Fairy Winner

Chapter 3263: Knowledgeable

     Of course, while shouting, Zhou Shu became a member of the Xuanming clan.

   is just a change in appearance, without the need for power simulation, Zhou Shu didn't think that through such a complicated formation, this group of Xuanming people could recognize the difference in inner strength.

   The group of Xuan Ming clan people really stagnated, and some people turned their heads to check and asked.

   "Why did you go there! Looking for death?"

   "That's a forbidden place, don't you know?!"

   This delay is enough for Zhou Shu.

   This pause immediately caused the power transmission to fluctuate. Correspondingly, the defense in some places became stronger, and some weakened.

   This flaw was caught by Zhou Shu in no time.

  The power of Shu was like a broken bamboo, and tore a small hole in the shield.

You don’t need a look at all, Zhao Yueru understands it, and the sea-stepping sword let go, with a solid sword intent, directly penetrating a Xuanming clan member. The remaining power was not eliminated, and the clan member flew for several miles, and finally held firm. Nailed to the tree.

   One person is missing, there is a problem with power transmission, and the distribution of power is even more chaotic.

   Relying on manpower to maintain, it is not as stable as the formation. Maybe people's resilience can make the chaos recover quickly, but Zhou Shu will not give them a chance.

   The shield, which was originally thin enough to have no flaws, was already full of holes in Zhou Shu's eyes.

  The power of Shu poured out, and quickly tore a crack.

   "I'm going to fight, be careful."

   After going out of the formation, Zhou Shu exhorted him and swept straight towards the formation eye not far away.

   The formation eye is really outside the formation, it is quite obvious, for Zhou Shu it is just a glance.

   When there was still some distance from the front of the array, I suddenly heard a sound of panic from deep underground.

   "How did these two people come here suddenly? Can they escape from the Kairen formation?"

   "I don't know, but I have already notified Chengzhu Li."

   "The star source must be shut down first. If this is discovered to be damaged, we will all be killed."

   "Hurry up when you're done, don't be found."

   Obviously, the two people in this conversation were practitioners who manipulated the armored human corpse. As for the source of stars they said, Zhou Shu didn't know what it was, but it must be a very important thing.

   But now I don’t have time to think about it more, I have to solve the problem first.

   The front eye is a small hill, and a lot of star power is gathered inside and outside. Zhou Shu is not polite, and casually takes out a 9th grade gold brick and smashes it over.

   There was a bang.

   The golden bricks flattened the ball abruptly, and a large amount of star power collided with the immortal power, and large and small storms suddenly swirled on the flat ground, smog.

   formation method is beginning to fail.

The movement of the    Kai Human Race gradually slowed down, and began to find the target, running around blankly.

   Zhou Shu turned around immediately, shaking a few times, not far from the group of Xuan Ming clan.

   There is still a lot of extra energy on the gold bricks, enough to disturb the eyes, and Zhao Yueru has fallen into a bitter battle, and the sword intent is obviously scattered.

It’s not that the Xuanming clan is too strong, but that Zhao Yueru wants to save his strength for the release of the Sea-Treading Sword, and dare not do it with all his strength. For Jian Xiu, not being able to fight with all his strength is the biggest restraint for them, not to mention having a clone in it. .

   "Either die or go away!"

   Zhou Shu yelled, with irresistible pressure.

   suddenly the heart loosened.

   These Xuanming people have always been used by practitioners as a tool to transport the power of the yin. They naturally have no affection for the seven-star realm, and they have no consciousness of dying for the practitioner. After Zhou Shu took a hand to shake a few people away, they immediately acted as birds and beasts.

   But when I left, I didn't forget to take the one nailed to the tree.

   The shield disappeared completely, and the formation inside became more chaotic. Under the lure of the avatar, the armored corpse refining corpses disappeared.

   "Exactly half an hour."

   Zhao Yueru straightened her messy hair and showed a slight smile.

   Zhou Shu nodded, his gaze fell on the ground before, and the divine consciousness disappeared.

The underground is also a space supported by a formation. The formation is also chaotic. There is no one inside, and there are messy formations everywhere. There are traces of escape from the ground. The power of the law is not pure, it is about large. Luo Jinxian's level.

   Xingyuan, what would it be?

   "Shu, dozens of breaths have passed."

   Zhao Yueru frowned, and a lot of worry flashed in his eyes, "Lin Zhu is always on time, nothing will happen, right? Is something wrong with the Jiang family, and there are traitors?"

"Will not."

   Zhou Shuwen said, but he was also a little worried.

He is not worried about the Jiang family’s traitor, or even destroying the teleportation formation, because this possibility is almost impossible. He is protecting the teleportation array, so there will not be a bookkeeper watching, and there will be trouble in the teleportation array.

   I can't rest assured, because there is a more terrifying possibility, that is, the Jiang family and the old scholar have betrayed themselves.

   A little bit of time passes, and a breath is like a year.

  Waiting is always suffering.

  In the distance, a group of people are flying close, including the Xuanming clan and practitioners.

Obviously, after the Seven Star Realm knew of the invasion, they had already sent people here, and many of them were strong, and even the scattered armored human corpses were gradually normalizing under their guidance, although they were far from the location of the teleportation array. It's still far away, but it only takes a few quarters of an hour to come.

   Zhao Yueru became more nervous and murmured unconsciously, "It won't really happen..."

   Before the words fell, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them.

   As soon as he came down, before he had time to look around, he hurriedly opened the shield and took out the fairy.

   "It's okay, it's cleaned up temporarily."

   Zhou Shu calmly said, and his heart was relieved. There were a lot of Jiang Mao, Jiang Ji, and Jiang Ma. As long as they were all there, it meant that there was no problem with the Jiang family.

   Jiang Su breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

   Jiang Ji put away the shield and smiled relaxedly, "It seems we are lucky. It should be a remote place with no enemies."

  "Luck is not good at all~www.ltnovel.com~Zhao Yueru frowned, pointing to the distance and said, "There are so many enemies here, so a batch of them was broken up, and someone came over soon. "

   Jiang Ji paused, "Huh?"

Jiang Ma glanced around and said in a deep voice, "Third brother, don't talk nonsense. There are scattered laws and powers everywhere, and there are also a lot of powers of lunar yin. There is still a storm over there. It is obviously after a fierce battle. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to sustain it at all."

   Jiang Ji hurriedly said, "Respect, I am the one who made a mistake."

   "It's okay."

   Zhou Shu said calmly, "You guys should prepare quickly. A large group of people will come by at most two quarters of an hour. By the way, several clan elders, do you know how to deal with the Kairen clan?"

   Jiang Ji was stunned, "Kai human?"

   "There are armored human races here?" Jiang Su's expression changed slightly, and he quickly said, "I know, they are afraid of the law of shadow and the law of gravity. The old man has practiced, although he has no control, but it should be enough."

   Zhou Shu didn't realize that he showed some admiration, "The clan elders are indeed knowledgeable."

"It's not a skill," Jiang Su stopped, sighed, "The old man specially introduced the Kai human race before, and there are ways to deal with it. The old man went to practice. Speaking of which, I still resisted at that time. How did you know... …Oh, it's all up to the old man."


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