Fairy Winner

Chapter 3243: chimney

     The magical energy that was thick as cotton wool, and it was Zhou Shu, who couldn't help but stagger.

   What a terrifying devilish energy, if it hadn't used the power of reincarnation to protect the shadow of the soul earlier, I am afraid that it would be fooled by this one.

Where did    teleport to? Isn't it inside the Purple Devil Star?

   Zhou Shu fixed his eyes and smiled wryly, really guessing right.

   The coordinates calculated by Lin Zhu were too accurate, so he directly transmitted him to the deepest part of the Purple Devil Star.

   There is a strong demon energy everywhere around him, surging and roaring like thunder, and vaguely can see the deep purple brilliance, that is the hundreds of demon crystals crowded together, where the demon energy is more concentrated, and the perception cannot be deepened.

   If it were not for the teleportation array, it would be almost impossible to reach this position.

   I was a little frightened when I thought about it. If I was more precise, would it be engulfed in an instant when the soul shadow was teleported to the middle of the magic crystal?

   The devilish energy in the middle of the Purple Devil Star is indeed the most powerful and strongest Zhou Shu has ever seen. While staying in it, Zhou Shu is not sure that it is safe and sound.

   settled down, Zhou Shu waved his hand, and stopped just after his fist made a circle.

   There is no expected effect. The big cutting punch can cut space, but it depends on the power of the law. Here, the power of the law is too small, and it is impossible to get out by the big cutting punch.

   It would be nice to understand the laws of space.

   The fingertips seemed to have touched something, but when he stared, he was also startled.

A black ball the size of an egg is wrapped in the magic energy, and it is almost one with the magic energy. If it weren't for it twitched from time to time, it was almost indistinguishable. Upon closer inspection, this object is like a hatched egg, wrapped in an outer layer. A layer of translucent film, inside is a strange creature larva, still shaking hands and feet, it seems that it can break out of its shell at any time.

   "This is the fetus of those tool demons outside?"

   Zhou Shu understood something, and he felt a little more focused.

It is an extremely rare opportunity to witness the demon fetus gradually turning into a demon clan. It is hard to say that it is an opportunity, because most practitioners don’t want to encounter such an opportunity, but Zhou Shu doesn’t care. He has a lot of interest in the demon clan. Can get knowledge, and the demons on the opposite side of everything should be the same.

   Besides, he can adapt to the power of devilish reincarnation, but he is not afraid.

   Zhou Shu observed it for a while, and it seemed that he had learned something.

Hundreds of demon fetuses were born around the demon crystal, and then they were nourished by the demon qi, and followed the billowing demon qi all the way to the outside. In the process, they continued to grow. After completely leaving the devil qi, they became a mature demon clan. .

   does not seem to be much different from all living things in the world.

   has similarities with the law of annihilation, but it is completely different after careful consideration. The law of annihilation also requires vitality. It gains power from the process of annihilation, and the birth of the demon race does not require a little vitality from beginning to end.

   What is their source?

   Zhou Shu thought about it for a long time, but there was no answer, so he could only put it down temporarily. It was time to deal with the demons outside.

   With a thought, Zhou Shu turned into a demonic appearance, holding the Great Desolate Halberd, constantly absorbing demonic energy to enrich himself.

This is not Zhou Shu’s original intention, but the demon aura here is too rich. The demon clan that is transformed is much stronger than in the demon world. It is too wasteful to use it. The only trouble is to filter the demon tires. If you don’t filter it, The body seems to be composed of many demons kneaded together. There are heads, hundreds of eyes, a pile of hands here, and a few feet there, and they will continue to grow.

   But Zhou Shu heard that some demons are like this, and thousands of demons are gathered in one.

   But Zhou Shu didn’t use it. Not only was it disgusting, but it didn’t use reincarnation control.

As soon as I became a demon clan, the turbulent demon energy rushed into the body automatically, and there was an irresistible feeling. In just a few dozen breaths, the body grew to sixty or seventy meters, almost reaching the limit. If you continue, the power of reincarnation It's hard to control.

   stopped accepting the magic energy, immediately felt a strong thrust, and involuntarily flew out.

   嘭, 嘭.

   Zhou Shu hit it directly.

   Looking at him, the four Great Demon Lords were dumbfounded.

   Why is a big guy suddenly here?

   Compared with the surrounding tool demons, it seems that they were not born of a purple demon star.

"this is……"

   glanced at each other, hesitated and walked a few steps, seeming to want to understand.

   Zhou Shu swept around, had made up his mind, clenched the Great Desolate Halberd hidden behind him, and slammed it down against the nearest Great Demon Lord.


   The great demon king was fifty or sixty feet long, but he was beaten by a halberd and sank, leaving only his body and a head outside.


   Zhou Shu was slightly surprised.

With the essence of devil energy from the Purple Devil Star, coupled with the improved power of reincarnation, Zhou Shu’s strength should now be one level higher than that of the Great Demon Lord, not to mention the unprepared sneak attack, and he could not kill it at once. .

   Compared with before, the new demons are much stronger this time.

   The Great Demon Lord touched his head, as if he was beaten up, stared at his innocent eyes, and opened his mouth to curse.

   Zhou Shu ignored him, and after a sneer, the halberd was collected and swept away.

   This time the strength is a bit stronger.


Black light flashed, and the huge head flew across the sky, flying out for dozens of miles without stopping, and the great demon lord's huge body collapsed like a landslide, and the broken neck continued to emit black magic. Like a chimney.

   The expressions of the three great demon monarchs behind changed suddenly, and they took out the demon soldiers one after another, leaning in front of them, staring at Zhou Shu very guardedly.

   Zhou Shu didn't look at them, and raised his eyes to look not far away. On another purple devil star, a huge figure was striding over.

   I looked a little taller than myself, and looked familiar, he should be the leader of this group of great demons.

   Has the Lord finally come?

   A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the Great Desolation Halberd suddenly stretched several times.

Sweeping, smashing, and dancing. For a time, Zhou Shu left and right around, dozens of miles, all covered by the shadow of a halberd, like countless angry black dragons wandering, roaring loudly, and indiscriminately impacting every enemy in front of you ~www.ltnovel.com~ The expressions of the three great demon kings changed drastically, and they were evasive.

But soon they discovered that the halberd was grown too fast and there were too many halberd shadows, and it was impossible to avoid it at all. What's more terrifying was that as long as it hits, the subsequent attacks will keep up with each other, and they even have a little time to react. No, even resistance has become a luxury, it's just passive beating.

   Fortunately, the skin is thick and thick, and it may be able to hold it for a while, and it will be fine when the Great Demon Lord Broken Sky arrives.

   For a time, they all had such thoughts in their hearts.

   But they didn't know that in the process of Zhou Shu waving the Great Desolate Halberd, his strength was constantly increasing. Now that it can be blocked, it will be difficult for the rest.

   After ten breaths, several great demon kings slid left and right, with injuries everywhere on their bodies, and they couldn't stand firmly.

   "What are you doing, don't stop!"

   There was a blast of thunder in the air, and the Great Demon King finally arrived. He roared loudly after hundreds of miles, and smashed down like a meteorite.


   Zhou Shu calmly responded, but the Great Wild Halberd in his hand did not stop.

   Boom boom boom, three loud noises in a row.

   The three heads exploded with a bang, the devilish energy rushed to the sky, and there were a few more chimneys.


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