Fairy Winner

Chapter 3316: Is it a goal?

   Two days later.

   The floating islands in front of him are sparse, and there are basically no more. Obviously, the rocky beach has come to an end.

It is not without encountering enemies along the way. After all, flying with a floating island is still very weird, but compared to Feng Kun’s speed, they are not an obstacle at all. Feng Kun on the floating island can only watch them leave.

  Occasionally, there are a few bandits who happen to jump up, but before they do anything, they fall down.

   Zhou Shu can see clearly, all with one arrow, the soul is destroyed, and there is no luck.

   Arrow is a silent black feather arrow, coming and going without a trace, and the strange power, even Zhou Shu has a trace of fear.

All sorts of actions impressed King Jiang Ren. He rarely liked Fengkun a little bit, and Lin Zhu and Zhao Yueru also had a lot of admiration. As for Zhou Shu, he firmly believed in his idea of ​​winning over the monster clan, especially the Yu clan. Living under people and not being able to get along with the fairy world is simply a natural ally.


   Fengkun looked at them coldly, "You go down first."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Wait."

   Fengkun snorted, "Afraid that I will take things away? Even if you are all on it, I can take it away!"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, I haven't paid you yet."

   "No, a gold brick is enough, and," Feng Kun hesitated, "I think what you said makes sense, even if it's a reward."

   Zhou Shu just laughed, "That's different, the reward is still necessary, otherwise I will be embarrassed to look for you again."

   Fengkun was stunned, "Are you going to drag it back?"

"That's not the case. Since Brother Feng is here at the rocky beach, I must ask for a photo. After all, I live not far from here. I will have to trouble Brother Feng in the future." Zhou Shu waved his hand and was about to take out something. Clicked, "Oops!"

   Fengkun didn’t know what it meant, "Huh?"

"It's not yet outland here. Wanfang Ring can't be used, many things can't be taken out," Zhou Shu hesitated, and handed over a Wanfang Ring. "If Brother Feng trusts me, take this first. Things are my reward, but they can’t be opened and taken out until they reach the outer domain.”

   Fengkun was about to refuse, Zhou Shu said again, "It's some magic weapons and fairy jade, you must use it."

   Fengkun had to take it over, "Alright, then Chenghui."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "I don't recommend that you go to Liangmiao Country. They are very malicious towards the chaotic rocky beach. The closest fairy city to the chaotic rocky beach is Xianshu City. There is only fairy jade, and you can buy everything, such as Sunstones needed by the Yu clan, etc. By the way, there are also many monster clan in Xianshu City."

   "Sunstones? I know, I will go and see if I have time."

   Fengkun looked at Zhou Shu, and seemed to have thought of something, "You said you want to trouble me, but you never say your name, why is that?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and pointed at King Jiang, "Brother Feng has already known about it, and he will report his name when he goes to Outland, and he will definitely find it."

   Seeing Zhou Shu spoke solemnly, Feng Kun hesitated for a few breaths, "Who is the king, you are here for real?"

   "Think of it as a goal."

   Zhou Shu was very calm and paused, "Let’s get down first."

   Soon, a few people left the floating island and stood far away.

   Fengkun's figure shook, and the floating island under his feet quickly turned into a black mist, unfolded, closed, and finally disappeared under his ribs.

   Jiang Ren Wang flew over quickly, took the position of the coachman, bowed his hand to him, and praised, "Your Excellency, this magic technique is really amazing."

   "Ren King, right?"

   Fengkun sneered and turned into a black light, disappearing for a moment.

   Jiang Ren Wang smiled, and drove his chariot to Zhou Shu's side, welcoming them up, "Human King, return to Xianshu City?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "Let’s go to Liangmiao Country first, there is still something to do there."


   Jiang Ren Wang responded, and with a wave of his long whip, he galloped towards the Liangmiao Country.

  In just a few months, I reached the border of Liangmiao Country.

   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Can you make us look more obvious?"

"no problem."

King Jiang Ren laughed, and suddenly increased his strength. The Hundred Ghosts surrounding the Hundred Ghost Chariot suddenly became much bigger, and each ghost had a golden crown on top of its head, thousands of them. The crown gleamed together, appearing especially bright in the dark void.

   "Even the gloomy Xuan Ming needs this occasionally."

   Just driving the car, King Jiang also has a lot of experience, "This chariot is not authentic, but it can also show some witchcraft's authority."

   Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, "I knew you could do it."

   After a while.

   A large group of Liang Miao people flew over, all of them on guard.

The clansmen headed by    were very tall and shouted, "Xuanming clan, what are you doing here? This is not the witchcraft world, and you are not welcome!"

   seemed to be responding to something, and the people behind him began to wave their arms and shout loudly.

   Xiangliang Xiangmiao and Zhu Rong still have some friendship, but they have never met with Xuan Ming, and they are not friends.

   Zhou Shu strode out of the chariot and raised his hand, "You are a good Zhang, right? I'm Zhou Shu, the city lord of Xianshu, don't you know me?"

   "Huh, City Lord Zhou?"

  Liang Zhang fixedly looked at Zhou Shu for several breaths, his complexion changed slightly, and he waved his hand to signal the person behind him to put down his weapon.

He walked a few steps closer and said with a respectful expression, "City Lord Zhou, why are you here again? Or is it coming in the Xuanming Clan's Hundred Ghosts Chariot? Could it be..." He suddenly became excited when he thought of something. The city lord snatched it from the Xuanming clan? No way?"

   Zhou Shu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ That's good. "

   "The city lord is mighty!"

Liang Zhang was even more excited, and continued to say, "I heard that the city lord went to the Xuanming clan a few years ago, and I knew that the city lord would definitely do something! Those Xuanming clan, usually look down on our Liang Miao clan the most, thanks to the city lord gang. Let's vent our anger. If the country master knows this news, I don't know how happy it will be. I will report back now!"

   Zhou comfortably said, "Then I won't keep you, but you don't need to call someone over, I only stay here for a day or two and then leave."

   "Ah, just stay for two days."

   Liang Zhang was a little disappointed, "Then I will arrange it right away."

   Zhou Shu paused, "No hurry, did you find something interesting last time?"

Liang Zhang shook his head, a little embarrassed, "Not yet. We have searched in the thirty-four realms of Liangmiao Kingdom. Without the special traces of practitioners you mentioned, we can't find any secret realm entrance, but we are still there. Find it, you must notify the city lord if you have news."

   "It's okay, just look for it again."

   Zhou Shu thought for a while, "hasn't the country master agreed to go to the witchcraft world? He is still worried that I will use the good seedling country as a springboard to enter the witchcraft world?"

   "Don't say that, the lord, we all know you are not such a person."

  Liang Zhang sighed, "It's just that the lord did not say, we dare not go, I will persuade the lord again, now the lord has snatched the Hundred Ghost chariots of the Xuanming clan, and the lord will probably let go."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Go ahead."

   (PS: Thank you for the eternal monthly ticket support, thanks to the book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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