Fairy Winner

Chapter 3251: Drink poison to quench thirst

   Several people were taken aback, staring at each other.

   The mountain and sea classics want Zhou Shu to catch the Jiang family? That's weird.

   Lin Zhu hesitated, and whispered, "I have never seen him so gaffe. He has always been calm and indifferent."

   Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said slowly, "What the **** is going on, senior? You don't make it clear, junior doesn't know how to help you."

   The young man stood still for several breaths, gradually calmed down, and said something.

   Just after listening, Zhao Yueru said quickly, "This ten-point Dharma formation is sure to be true? Isn't it such a coincidence?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I've heard that the ten-square Dharma formation is indeed one of the guardian formations of the Buddha Kingdom. It is indeed a coincidence that these rare large formations were found in this place at this time. The conspiracy of others."

   The young man sneered, "Anyone can see that there is a problem, but these Jiang family elders believe it is true, and hope it will help!"

   Zhou Shu paused, "Didn't the senior persuade them?"

   The young man said angrily, "I just said a few words, it seems to have heard it, but it is actually a violation of yang and yin. Now they are thinking about setting up an array!"

   "It's really stupid."

   Zhao Yueru sighed, "I thought the Jiang family was not so stupid before. They never thought that the timing of this formation was too strange?"

   Zhou Shu condensed his eyebrows, "There is a reason for most of them, the Jiang family is not so stupid."


The young man shook his head and sighed, "There is no reason why they think I don't want to help them, and you can't help them. They have no other way. Dead horses are treated as living horse doctors, and they have their last hope. Pin it on this formation."

   Looking at his suddenly much older face, Zhou Shu was silent for a moment.

   It's not that Jiang family is stupid, but Jiang family can't help it.

For thousands of years, Shan Hai Jing has been indifferent to them, but now faced with the great crisis of the survival of the family, Shan Hai Jing still does not come forward, only let them go to Zhou Shu, in their opinion, Shan Hai Jing has mostly given up. They are gone. After Zhou Shu's miss, they have nowhere to go. They think that the survivors of the shipwreck, no matter what wood or straw they find, they will try their best to catch them if they have a little hope, even if the formation is fake. Had to use it, in case it was true.

   Zhao Yueru whispered, "Since the seniors understand everything, why not help them?"

   The young man slowly said, "It's not that I don't want to help, but that my strength is limited. I can't do without the Quebec realm. I can't help them with matters outside the realm, but they can't bear it even if the enemy enters the realm."

   Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "Is the reason why the virtual world turned into the real world?"

   The young man glanced at him, then paused, "That's right, but there are other reasons."

   Zhao Yueru suddenly thought of the words "help me", and was about to speak, but when he saw Zhou Shu shaking his head, he immediately stopped.

The young man turned away from the subject, and said solemnly, "The most urgent thing is to stop Jiang Shu, and we must not let them line up. I am not afraid that this formation is fake, but I am afraid that this ten-party Dharma formation will be tampered with. There is really no way to go."

   Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Senior's own realm, can't stop it?"

   The young man nodded, "This formation is arranged outside the boundary. I can't stop it, and I can't attack the Jiang family. This is the original promise to the earth emperor."

   Zhou Shu raised his hand, "So that's it, the younger generation will try it."

   "Wait, take this one."

   The young man hesitated, took out a wooden sign and handed it to Zhou Shu.

   Zhou Shu took a look, felt a little tremor, nodded, and returned to the car with the two. The blue light flashed and the car was gone.

   Zhao Yueru murmured, "Unexpectedly, the Jiang family was desperate so soon, even this kind of trap that came to the door would be drilled inside, drinking poison to quench thirst."

"No wonder they, when they fell into the cliff and there was no way to go, someone handed down a rope. Even if there was a knife or fire waiting behind the rope, they had to climb up," Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Speaking. I also had some responsibilities, and didn't explain the situation of the Purple Devil Star with Jiang Mi."

   Lin Zhu whispered, "Senior didn't intentionally conceal it. We didn't have a plan. Everyone knew it would be useless. Besides, Seniors were always worried about the Jiang family's gangsters."

   Zhao Yueru said suddenly, "Could that Jiang Shu be a traitor?"

   "I don't know, but there is a problem with the ten-point Dharma array he brought, that's for sure."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "The arrangement outside the realm is mostly to limit the abilities of the Shanhaijing. I was thinking about what the immortal world would rely on to obtain the Shanhaijing. The demons are just surrounded. I have never figured it out, but now I see Come, their method is in this ten-point Dharma formation."

   Lin Zhu nodded slightly, "The old man must have realized it too, otherwise he won't be so anxious. When the formation is ready, he may be locked up."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Jiang family leads the wolf into the house by himself. He really can't help it. After all, it is the book of the earth emperor, and the relationship with the emperor is very deep. It is impossible to do anything to the descendants of the earth emperor."

Zhao Yueru thought for a while and said, "Shu, you just didn't let me talk, why? I think his power is limited, not only because of the real world, but it must also have something to do with the Shennongding he is closing. so easy."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "This is their secret, why should we explore it."

   "I just think this is wrong."

Zhao Yueru was a little unconvinced, "Obviously, the enemies are in front of us, but she is still fighting, Jiang family and the old man, Shanhaijing and Shennongding, as well as the emperor and the human emperor. If we can unite together and exert our strength together, what kind of demons will the Kuiwei Realm be afraid of, and will they still be afraid of the cunning methods of the Immortal Realm?"

   Zhou Shu sighed, speechless.

   This is the case, he can't blame Zhao Yueru, nor can he say the classics of mountains and seas.

  If you think about it, this is the crux of the problem.

  Infighting seems to be a tradition, no matter where it is ~www.ltnovel.com~ hinders the development of human practitioners. This is a big problem that is a hundred times more troublesome than the Quebec world, and it seems that there is no way to solve it.


Lin Zhu hesitated and couldn't help saying, "That's why the seniors should become the emperor. As long as the seniors get their recognition, they will definitely listen to the seniors, and they will no longer fight each other. The present heavens and the past The Xuanhuang world is the same. The practitioners are very strong, but very scattered, and they need someone who can truly lead them to lead them."

   Zhou Shu was taken aback, fixedly looking at her, seeing her lowered her head, and then lifted it up for a while, "Is the little girl wrong?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, the surprise in his eyes was replaced with expectation and appreciation, "It's not wrong at all, but I didn't expect that you would suddenly say something like this."

With Zhou Shu’s eyes facing each other, Lin Zhu lowered her head unconsciously, with a shame on her face, "Just say it when you think about it. Actually, I think it's a bit far away, but the little girl really thinks so. Nowadays, human practitioners really need it. Senior."

   "Hehe, those are things for the future, and the problems in the small world in front of you can't be solved, so what do you think about?"

   Zhou Shu waved his hand confidently and smiled heartily. Before he knew it, the depression in his heart disappeared.

   The two women looked at him, but for some reason, smiles appeared on the corners of their mouths.


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