Fairy Winner

Chapter 3261: Nothing

     The young man stood still for a few breaths, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go."


   Zhao Yueru, who is very worried about the chance, is a little dissatisfied, "We have not seen the result yet, so we have to go. What are the seniors going to do?"

   "Do you think it's that easy?"

The young man frowned, as if he wanted to scold him, but he glanced at her and his eyes gradually softened, "It's not a matter of a short while, it will take at least a few days to release his seal even if you get your flying sword. You can’t wait here forever, don’t worry, he is a man of love, he will never treat you badly with your help, and neither will I.”

   Zhao Yueru stagnated, and whispered, "The junior is rude."

   "Let's go, Yueru, come back and see, we still have important things to do."

   Zhou Shu approached with a smile and saluted the young man, "Thank you, senior."

  The young man said faintly, "We should say thank you very much. Now it is not only the Jiang family, but we also bear your love."

   "Senior, don't care, the Lieshan Temple is very close, so we can just pass by ourselves."

   Without waiting for the young man to speak, Zhou Shu hurriedly took Zhao Yueru away.

   Zhao Yueru complained, "What's the rush?"

   Zhou Shu smiled, "Let him say a few more words, I'm afraid your chances will be compromised."


   Zhao Yue nodded consciously, but was a little confused.

   "Respect, you are back."

   Seeing Zhou Shu, Jiang Su immediately greeted him with a respectful look.

Behind him are the children of the Jiang family lined up in rows, most of them are Daluo Jinxian, of course there are also Hunyuan Jinxian and Jinxian, but regardless of the level of cultivation and age, everyone looks exactly the same, standing straight. The expression is firm, the eyes are firm, there is a kind of boldness to regard death as home, but also the style of the family.

   are indeed elites.

   Putting aside the strength, this attitude is not much worse than Xie Bai.

   Zhou Shu is a little envious.

He can't cultivate such a talent. This is not to say that Zhou Shu can't do it, but his philosophy of cultivating talents is different. He does not need the determination to die at all times. He has always disliked dead men, and when dead men must be needed. , He will use his clone and puppet instead.

   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Are you all ready?"

Jiang Su said in a deep voice, "They have been on standby. I have already explained the words of the driver carefully. The driver can now order them or test them at will. If someone does not meet the requirements of the driver, we Change someone else immediately."

   Zhou Shu nodded, his eyes fell in the crowd, and he nodded at random, "What's your name?"

   "Jiang Chen!"

   The big Luo Jinxian immediately responded. He stood extremely stable, and he couldn't see the slightest nervousness or panic, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

   Zhou Shu showed a trace of satisfaction, "Where are you going?"

   Jiang Chen said loudly, "Go to the Seven Star Realm!"

   Zhou Shu's face suddenly sank, "How to go?"

   Jiang Chen said without hesitation, "A group of ten people, others don’t know!"

   "Very good."

Zhou Shu nodded and turned to the people. "What I should say, I believe that the clan elders have told you. I have to say two things. First, don't be too concentrated. Both Emei and Xuanming clan are very good at large areas. Don’t get used to the tactics once. Secondly, what you have to do is to protect yourself. By all means, the longer you support in the Seven-Star Realm, the more favorable the situation will be."


   Jiang's family responded together, and the roof was overturned.

   Jiang Yu was a little puzzled, "We only protect ourselves, the seven star realms..."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "Here we come."

   Jiang Su stagnated, and said slowly, "Well, you have a life, I dare not wait."

   Zhou Shu nodded and looked at Lin Zhu and said, "Zhu, open it, after everyone has sent it away, you put it away and go to Juding Mountain to see."


   Lin Zhu promised in a low voice, "Senior, sister Yue, you come back early, don't worry."

   Zhao Yueru smiled, "Don't worry, I have a sea-treading sword, besides, there is still a big opportunity waiting for me, how can something happen!"

   Zhou Shuwen said, "Don't worry, just wait."

   Soon, the teleportation array appeared in front of everyone.

   Strange, delicate and bright.

   Zhou Shu paid attention to the Jiang family and completely let go.

The three hundred people still maintained their previous state of expression, almost unchanged, knowing that they were in front of them, the Jiang family had been studying the teleportation array that they had always wanted, and it was also the formation that the fairy world dreamed of, and it was indeed rare to be able to remain calm. Zhou Shu's careful exploration before last can conclude that these people are indeed usable and easy to use, except that they are not their own, they are perfect.


   Zhou Shu glanced at Zhao Yueru and nodded relaxedly.

   Zhao Yueru smiled a few steps closer, unconsciously pulled Zhou Shu, and entered the teleportation array together.

   The light burst, and the two disappeared.

   The light on the teleportation array continued to flicker for more than ten breaths before gradually disappearing.

   Lin Zhu walked over without saying a word, bowed his head and got busy.

   Jiang Ji couldn't help but said, "Miss Lin, how long does it take?"

   "Half a quarter of an hour."

Lin Zhu didn't lift her head, her hands were too busy to stop, and there was a lot of worry in her heart. They didn't know the situation of the Seven Star Realm beforehand. Although she calculated that the landing point was a corner that didn't seem dangerous, no one could. I'm sure there are no heavy troops there, what if Zhou Shu is in danger...

   "Miss Lin, don't worry."

   Jiang Su said calmly, "We will go there for the next batch. With the strength of the driver and Miss Zhao, it shouldn't be a problem to resist for half an hour."


   Lin Zhu nodded slightly, still very worried.

   Seven Star Realm.

   "The situation is not so good."

Zhou Shu came down to the ground, felt a little bit, and frowned~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Yueru didn't realize it, "We're not here where they have the tightest defense, have we? I feel it, and perception is much limited. , And there are very powerful hidden forces around, and there are many changes. It is a formation? However, it does not seem to be composed of star power. Isn't it Emei's here?"

   Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "The formation is okay, the main outer layer has a protective layer constructed by pure lunar power."

Most of the power of this layer is related to the witch god, and even his power of reincarnation is greatly restricted, and through the protective layer with a vague eighth sense, you can see many shadowy things, I don’t know if it is an enemy or In addition, the eighth sense of the soul shadow is far inferior to the body, and it is also very restricted...

   Maybe Zhao Yueru was right, they happened to be teleported to the most protected place.

   "You! Who is it? Someone invaded!"

   hadn't stopped for a few breaths, a shocked voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

The formation of    changed with the shout.

   The power was fairly calm before, but now it's completely runaway, layered on top of each other, squeezed like a tide, one wave after another, there are more than a dozen unusually tall figures, slowly pushing towards them.

   (PS: Thank you for your continuous support for the eyelid with autism, thanks to the book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~~)


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