Fairy Winner

Chapter 3244: Do you want to be a demon?

     "Hahaha, hahaha!"

   Zhou Shu held a long halberd and gave a strong pause, then raised his voice to the sky, expressing his chest.

   This battle is very short, but it feels great.

   The feeling of having a strong power is really good, especially in such a big fight, the most hearty.

Shi Cai has absorbed too much magic power from the Purple Demon Star, not only the body cannot bear it, but also cannot be controlled well. Only when he fights like this and vents the excess magic power, he is comfortable, and at the same time the body becomes more flexible and the soul shadow Also more adapted to this monster.

   Without the extra magic, it can be controlled 100% well, and it is not weak.

   The broken sky fell, and he was standing opposite Zhou Shu. Strangely, there was not much anger on his face, but a lot of surprise.

   Zhou Shu stopped his laughter, his halberd pointed at Broken Sky, "Come on!"

   Duantian slowly said, "What is your relationship with Akabane Demon Lord?"

   The ancient language, the deep voice, with a strange and familiar taste, Zhou Shu's heart was stagnant.

   Demon God possesses.

   This guy is really a magician.

   Just why did you use the Demon God Possession so quickly, you were afraid before you started? Or maybe he has seen through his own practitioner's body, he shouldn't. The devilish energy here is extremely pure, and his control is extremely perfect. That is, Zhou Shu himself can't tell the difference, he can see through it before he does it?

   Zhou Shu pretended not to know, and said calmly, "What are you talking about?"

   Broken Sky shook his head, "The Awakening Mad Dance you used just now is the unspoken secret of the Scarlet Feather Demon Lord, plus the Great Desolate Halberd, the two appear on you at the same time, it's useless for you to cover it up."

   Zhou Shu was shocked.

  What awakening dance? Is it that?

Shicai’s trick was the first time he saw the power of reincarnation against the Great Desolate Halberd. The Akabane Demon Venerable used one enemy ten thousand, which is what he used. He was very impressed with this and tried to simulate it before. It can't be used, but the magic power was too much just now and I used it unconsciously.

   It is indeed extremely powerful, the increasing magic power, and the continuous runaway attacks, it is almost impossible to defend...

   is outrageously strong, it should be unique to Mozun.

   Unknowingly, he has mastered such a trick, is it considered to be destined to the demons?

   Seeing Zhou Shu's expression, the broken sky was only when Zhou Shu admitted, and sighed, "Unexpectedly, Akabane Demon Venerable has such a subordinate!"

   "I am not from Akabane Demon Lord!"

   Zhou Shu took a long halberd and roared loudly.

  Duantian's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously, "What, aren't you?"

"of course not!"

   Zhou Shu said in a loud voice, "I am a wandering warrior traveling the world, and I do not belong to any demon!"

   I was used to the setting of the wandering warrior, so I naturally said it out. I have to say that the setting is really interesting and easy to use in the devil world.

  Duantian’s mouth bends slightly, and he smiles weirdly, “Hehe, wandering warrior, where did your awakening dance come from, the Great Wild Halberd?”

"Hahaha, the magic weapon of the wandering warrior was naturally snatched. I don't understand what you said about awakening and dancing. I understood it! As a wandering warrior, I practiced martial arts everywhere and realized the ultimate martial arts. Is it weird?!"

   Zhou Shu laughed three times, then raised his halberd and pointed it at Duantian again, "Don't talk nonsense, if you want to fight, just fight!"

   The broken sky stood there, speechless for a while.

   Is it really a wandering warrior, this looks really similar.

   Obtained the Great Desolate Halberd and comprehended the martial arts left by Akabane Demon from it, which seemed very reasonable.

   In this way, this guy's talent is really unbelievable, and being his own magician couldn't be better.

   Thinking of this, the weird smile on the corner of Duan Tian's mouth became more and more obvious, and the eyes that looked at Zhou Shu were three points more admiring, seven points greedy, and he seemed to swallow Zhou Shu at any time.

   "To fight, not to fight?"

   Zhou Shu kept his demons settings and continued to provoke.

He didn't care about anything. He played a game with the demon master possessed by the demon god, just to verify his strength. If he loses, he will lose. The next time he comes to destroy it, he did not expect that the demon **** has already empathized with him and wanted to take himself As his magician.

  Duantian looked at him with piercing eyes, "What is your name?"

   Zhou Shu said without hesitation, "The Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu!"

  Duantian's expression was slightly condensed, as if he was a little familiar, after thinking about it, he couldn't remember it, and slowly said, "Very weird name, but also very distinctive, Zhou Shu, do you want to become a demon?"

   Zhou Shu was shocked, "Magic Lord?"

   Looking at Duantian's eyes, he seemed to understand something, this demon **** wants to be a magician by himself!

   seems to be playing big.

   You must refuse anyway, otherwise it will be bad.

Duantian’s voice was dull, but full of temptations, “The ultimate goal of wandering warriors is mostly Mozun. You should know that not only Akabane, but also Wanjun Mozun and Bashan Mozun, they are all wandering warriors. Born and eventually become a demon, don’t you want to?"

   Zhou Shu paused, "Now it’s too early to talk about Demon Lord!"

   Duantian sighed unconsciously, "It's not early, it's already late."

If Zhou Shu is just an ordinary Demon Race, or even an ordinary Demon Lord, he doesn’t need to talk nonsense, and he can directly turn Zhou Shu into a Demon Envoy with the power of the Demon God, but now Zhou Shu is already a great Demon Lord, his realm Too high, the demon soul is condensed, and that kind of direct invasion method is useless. You must make Zhou Shu believe in yourself and let Zhou Shu's demon soul accept yourself, so that Zhou Shu can become his own magic envoy and rule in the future. tool.

   Zhou Shu shook his head vigorously, but tried to refuse, "My martial skills are still far short of it!"

Looking at Duantian, he suddenly shouted angrily, "If you want to fight, fight, what do you say so much, do you want to wear my fighting spirit on purpose?! A guy like you, like a cultivator, I disdain to fight with you World War I!"

   Broken sky stagnated slightly, this guy is too surprised.

The hatred in my heart, but I want to accept Zhou Shu as a magic envoy, but it’s not easy to reprimand, so I can only laugh, "Hehe, it’s okay to be worse, I can help you, rather, if you have the power of the devil, then It's the Demon Lord who may not be able to beat you."

   Zhou Shu's face changed a lot~www.ltnovel.com~ The power of the devil, who are you? "

Duantian breathed a sigh of relief, did this guy finally understand it? He only understands now that if it weren’t for his talent is too high, he would have kicked it a long time ago, “You don’t need to know this. If you want, I can give it to you. ."

   "Then get it!"

   Zhou Shu stretched out his big hand like a small mountain, and spread it out in front of Broken Sky, "I want as many as I want, now!"

   "Are you stupid?"

It took a lot of effort to break the sky before he could not say this sentence. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Can the power of the demon **** be given this way? You find the best demon blood pool, and then keep calling me... no , The name of the Demon God, you must remember that you must call from your body to your heart, and you must completely obey the guidance of the Demon God."

   "Are you stupid? You dare to lie to me!"

Zhou Shu's expression changed, and he shouted, "I have never heard of it. This way, you can get the power of the devil. If it is really that simple, every demon race has the power of the devil! You liar, either fight, Or get out of me!"

  Duantian was completely speechless.

   The same way, others will definitely not get it, but if you get my favor, you will definitely get it.

   This guy is really stupid and straightforward.


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