Fairy Winner

Chapter 3253: Fully cooperate

     Hearing Zhou Shu's words, both of them were startled.

   Some light flashed in his eyes, the light of hope, although not strong, but persistent.

   When did he have such trust in Zhou Shu? Didn't he just come back from a feather? Does he really regard him as the emperor of the heavens?

   Jiang Wei scolded himself secretly, and asked cautiously, "Respect, if you have any good ideas, say, okay? We will definitely try our best to cooperate."

   Jiang Ji is also very respectful, "The respected driver said that the demons will not come down, why?"

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "Cang Jue is not only in contact with the Demon Race, but also the Immortal Realm. Their goal is to capture the old scholar, not to destroy the Kuiwei Realm."


   The expressions of the two changed suddenly, "Cang Jue also found the fairy world, what's the matter?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Cang Jue used the materials of the Demon Abyss Dragon as a price to attract the Phosphorescent Demon Lord to send people to surround the Kuaiwei Realm, only to surround and not fight, and to leave a gap for your Jiang family to escape, of course. Just to divide the defensive forces of the Kuiwei world and break them one by one. At a certain time, the immortal world will come forward to control the Kuiwei world and collect the mountain and sea classics. The attracting stars gathering spirit array is one of the methods to control the Kuiwei world."

After looking at the two of them, he continued, "You have all seen the Seven-Star Realm. For thousands of years, this realm has been absorbing the star power. If there is a gathering of stars in the Kuiwei Realm, then it will gather together. A large amount of star power will be transmitted through the formation, and will continue to erode the Kuaiwei realm, so that the Kuaiwei realm can be guided and controlled by the star power. At that time, no matter how strong the old book is, it can't stop it."

   "Damn Jiang Shu!"

   There was a palpitation in his heart, and the blue veins on Jiang Ji's face burst out, and he scolded bitterly, "Eat what's inside and out!"

   Jiang Su's figure shook a few times, and he suppressed his anger. "The third brother, maybe Jiang Shu doesn't know it, but he just won."

"Where is there such a coincidence? It is obvious that he and Cang Jue have colluded, and I don't know what benefit Cang Jue Xu has given him..." Jiang Ji suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly looked down, suspicious, "He doesn't Will you run away?"

   "He has gone to Deyuan Hall, there is a bookkeeper below, he can't leave."

   Jiang Su waved his hand and looked at Zhou Shu, "Respect, I don't know a little bit, what does Cang Jue want the old man to do?"

"It will be handed over to the Immortal Realm. The Xuanming Clan will not be able to use the Mountain Sea Scriptures. They definitely hope that the Immortal Realm will erase the Xuanming Clan in the Mountain Sea Scriptures and free themselves from the shackles of your Jiang family. At the same time, they will use this to attack other Wu Clan, such as Zhu Rong, and the fairy world got the Shan Hai Jing, there are more places to use..." Zhou Shu paused, "At present, it seems that the people who come from the fairy world are all old people from Emei, or it may just be Emei’s own idea. not much."

Jiang Ji was still angrily, "Emei is also the immortal world. They are all about the same. They have been staring at us. We haven't let it go after we hid here. It's terrible! But what's even more hateful is Cang Jue. We haven't driven much in these years. Xuan Ming Clan, he actually used such a vicious scheme to completely exterminate our descendants?!"

   Jiang Su glanced at him, "Don't tell me the third brother, when we enslaved the Wu Clan, we should have thought of this day, but we didn't expect it to be so fast."


Jiang Ji was speechless, and it took a long time before he said, "We have nothing to do. We are all forced to come here. If we don’t drive the Witch Clan to survive, let’s say that in the Xuanhuang Realm, the Witch Clan was greatly favored by the ancestors. Without the ancestors, the Wu Clan is nothing more than..."

   Jiang Su's face sank, "You have enough."

   Jiang Ji lowered his head and said nothing more.

He actually knows that no race is willing to accept restraint all the time, even if it seems to be loose restraint, that won’t work. It’s just that he always thinks in his heart that for the descendants of the land queen, the Wu clan should be a servant-like existence, no Willing to admit that the situation has now reversed.

   Jiang Su looked solemnly, "Respect, what should we do now?"

Zhou Shu paused, "The Seven-Star Realm has existed for thousands of years, which shows that they have been preparing for this matter a long time ago, and are prepared for a protracted battle. If the gathering of stars cannot succeed, there will definitely be other means. Always be very careful, strictly control the people in the Kuiwei world, don't have any trouble, and don't let anyone reveal the situation in the world."

"it is good."

   A cold light flashed in Jiang Mi's eyes, and he was already killing him.

   Zhou Shu said again, "It's mainly outside the boundary. There are book elders in the boundary watching. As long as your Jiang family doesn't mess around, it shouldn't be a big problem."

   Jiang Su said seriously, "Respect, Jiang Shu, something like that will never happen again."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "On the Mozu side, I lost deliberately. I have a plan. You don't have to worry about it."

   "Intentionally lost?"

   Jiang Ji stagnated, and said in a serpent, "Why didn't you tell me earlier..."

   Zhou Shu ignored him, "The existence of the fairy world and the seven-star world is a hidden danger and must be completely destroyed, but now is not the time. I will notify you to cooperate."

   Jiang Su nodded, and said calmly, "You must cooperate with all your strength. Even if most of the Jiang family is dead, you must do it with the driver."

   He said indifferently, Jiang Ji faintly shuddered. He had never seen his second brother like this. The plain determination made people chill.

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "The two elders, these things are very difficult to do, but even if they have done their best and prevented this infinite conspiracy, the crisis in the Quewei world will still not be resolved, and the next crisis will break out. ,Just a matter of time."

   Both of them were stagnant, but they soon understood.

   They also knew that as long as the Shan Hai Jing could still restrict the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan would still launch an attack on the Kui Kui Realm sooner or later. This time it was the Xuan Ming Clan, and perhaps the Zhu Rong Clan next time.

   Jiang Su hesitated, "I understand, but if we take the initiative to erase the traces of the Witch Clan, it is also difficult for us to survive here, and it is not our decision."

Jiang Ji sighed, "The blame is only for our Jiang family's failure to keep up. If we can produce a quasi-sage for so many years, there is no need to worry about it. The guarantee prepared by our Jiang family~www.ltnovel.com~ but we... alas."

   Zhou Shu said calmly, "You'd better talk to the old scholar about what you plan to do in the future. After I go back, I will find the old scholar and let him find you."

   Jiang Su quickly nodded, "Okay, then thank you for driving."

   Jiang Ji only smiled wryly, "We have to respect the driver for help, we are really unbelievable, ha ha."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Actually, I think you'd better change places. It is still too dangerous on the edge of the wizarding world and the demon world."

   Jiang Su looked at Zhou Shu and nodded, with a lot of relief, "My respected driver said, I thought about it this way, but I never had the opportunity to talk to the old man. I will ask him this time."

   "That's fine."

   Zhou Shu arched his hands.

"and many more."

   Jiang Ji caught up with him a few steps, and his eyes fell on Zhou Shu's hands, "Respect, there is one more thing."

   Zhou Shu frowned, "You want to attract the stars to gather the spirit formation? I will put it away first. This formation has other uses."

   (PS: Thank you Hugher for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~~)

   (PPS: New Year's Eve, the most important thing is to pay attention to your body and stay healthy~~~)


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