Fairy Winner

Chapter 3315: Pie again

   Lin Zhu is very serious, "It's not like this, Mu Chengzhu is really the wood of the beginning."

   Fengkun said proudly, "You guys all listen to him. I won't believe what you say."

   Zhou Shu shook his head at Lin Zhu, both of them were silent.

   After a long while, Feng Kun couldn't help it anymore, "Why didn't you say it?"

   Zhou Shu smiled, "I really don't know much about the remaining one, so I don't know much about it."

   "You did it on purpose?"

   Fengkun said angrily, he wanted to hear Zhou Shu's evaluation of the Yu clan, but Zhou Shu didn't say it, and he couldn't help feeling upset.

   Lin Zhu turned to Fengkun and whispered, "The Daoist is from the Beiyuan Yu clan, right? You should know more about these things. Can you tell me?"

   "I will say whatever I want."

Feng Kun snorted, "The feather clan is the real king of the monster clan! God crow, roc, blue luan, black phoenix, crane, peacock, phoenix bird, strong people gather, and the other monster clan cannot be compared. , Even if they are added together, they are not the opponents of the Yu clan, you can step on it any way you want..."


   Lin Zhu nodded subconsciously, and stars flashed in his eyes.

Feng Kun said triumphantly, "We Yu Clan is very powerful. Speaking of your little girl's physique is very special, very suitable for cultivating monsters, it's a pity that you took the sea clan's path first, but... there is no way to remedy it. As long as you are willing to abandon something, I can find a way to teach you some methods passed down from Dapeng, which can be achieved in a few hundred years, and it is definitely much stronger than now."


   Lin Zhu nodded, but said nothing.

   Fengkun frowned, "Don't you believe it? Dapeng is also my Feng family, if not... I can find it for you now!"

   Lin Zhu shook his head, "No, I am very satisfied with the current practice method. I don't need anything else, thank you fellow daoist."

   A trace of contempt flashed in Fengkun’s eyes, "Sit on the well and watch the sky, there is no cure."

   Lin Zhu pursed his lips and smiled, not caring.

   Fengkun was quite boring and stopped talking.

   "If you don't tell me, I'll just talk about it."

Zhou Shu paused, seemingly thoughtful, "The feather tribe, who is born to be able to fly, has an advantage in retrieving resources. In a short period of time, they have become one of the best monster tribes in the Xuanhuang world. Many feather tribes have reborn and succeeded. Ascension, according to the ancient records, the feather tribe is the race that has ascended the most in the early stage, more than the practitioners. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the king of the monster clan and the pride of the monster clan of the Xuanhuang world."

   Feng Kun cast a surprised look, "Unexpectedly, what you said is fair, hehe."

  Looking at his appearance, I also know that under the face towel, there must be a proud smiling face.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After that, the Yu clan became arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the entire Xuanhuang Realm belonged to them, not only to oppress other monsters, but also to fight within himself. After an incident, the Yu clan In one breath, they split into dozens of small families, internal friction and constant attacks. This situation lasted for a long time. It is difficult to describe the tragic situation of the feather clan at that time. Only three families remained in the huge feather clan at the end. They became weak and their strength greatly reduced. They were able to fly freely on the five continents, but they were finally suppressed by other monster races. They could only settle in Beiyuan, the most barren place in the Xuanhuang world. They occasionally left, and they were called Bian by other monster races. Hairy animals..."

While    was speaking, Feng Kun kept trying to interrupt, but he obviously had no effect. He stared at Zhou Shu angrily, his eyes red.

   Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "What's the use of staring at me, isn't I telling the truth?"

   Fengkun's figure stagnated, and even took the floating island to settle, before saying for a long time, "Even if it is a fact, you can't tell it."

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "These are all lessons, you can learn from them when you say them."

   Fengkun flew up again and snorted coldly, "I don't find it useful."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I understand that arrogance and arrogance are the characteristics of the feather clan, even if you understand it, it is impossible to change it. No matter in the Xuanhuang Realm or the heavens, what you should do or do will not change. It is the other person who speaks out to remind, not you."

   Lin Zhu by his side nodded lightly, and if Jiang Ren Wang had realized, Zhao Yue was as quiet as her face, with more annoyance on her face.

   "You guy... how bold!"

   Fengkun glared at Zhou Shu, the masked face towels were bulging, and most of them held a lot of breath.

   Zhou Shu smiled, "And if you take the warning, it will be broken, even your nature has changed, but there is no possibility of turning over. In fact, I like your pride."


   Fengkun was stunned, "What do you mean by belittle and praise?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "In the heavens, it's good to be arrogant and arrogant. Today's Yu Clan can only achieve something if it is not reconciled to others, and even restore the prosperity of the Yu Clan in the Xuanhuang Realm. No, if Yu The clan can rule many realms in the heavens, and it must be better than the Xuanhuang realm back then."

   Fengkun subconsciously said, "What should I do?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "You have to think about this. Brother Feng, you should also have some ideas. Otherwise, why should you leave the fairyland and go to the rocky beach? I think the rocky beach is really good. You can contact all forces. I can also exercise myself and cultivate subordinates."

   Fengkun did not refute this time, and said slowly, "Unfortunately there is no good result."

Zhou Shuwen said, "This kind of thing can't come in a hurry. It doesn't take long for Brother Feng to come to the rocky beach, and he can become the leader of a power. This is already very remarkable. This is a starting point for you. For the development of the city, you can start with a new starting point, such as Xianshu City."

   "How do you know this?"

   Fengkun shook ~www.ltnovel.com~ without paying attention to the following words, and hurriedly looked at Zhou Shu with sharp eyes.

"It's easy to see it, I'm not talking about your status as a monster race, the Yanque knows the ambition of Honghu? Brother Feng and the other bandits are not the same people at all." Zhou Shu's face is nonchalant, of course he will not tell Feng Kun. He had already used the power of reincarnation against Feng Kun, and he had seen many things in the past.

   "Is it so easy..."

   Fengkun touched his chin unconsciously.

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Okay, I'm finished talking about the Yaozu too, don't disturb Brother Feng flying."

   Fengkun nodded, but was lost in thought.

   This guy seems to have said everything, and it seems that he hasn't said anything. It seems that he has heard something about Xianshucheng, what is that.

   Lin Zhu leaned closer, with a smile on his lips, "Senior, you are drawing a pie again, and you want to lie to Xianshu City."

   Zhou Shu was a little embarrassed and said hurriedly, "What do you know? How can this be considered a picture cake."

   "Yes, yes."

   Lin Zhu whispered, "The little girl just heard it a few days ago. You drew cakes for both the Hachei tribe and the Liangmiao country. They have eaten the big cakes and they are very happy."

Zhou Shu snorted and looked serious, "Don't talk nonsense... The task of the city lord is to win over other talents, not to mention drawing cakes, they are all real cakes, and they can eat them in the future. Know that I am grateful."

   "Hee hee."

   Lin Zhu put out his tongue, and the floating island was filled with cheerful air.


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