it all?"

Jiang Mi's expression was quite solemn, "Yes, it may be because the Demon Race has lost some Purple Demon Stars, and the encirclement must be narrowed. Therefore, the Purple Demon Star that is taken out now is closer to us. It’s even more dangerous."

   Jiang Ji followed, "You must be careful this time. Their defensive strength must be much stronger."

   "I see, let's go."

   Zhou Shu glanced at Lin Zhu, smiling unconsciously at the corner of his mouth. It was a long time since he went out to practice with Lin Zhu, and he still missed it very much.

   Watching these two people go out, Jiang Ji was a little curious, "So of course, did the old man agree to let Lin Zhu leave the Kuiwei Realm?"

   Jiang Su calmly said, "What do you think?"

Jiang Ji laughed, with only a hint of worry in his eyes, "It should be, otherwise she can't walk here with Zhou Shu, but... they shouldn't be able to run? If they just run like this, we can't help it. what."

   Jiang Su said lightly, "Don't forget that there is still Zhao Yueru, Zhou Shu will not leave her."

   "That's right," Jiang Ji nodded and slowly said, "Second brother, do you think they can shoot this purple devil star? Our people can't even get close. Will there be a magic envoy or even a devil inside?"

   Jiang Su paused for a long time, "The old man said that we should rely on the emperor, but whether or not Zhou Shu is the emperor, we can only rely on him."

   "If he can really do it, we should recognize him as the emperor."

   Jiang Ji sighed, but looking at his expression, he seemed to let go of some thoughts, and the whole person was a little more relaxed.

  The matter of the emperor has been entangled with the descendants of the empress for a long time. If the problem can be solved this time, it will be a relief for them.

   Zhou Shu and Lin Zhu have already pierced through the heavy formations and entered the void.

   "The open starry sky makes it comfortable to watch."

   Lin Zhu looked into the distance, smiling, feeling relieved inexplicably, "The little girl hasn't seen this scene for a thousand years."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "You can watch as long as you want, the starry sky over Xianshu City is much brighter than here."

"Then watch it with Senior," Lin Zhu nodded, smiling more and more, "Senior, do you need to use the teleportation array? With this distance, you can determine the position in one hour, and you can also try the teleportation array. no effect."


   Zhou Shu thought about it for a few moments, "But after you use it, you have to put the teleportation array away quickly, and don't let the Jiang family see it."

   Lin Zhu stagnated, "No, the little girl can't go with the senior if she wants to guard the teleportation array, why is this..."

   Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "You only think about it now, confused, can't you go with the teleport car?"

Lin Zhu just shook his head, "No, the teleport vehicle has a limited distance, so it has to be used in the realm. In the void, it has to be repeatedly teleported hundreds of thousands of times to reach the destination. Not only is it troublesome, but one mistake will cause many problems. Besides, the car is not prepared for such a large amount of consumption."

   Zhou Shuwen said, "Let's fly away, don't worry."

Lin Zhu hesitated for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ Let’s use the teleportation array. She suddenly appeared among the demons. By surprise, if the demons had no time to defend, the seniors would be able to deal with them better. The little girl could use teleportation. The formation was put away, and then returned to the Kuiwei Realm, making sure not to worry seniors. "

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "Zhu, I agreed to go together, just some demons, I can deal with it."

Lin Zhu has made up his mind and objected to it. "The Jiang family said that this time the situation is different. It is better to be more cautious. The little girl has gone, and it may cause trouble to the seniors. That's it. The little girl will have opportunities in the future. , Are you planning to accompany me this time?"

   Zhou Shu looked at her determined face and could only nod, "That's fine."

   Like the Xuanhuang World, Lin Zhu still considers everything for him as always, and doesn't want him to be embarrassed at all.

Lin Zhu stretched out her hand to Zhou Shu and whispered softly, "The little girl calculates the coordinates first, and the senior takes the little girl to find a stable place to place the teleportation array. If there is a meteorite, the floating island is even better, otherwise The predecessors made one by themselves. It must take an hour, and it won’t work without a breath."

   Zhou Shu smiled, picked her up, and slowly flew up.

   One focused on calculating, one focused on watching people, snuggling together, enjoying the rare intimacy.

   The world is worth it.


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