Fairy Winner

Chapter 3254: Wait for 1 light

     Jiang Ji couldn't help but waved his hand, "No, no, I want to do something with the formation, so please take it away."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "What's that?"

Jiang Ji hesitated, "Jiang Shu's cultivation strength is not much worse than mine. How did the respected driver subdue him and let him send out the formation? I am just curious. It doesn't matter if the respected driver doesn't say anything. ."


   Zhou Shu lightly took out a wooden sign, "This, the old man gave it."

The wooden sign is pitch black, with a few grains of different colors painted on it, and a crimson line surrounds the grains, or because of the long time, the red line has penetrated into the wooden sign. , Merged into one, some red light was faintly revealed at the edge.

"this is……"

   Jiang Ji's eyes widened, and he was stunned for a while.

   Jiang Mi remained calm, only the corners of his mouth twitched unknowingly, and he was shocked.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "This was given to me by the old scholar. He didn't say what it was called, but I guess it has something to do with the Emperor of the Earth, right? It can suppress your blood, and make your Jiang family unable to perform normally in a short time. Strength, rest assured, I will return it to him when I go back, I don’t need this."


   Jiang Ji still didn't say anything, but just nodded vigorously.

   Zhou Shu smiled and turned away.

   Jiang Su suppressed his restless mood, and said slowly, "Senior, do you really believe him?"

"I don't know if it is, but I know, he held this wooden sign, enough to subdue everyone in our Jiang family... Alas," Jiang Ji sighed unconsciously, "I didn't expect that the old scholar still With this, give it back to an outsider."

   Jiang Su paused, "Maybe Jiang Shu was mad at him, or he might really regard Zhou Shu as the emperor."

   Jiang Ji said suddenly, "Is this a reminder for us?"

   "What hint?"

   Jiang Su was a little confused, but soon thought of something, "You say, wish?"

   Jiang Ji nodded repeatedly, "Yes, brother! We won’t have a chance to see the old man, if he wants to ask our wishes, we..."

   A few days later.


   Zhou Shu sat in front of the plowing fire, with a leisurely expression, and the opposite was a sudden appearance.

   Suddenly it seemed to put down the wine jar, as if thinking, "It's not quiet in the world these days."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "What did you see?"

"I saw a lot of things," suddenly shook his head slightly. "The Jiang family here on Lei Lei Mountain was gone the day before yesterday. Didn't they keep the most important place? Yesterday, the tribe on the Huo Rin Valley said, the main hall There were also a lot less people there. The world seemed to be half empty. When I came here today, I saw that all the Xuanming people who were locked up had left the Kuaiwei world. They were brought out by Jiang Ji, and Jiang Ji soon Ji came back, what's going on, brother Baima?"

   Zhou Shu picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "Good wine, good thing."

   "What good thing? I can't see it!"

Suddenly it seemed a little angry, "The Jiang family looked like they had given up resistance, and even the Xuanming clan let them go back. Are they not defending the Kuaiwei Realm and intend to escape? Or should they give this place to the Xuanming clan to resist the demon? Family? I absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing!"

   Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder in the air, "Reassured, it's not what you think."

   suddenly seemed to stare at him, "Then tell me, I can't help?"

   Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "How do you help? Take the clansmen to attack the demons, or the Xuanming tribe and practitioners in the Seven Star Realm?"

"This one……"

Suddenly he sighed, "Master Zhu Rong has not given instructions until now, and there is no news from your solar mark. If I go back without authorization to attract people from the tribe, I am afraid that it will cause trouble for Zhu Rongjie, Mozu and Xuanming. The clan also has the immortal world, in case it gets caught..."

   Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Xiang brother, compared with the past, you have changed."

   "I became shrunken, and I'm not happy doing things, right?"

Suddenly it seemed to lift up the wine jar, pour it down, drenched in alcohol, and angrily said, "I knew I didn't do this magician. If I was alone, I would do whatever I wanted. Go now. The Profound Underworld is looking for that Cang Jue!"

   "This is not a bad thing."

Zhou Shu calmly looked at him, "There is a group of people behind him, a lot of realms, they can’t move rashly. Brother Xiang, the current situation of the Kuiwei realm is not to please the Xuanming clan. They have no meaning to stay here. It’s not about the demons, but the Jiang family is working hard to rectify and prepare for the upcoming war."

   suddenly became excited, "A war is coming?"

Zhou Shu looked serious, "Yes, and your task is to take care of the Zhurong people and to guard the Kuiwei world, not just Lei Lei Mountain, but the whole world, no matter what kind of enemies you encounter, the demons or practitioners Xuan Ming clan, as long as you dare to come in, you are responsible for destroying them."

   "I must do it well."

   Suddenly nodded again and again, as if taking an oath seriously, "But the Seven Star Realm and the demons, what should I do?"

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, “Don’t let the witch gods embarrass, take the initiative to attack things, hand it over to the Jiang family and me, the Xuanming clan and the demons are up to us to fight, you just need to guard the world."

   Suddenly, it seemed that there was a lot of guilt, "You do all the troublesome things, I, oh..."

"What's the relationship? How do you and I divide each other?" Zhou Shu looked condensed, "Furthermore, your help may not be a good thing. If you really make you Zhu Rong clan fight with Xuan Ming clan, the war will continue, the Kuiwei Realm on the side will definitely be over. The Jiang family doesn’t want this either."

   Many things, Zhou Shu did not tell Suddenly, he did not use the sun mark to find Zhu Rong Wushen.

Zhou Shu’s idea is very simple. This matter is the cultivator’s own business. It is best not to let the Zhu Rong clan and Xuanming clan participate, or don’t participate so early~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s okay, but you have to wait. Zhou Shu will fight after reaching the goal. On the other hand, it suddenly seems that his loyalty to Zhu Rong is definitely higher than his trust in Zhou Shu. This has been verified in the chariot last time, such a believer of the wizard god. , Now it’s not suitable for Zhou Shu to put his heart to heart.

  Perhaps, after communicating with Zhu Rong, there may be a better and easier way, but for Zhou Shu, that is meaningless.

He must rely on himself in order to rectify the emperor’s name and achieve his goal. Even if he does not do well and does hard work, he must lead human practitioners to complete it. Other races, even witch gods, cannot grab merit. Even the witch **** might be able to better help the Kuiwei world.

   "Brother White Horse, you really think about us."

   Suddenly nodded, and solemnly said, "If it can be resolved smoothly, you must go to the wizarding world. Lord Zhu Rong will definitely see you."

   "I can solve it."

   Zhou Shu smiled and picked up the wine glass, and looked up at the sky.

   Suddenly, he looked around, wondering, "In the past few days, you have seen the sky dozens of times. What are you waiting for?"

   "Wait for a light."

   Zhou Shu smiled, but a few worries flashed in his eyes. Zhao Yueru and Lin Zhu had left Kuiwei Realm for three days.



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