Fairy Winner

Chapter 3245: What on earth

     Duantian fell into deep thought.

   How should I convince this guy?

Headless, I can't wait to shoot him to death, but I can't bear to think about it. I can comprehend the unique martial arts of Akabane Demon Venerable with the snatched Great Desolate Halberd. There are too few genius demons, let alone His formidable physique and incredible magical power may not even be able to produce the abyssal blood pool. If he can become his own magician, he will definitely be able to feed back a large amount of the power of the demon **** in the future, and even dominate...

   In contrast, the body of Duan Tian is really too weak.

   "If you don't fight or leave, what's the point?"

   Zhou Shu roared, and the Great Desolation Halberd turned into a black dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed straight.

   The other party is hesitant, it's a small chance, just give it a try.

   is here to destroy the Purple Devil Star, you must grasp the opportunity.

And he could see that Duantian, possessed by the Demon God, completely regarded himself as a Demon Race. After thinking about it, he did not have any flaws. Leaning on the Purple Demon Star with his back, he had absorbed the purest magic power, and the most important thing was, He witnessed the whole process of the demon fetus transforming into a demon, and deduced it, so when he transformed the demon clan, he also simulated the evolution of this process. Unless he can be seen from the beginning, even the possessed magician may not be able to. figure it out.

   How alert is Broken Sky, shaking his hands, two hand axes are blocking him.

   The black dragon hit the hand axe.

   Duantian's figure trembled, and he strode back, while retreating, his body was still sinking, and he stopped for several miles.

   Zhou Shu was shocked all over, like a tumbler, he stood up for a few breaths, his hands seemed a little numb, and the great wild halberd fell down involuntarily.

  The duel between force and force is like it is difficult to separate the opponents, and both of them have a throb in their hearts.

For Zhou Shu, the power of the great demon blessed by the power of the devil is more than several times stronger, mainly because the power of reincarnation cannot influence and mobilize the opponent's magical direction, so it cannot change the opponent's defense, and naturally cannot penetrate the opponent. It could have restrained the reincarnation of the demons, but now it cannot be restrained. The familiar tactics cannot be used, which is obviously a big trouble, but it does not mean that there is no chance to win.

   And Duantian's shock was obviously more.

Borrowing Duantian's body, he couldn't perceive the opponent's strength in detail. Simply put, he could not distinguish the power of reincarnation, and regarded the power of reincarnation as a characteristic of Zhou Shu's magic power, which was different from that of the demon god. The power is very special, but the power is considerable.

   When such a talent came out of the Demon Realm, I would have put more thoughts on this demon.

   such a body, you must not miss it!

   Thinking of this, the greed in his eyes grew more and more, and it was almost impossible to hide.

   "So daring, come again!"

   Zhou Shu raised his halberd and rushed forward.

   Broken Sky waved his hand, "Zhou Shu, I want to have a match with you, but I'm leaving soon, it's too late."

   He had the heart to try Zhou Shu's strength more, but the time to possess his body was about to come, and he couldn't help but curse a few words secretly.

The time for the demon **** to possess the body is naturally related to the ability of the demon god. The stronger the demon soul, the longer the time for the demon **** to possess the body, and vice versa. I think it works, but now that I see Zhou Shu, I don't care anymore.

   "Afraid? Haha, it seems that no one in the Phosphorescent Demon Realm is worthy of being my opponent!"

   Zhou Shu sneered and continued to add to his setting in the Demon Race, becoming more violent and arrogant.

Duantian's gaze was condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "Say it straight, Zhou Shu, I am the Heaven Swallowing Demon God, and I am now possessed by this waste material. If you are willing to become my magic envoy, I promise you can become the demon lord. , The devil is not impossible."

   "Master Devil?"

   Zhou Shu's figure was shocked, his eyes were red, and his entire face was distorted, a little awed, but more excited.

This expression is familiar to Duantian. Obviously, he wants to fight more. He paused, "Zhou Shu, you... don't always think about fighting. I'm talking to you about business. You become my magician. There is only good and no harm, I promise..."

   Zhou Shu vigorously shook his head, "I don't believe that you are a demon, only when you hit it, I can be sure!"

   As a cultivator, it is impossible for him to become a magic envoy. If he doesn't send this magic **** away as soon as possible, I am afraid it will cause trouble.

   Duan Tian was finally a little angry, "I don't have time to fight you more, you say, how can I believe it?!"

It's almost done. Zhou Shu stared at Broken Sky and slowly said, "There is no mark, token or something? Give it to me, and I will go to other people to ask if you are really possessed by the demon **** on this waste material. , Surely someone can know."

   "Imprint, token?"

   Duantian's heart moved, why forgot this? After talking to this guy for a long time, did he become stupid?

   He shook violently, and a strange mark gradually appeared on his shoulder.

   Familiar lava volcano, there is a huge mouth of the blood basin floating above, one by one, choosing people to eat, and a strong black gas constantly emanating from it.

"Do you know this mark of the swallowing sky? If you become my magic envoy, you will also have this mark on your body, and you can always get the power of the demon **** from it. I guarantee that you will get more than this waste material. Ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger!"

   Duantian looked at Zhou Shu, with a satisfying smile on the corner of his mouth, now I should believe it.

Zhou Shu glanced at it, showing disgust on his face, "I don't know what this is. What if you lie to me and make me your demon servant? As a wandering warrior, I will never serve anyone. Except Lord Devil, you don't want to coax me again!"


   Duan Tian really wanted to slap Zhou Shu to death~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally managed to bear it, "Then what are you going to do?"

   Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, "You engraved this mark on the demon soldier, and I will take it to ask others, if it is really the mark of swallowing the sky, I will use the demon soldier to find you again."

The broken sky was slightly stagnant. When this fool was still so smart, he didn't realize, "It's okay, but your Great Desolate Halberd is not suitable for engraving. Do you have other magic soldiers? Don't mind if you wait for the ranks, with me Even the weakest magic weapon will become stronger, you can feel it after using it."

   Zhou Shu pointed at him, "Isn't that a magic soldier in your hand? Just give me one."

   These two axes are called Flame Breaking Double Axes. They are the Earth Demon Soldiers that were only obtained after breaking through the sky, and he regarded them as treasures.

And Duantian hesitated for a while, Zhou Shu is enough, and he still cares what Duantian does. The magic envoy abandoned by the demon **** is useless at all, "Well, I don’t have much power to use now, so I’ll start from Duantian. Take some from your body and give it to you. Remember, you must contact me if you are sure of the authenticity and take this axe to the blood pool."

   Zhou Shu looked awe-inspiring, "If it is true, of course I am willing to work for Lord Demon God, but if it is false, I will definitely kill you!"

"it is good."

  Duantian clenched the hand axe and shouted, a thick cloud of blood suddenly emerged from his shoulders, slowly falling on the hand axe.


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