Fairy Winner

Chapter 3262: let me out

     Zhao Yueru was stagnant, "The reaction is so fast? We all hide our traces?"

   "Don't care, break the formation quickly."

   Zhou Shu glanced around, and flicked toward those figures.

   There is no time to think about it.

   The situation is grim.

   After the formation here is activated, it obviously forms a special domain, which can restrict most of the unknown domains of the law.

Zhou Shu judged this in an instant, because his Shu Zhili was limited to nearly 70%, which means that 70% of the many laws he mastered were restricted. Although he still doesn’t know what changes will follow, But as far as the current situation is, if the Jiang family are allowed to come down, it will be a wolf into the tiger's mouth, and I am afraid that it will not be able to keep half.

   Zhao Yueru followed closely, carrying the sea-stepping sword, full of confidence.

   Her sword intent is not restricted, because apart from the sword formation, there is no other formation that can really restrict the sword intent.

"what is this?"

   Seeing the enemies approaching, her mind was slightly shaken.

Her body is about three feet long, her hands and feet are unusually long, and her body is covered with a thick carapace. Even the five senses are born on the carapace. She looks very active, but she can't feel any vitality. She has been to many worlds, but from Never seen such a thing.

   "The corpse of the armor race."

   Zhou Shu flew a punch, frowning slightly, "Unexpectedly, Emei could make such a thing."

The   Kai human race is a very strange alien race, only exists in the witch world, it is said to be transformed by You Chi's armor.

The Kai Humans are tall and look like a pair of armor. They are characterized by extremely strong defensive power. The Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifacts can't hurt them at all, but the Kai Humans themselves have no intelligence at all. Therefore, in the eyes of the Wus, Kai The human race is like a kind of activity material. Some witch races deliberately raise the armor human race, and when they are mature, they can use it to make armor. There are many untellable stories behind this, and there is no need to mention it.

Zhou Shu, the armor of the armored human race, has seen a pair of armors, but this is the first time I have seen a corpse like this.

   There is no doubt that this is the collaboration between the practitioner and the Wu clan.

   Zhou Shu must be Emei, because there are many lines of different sizes on the body of the corpse of the Kairen clan, which are engraved with star power.

  A closer look reveals that these lines are also the reason why the armored race can be controlled, just like the puppet lines.

Maintaining the strong defensive power of the armored race itself, and then injecting the power of the law, using a special domain to increase its strength, and then using star power to control it, you can build an extremely powerful line of defense. The average person has no way to deal with it, and wants to destroy the owner. The connection with refining the corpse is not good, the special power of the star power can be passed through with the starlight, and it is almost unstoppable.

   "It's really hard!"

   It took Zhao Yueru a lot of energy before he cut off the arm of an armored human race, and his body was numb. "Shu, or I would unlock some seals, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with so many."

   "Don't think about it, unless you completely unblock them, you won't be able to solve them."

   Zhou Shu shook his head without hesitation, "I'm looking for a moment, you just entangle them with them, you don't need to kill them."

"it is good."

   Zhao Yueru nodded her head freely, and then said, "Will the array eyes be outside?"

   Zhou Shu sighed, "This is what I am worried about, but if the eyes are outside, what is the meaning of existence here?"

   Zhao Yueru swept away an armored human race, and his body followed, "Maybe there is something precious inside? Emei is so hard, what is the chance, or we will look at it later."

   Zhou Shu whispered, "You are still thinking about this now."

   "You go find it, I'll come."

   Zhao Yueru glanced at him, swept towards the few armored races on the side, left and right, and quickly gathered a dozen people around.

   "Be careful."

   Zhou Shu exhorted, flew out of the formation.

   It feels good that someone is helping. If he is alone, it is really troublesome to face the siege of these armored races. The difficulty has increased several times, and it may not be able to do it in half an hour...

Speaking of the teleportation array, this is not good. As long as the destination is determined, it cannot be changed and the message cannot be sent back. It is okay for Zhou Shu to be here. If another person is changed, this step may be wrong. The whole Jiang family was ruined.

   This is a lesson.

   He walked straight out, also because there was really no eye inside.

   A total of tens of miles in a radius, the power fluctuations and the origin of the power are easy to detect, there is no inside, it can only be outside.

   The aisle is approaching, and I perceive it carefully, only to feel that it is up and down, left and right, in all directions, all the power of the lunar yin.

   Flexible as water, dense as snow, hard as ice, and nothingness as air.

   Compared with the power of the Tai Yin in the Xuanhuang Realm, they are completely two things. It is not an exaggeration to say that Tianyuan is different.

   At present, Zhou Shu knows about the power of the law, there is almost no similarity with it. If there is no similarity, it will be difficult for Shu Zhili to play.

It was Zhou Shu. He couldn't think of a good way for a while. If Shu Zhili reached the level of control, maybe he could try to merge, but now, maybe he can only concentrate the power of reincarnation and order in his body and fight it. But if you do that, it will be very detrimental to the next battle.

  Using the power of the sun?

   The collision of two completely conflicting forces can undoubtedly break the formation, but this is a last resort method.

   There is another way that is equally decisive, and that is to use the purple magic star.

The result of doing this is probably to completely destroy the Seven Star Realm, and forge a deep enmity with the Immortal Realm and the Xuanming Clan. There is no room for maneuver, and it will force the Kuiwei Realm to have no retreat and let the situation go in the direction that I want most. Therefore, you must be cautious when you use it. It must not be the time when the battle has just started, otherwise it will make the Jiang family and Shan Haijing feel that all this may come from their own design.

   The sword light flashed, and Zhao Yueru arrived.

   Zhou Shu frowned, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Yueru turned around and pointed, "It’s okay, look, hehe~www.ltnovel.com~ a dozen armored human corpses are still beating Zhao Yueru, but if you look closely, you can find that the Zhao Yueru inside is just a sword-intent clone, just The Kairen clan couldn't tell at all, and they played vigorously.

   "Sword intent and clones are not restricted. They can't touch me, it doesn't matter over there."

  Zhao Yueru stared at the outside, "Can't you make it? Huh, there seems to be a group of people outside, are they doing the trick?"


   Zhou Shu looked at it, but he was also stagnant, and he couldn't help but hit himself, "That's it."

   I believe too much in my own perception. It seems that I must break through the power of the yin to observe the outside. In fact, I can see through it with my eyes.

   Not far from the protective layer of the power of the yin, there is a group of Xuan Ming clan forming a group of focused spells.

   Obviously, the shield outside this formation was not the formation, but they made it. In other words, as long as it affected their spell casting, this layer of shield that caused Zhou Shu's headache would break without attack.

   "Cang Jue let me come! Let me go out!"

   Zhou Shu shouted loudly, using the most standard Xuanming language.

   (PS: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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