Fairy Winner

Chapter 3250: idiot

Lei Lei Mountain.

Zhao Yueru was also pulled into the car.

"Wow, you still have such a good place, Lin Zhu!"

Zhao Yueru blinked, surprised and delighted, "This teleportation array can really be used, can it cross boundaries?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Of course, we tried it just now, and it was directly transmitted to the Purple Devil Star."

"Then I have to try too."

Zhao Yueru said hurriedly, "With this, we can go back soon, right?"

Lin Zhu smiled and shook his head, "Sister Yue, there are a lot of problems now, it consumes too much, and I don't know if I can withstand the intensity of long-term use. When I return to Xianshu City, I will find a way to improve it. "

"Yeah, you are amazing, you are really a genius among geniuses."

Zhao Yueru held her hand and kept complimenting her, making Lin Zhu blush and bow her head.

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu, "Why do you have trouble with such a serious thought?"

"may be."

Zhou Shu said the situation again and said slowly, "Looking at it now, the Kuiwei world is indeed dangerous."

"It's very troublesome."

Zhao Yueru thought about it for a while, "It seems that magic envoys can't be killed, right? I heard that they can continue to resurrect, and here is not far from the devil world."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "If you use your full strength to take advantage of the situation, you should be able to kill him with a single blow and prevent him from having a chance to resurrect, but this will not prevent the demon **** from coming out. If killing him makes the demon **** angry, then the demon who came here There will only be more clans, and there must be magic agents in it. We can't kill them no matter how we kill them. We can only continue to consume them and we can't solve the problem of the Kuiwei world, so killing is not a good way. Thought to let Duantian listen to me."

Lin Zhu didn't realize it, "He will listen to you now."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "He just promised to do something for me, not listening to me. He is now carrying the orders of the Demon Lord. When he fails to do a good job or gets the material money of the Demon Abyss Dragon, he will definitely not leave, but will only continue. Surround the Kuiwei Realm."

Zhao Yueru groaned, "The demons don't seem to be too smart..."

Zhou Shu nodded, "But they are still very obsessed with the task. Whatever the Demon Lord says, they will carry out to the end. In this respect, it may be better than the practitioner. If the person performing the encirclement of the Kuaiwei Realm is a practitioner, there are many ways. For example, the mind, temptation, or any means can be used, but an obsessive magic enchantment, I also have a headache."

Lin Zhu thought for a while, "Can't senior be a magician, maybe not at all?"

"If I could do it, I would have done it long ago."

Zhou Shu sighed, "If I became a magic envoy, it would be simple. I can let Duantian listen to me. It doesn't matter if I don’t obey and kill it directly. If you drag the Demon Lord over there, He Cangjue can also lie to you. There can be many Time is up to the Kuiwei Realm to prepare and even change the situation, but the problem is that I am a practitioner, the most is to make the demon **** unable to see his identity. I really want to let go of the power of the demon god, even if I am willing to abandon the spirit shadow, I can’t hide it. Demon God."

"Then think of a way to make the devil hate him?"

Zhao Yueru said suddenly, "For example, if the Demon God feels that Duantian has betrayed him, then when you kill him, the Demon God will come out and will not blame you."

Lin Zhu's eyes lit up and clapped his hands, "Sister Yue has a good idea!"

Zhou Shu was also stagnant, with a hint of smile, "Yueru said it well, it is worth considering in this regard."

Zhao Yueru said with joy, "Think about anything, just say that Duantian is going to grab your axe, so you killed him."

"This reason is too simple. The imprint represents the Demon God himself. The Demon God will never believe that the Demon Envoy who devotes everything to him will ignore the imprint," Zhou Shu shook his head. "In fact, betrayal is impossible. There is almost no betrayal. The magic envoy betrays the demon god, but it can be used to make the demon **** hate Duantian. If the demon **** feels that Duantian is really unbearable, he may take the initiative to abandon him."

Zhao Yueru said again, "That's not difficult. I specifically searched for Duantian Fighter and beaten dozens of times. Every time I forced the Demon God out without killing him, the Demon God would definitely be tired of him. Da Luo Jinxian's cultivators can't beat it, it's just waste and worthless.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, this method is indeed feasible, "Are you going alone?"

Zhao Yueru nodded seriously, "Of course, you are going, what if your power is recognized by the Demon God? You can't take this risk, and you can't transform the Demon Race to stay there, otherwise the Demon God will blame you for not helping. ."

Zhou Shu pondered for a few breaths and shook his head, "You can't handle it alone. Duantian is not strong right now, but there are many other demons around him, as well as Purple Devil Stars. Besides, you will become weak after you use the Sea Sword. , No one will help you in trouble."

"It's fine for the little girl to go, senior."

Lin Zhu stepped forward to ask for a fight, "The little girl is on the side. I will take Sister Yue away as soon as she finishes the fight. It must be fine."

Zhao Yueru nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, we can sneak attacks. It will spread from place to place, and the demons can't find it, so it's decided!"

Zhou Shu is still considering, "But this is too dangerous."

Zhao Yueru was a little unhappy, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "Zhou Shu, you are too underestimating us! Besides, even if the practitioners are afraid of danger, do they still want to become holy? When you are away, we can They all experienced countless dangers, nine deaths a lifetime! Isn't it, Lin Zhu?"


Lin Zhu answered quietly but firmly, "We can do it, senior."

Zhou Shu looked at the two and nodded slowly, "Well, let's try it first. If it works, then continue."

"Leave it to us!"

Zhao Yueru nodded vigorously, her eyes full of fighting spirit.

Ding Ding Ding-

Three bells rang.

Zhou Shu froze, "Something happened to the Jiang family so soon?"

Lin Zhu shook his head, "No, this is someone looking for me outside, the little girl will go and see."

"Go all."

Several people walked out together.

No one was seen, and a young figure slowly emerged in doubt.

It is Shan Hai Jing, which is nothing compared to the calmness before. His expression is a bit gloomy now, his face is distorted, and he looks very angry.

"What a bunch of idiots!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Looking at the young man ~www.ltnovel.com~Zhao Yueru was immediately unhappy, "We didn't offend you this time? It's uncomfortable to be inside you? Senior!"

Zhou Shu thought of something, his expression condensed slightly, "Senior is talking about the Jiang family, right?"

"Aren't they or who?"

The young man nodded, his face becoming more gloomy, "Unexpectedly, the Jiang family has such a bunch of idiots. It's not enough, it's more than defeat!"

Zhou Shu paused. They stayed inside for only a few quarters of an hour, and something happened outside that made Shan Hai Jing angry. It was strange, and he said inexplicably, "Senior, what happened to the Jiang family? thing?"

The young man sighed, "Zhou Shu, I have something to ask you now, and I will repay you afterwards."

Seeing that he was extremely solemn, Zhou Shu couldn't take it lightly, "Senior said, "If you can do it, the younger generation will do their best."

The young man slowly said, "Catch me the stupidest Jiang Mi from the Jiang family."


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