Fairy Winner

Chapter 3246: Very dissatisfied

     Zhou Shu looked at Broken Sky, secretly rejoicing.

But I didn’t expect it to have such an unexpected gain. It calmly took the Earth Demon Soldier and weakened the strength of Duantian, but the identity of the Demon Race... seems to be more and more solid. What about going to the Demon Race to become a realm master? Yes, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

   "I'm leaving now, take it!"

   Broken the sky tossed hard and threw the flame-breaking double axe over.

   Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to take it, and before he had time to look at it more, he felt a burst of violent demon energy rushing over, and the broken sky rushed over.

   Well, it is the so-called broken sky, the so-called waste material broken sky, which has cancelled the possession of the demon god.

   Even the demon soldiers were gone, Zhou Shu naturally had nothing to worry about. The Great Desolate Halberd picked and flicked, blocking the broken sky.

   "You...Why are my magic soldiers with you?"

  Duantian stared at Zhou Shu, with a look of stunned expression, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

   The Purple Devil Star was suddenly attacked, and he rushed over immediately, but it was still a bit short.

   Very angry, when I was about to shoot, I suddenly felt something wrong with my body, and the devil came.

  As a magic envoy, he noticed that the devil was possessed, although he didn't know why the devil was coming out at this time, and he was completely possessed.

Generally speaking, there are several ways of possessing a demon god. Complete possession means that the demon cannot feel what the demon **** is doing. It completely surrenders the body to the demon god, and there are also semi-possessed methods. At the time, he can perceive what the devil is doing and benefit from it. The other is to perceive possession. The devil can use the magic to observe the surroundings, transmit information, and give orders, but he does not participate in the battle of the magic. The most common method of possession.

  Duantian is a veteran magician, and he naturally knows that he has the power of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon God, but in the past it was basically a sense of possession. This is the first time that he is completely possessed.

As a great demon with a strong self-consciousness, it is not very comfortable to be deprived of physical perception by the demon **** for the first time, but I should be able to get some benefits. I heard that a demon who is completely possessed will leave some pure demon gods in his body. The power can strengthen the body and increase the strength...

   What's the situation now?

Instead of getting stronger, the body was much weaker. Most of the power of the demon gods that was finally drawn from the big blood pools disappeared, and even the flame-breaking double axe obtained with the efforts of the two dragons and tigers. Also in the hands of the opponent.

   Is this demon **** deliberately cheating me?

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "Daitian, you are the enchantment of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon God."

  Duantian Lili was angry, "I ask you why my magic soldier is with you?!"

   Zhou Shu said coldly, "This demon soldier was naturally handed over to me by the Lord Swallowing Devil God himself, can I still **** it from the devil god?"

  The broken sky stagnates, and this is the only possibility, it should be what happened when the demon **** possessed the body just now.

   But why on earth.

   Zhou Shu struck the iron while it was hot, "Broken Heaven, Lord Demon is very dissatisfied with you."


  Duantian was shocked.

When he was selected by the Demon God thousands of years ago, he was able to get the opportunity to communicate with the Demon God once every few decades, gaining power and knowledge, but in the last few hundred years, not counting the one just now, only once, ordinary Perceiving possession, he even rebuked a few words that he didn't use. Could it be that he was really disgusted by the devil?

  As a magician, what I fear most is not to encounter an invincible opponent, with the demon god, no matter how strong the enemy can save his life, but to be abandoned by the demon god.

  Is the scariest thing finally happened?

   But I haven't made any mistakes over the years, and... if this mission can be completed, I will be one of the candidates for the next Phosphorescent Demon.

   Seeing Duantian's expression, Zhou Shu continued, "Your strength is too weak."

   "I...what are you talking about?!"

Duan Tian has already believed in 30%, but he still made a fierce look, and shouted, "I am the master of the Hundred Wells Realm, one of the ten strongest monarchs under the Phosphorescent Demon Lord, you said I am weak. I killed you!"

   "I didn't say it, it was the Demon God."

   Zhou Shu sighed and made the Demon God's Mark face Duan Tian, ​​with a trace of compassion in his eyes, "Look carefully, this is what the Demon God just left to me. You are his magician, can you not recognize this?"

   With the Mark of the Devil God, it is natural to use it.

   Zhou Shu has no scruples, and now there is no way to find the Demon God of Swallowing Sky to confirm it. Even if the Demon God can find out, it must be a long time later.


   Duantian subconsciously touched his shoulder, the mark was still there, but his strength was nearly exhausted, and his heart was ashamed for a while, "How is it possible? My lord, why are you doing this to me?"

Zhou Shu gradually showed mildness, "Don’t panic in the broken sky, Lord Demon God has not given up on you, you still have the opportunity to regain the recognition of Lord Demon God, as long as you can complete the mission that Lord Demon God has given you, the Lord will forgive you and give you Stronger power."


  Duantian widened his eyes, his eyes hot, as if someone who had been floating in the sea for a few days suddenly saw the shore.

   "Naturally, adults are willing to give you a chance, so I let me remind you."

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "I know what you think now, but you must not think wrong. I am not a magic envoy to replace you. If adults let me be a magic envoy, this mark will appear on me. It's not on your axe, it's on the axe, it's enough to show that the adult still has to give you a chance and see you as his magician."

   Duantian looked at Zhou Shu and nodded unconsciously.

   Yes, if he is a magician, then the mark will be on his body. Now on the axe, it means that Lord Demon God has not abandoned me!

   He unconsciously stretched out his long tongue, sweetened his mouth, and his expression quickly became solemn, "Excuse me, what is the mission?"

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "This, don't worry."

"Yes Yes."

   Duantian suddenly bowed his body and bowed, "Excuse me, sir, you were summoned by Lord Demon God?"

   Zhou Shu frowned, "How can you see it?"

"Only Master Demon~www.ltnovel.com~ can summon a powerful Demon Race from places with strong demon energy like the Purple Demon Star. Even the Demon Lord cannot do it. It is my fault. You should think of this when you see an adult coming out of it."

   Duantian looked respectful and knocked his head hard to show respect.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You know a lot, but I am not, I am a wandering warrior passing by, and occasionally I am favored by Lord Demon God. As for why I came out from here, I don't know. Originally, I was wandering around. Yes, it may be the work of Lord Demon God."

   "That's it."

   Duantian nodded, but completely let go of his heart.

The demons summoned from the Purple Demon Star can only be low-level tool demons. It is impossible to have self-awareness. It is almost impossible for a strong man like Zhou Shu to kill the Great Demon Lord. What he said just now is practical. It was to test Zhou Shu, but Zhou Shu was not fooled, he naturally believed in Zhou Shu more in his heart.

   But he didn't know, Zhou Shu didn't understand at all, just didn't want to follow him, and deliberately said true or false.

   escaped unexpectedly.

   (PS: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~~ New Year is coming soon, I wish you all the best~~)


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