Fairy Winner

Chapter 3317: Formation

   Soon, the Hundred Ghost Chariot set off again.

   Compared to before, it was a lot more lively, because there was a small group of Liang Miao in the car. They all said that they were going to Xianshu City to work on the way, but some wanted to ride this rumored Xuanming chariot.

  While passing through Haze Country, Zhou Shu also stayed for two days, so there was another group of Haze people in the car.

Sitting together, the two clans are not restrained, but there are a lot of things to say. It’s hard to imagine that they fought to the death and alive decades ago. Of course, they are completely different now. Through the connection of Xianshu City, the two clans have become partners. , Work hard for the common goal.

   After flying for a few months, a small piece of stars appeared before my eyes.

   The stars are shining, and the void is brightened.

   Jiang Renwang took out the boundary map to identify it for a while, and said suspiciously, "That is the location of Yunjuan Realm, why is it different?"

   Zhou Shu pretended to be mysterious, "Why is it different?"

"Why are there so many small worlds? There are only a few points on the world map, and they are not so dazzling," Wang Ren Wang looked at for a while, and said in surprise, "These are all the acropolis of Yunjuan World? Why didn't it indicate on the page."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Because it only came later."

   "It was built later... these many acropolises are all? Why are there so many?"

   The king of Jiang Ren was in a daze, suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise, "Is it the formation?"

   "Yes," Zhou Shu had a hint of pride and a hint of surprise, "The King of People has also seen the formation?"

"Yunjuan Realm is protected by formations, or did you build them yourself?" King Jiang couldn't help but brush his beard, unable to conceal his astonishment, "I heard that only a 33-day-level realm can have a formation. , Because only these big realms have enough small realms around them to provide an important cornerstone for the formation of the formations. Most of the realms I have been to are like this, but there are not a few realms around the Yunjuan realm. The world is incredible, incredible, incredible!"

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Look at that king, how is my circle?"

   Jiang Ren Wang stared for a long time, and sighed, "Better than I have ever seen."


   Zhou Shu was a little overjoyed, "I haven't seen other great realms yet."

Jiang Ren Wang said seriously, "I did not deliberately flatter, it is true. Take Qufutian's formations as an example. They are much smaller in scale. There are only seventy-two small realms in total, and all realms vary in size. , There are obvious and obscure, the good is uneven, some circles are too strong, some circles are not powerful enough, some are crowded with people, and some are even completely wiped out. It's just an empty shell. I suspect that the formation is still Whether it can block the enemy is a problem. In fact, this is also a common problem in many formations. Because the formations that make up the formations are difficult to unify, it is difficult to exert their effect. And you are completely different. Each small world is almost the same size. , And they are all full of vitality, full of energy, and can be perceived from such a distance..."

He paused and sighed, "The thing that surprises me the most is here. They look small, but they are thick in nature, just like sparrows, although they are small and complete, if they take time, I am afraid that these small worlds can become mature worlds. It's just as a subsidiary existence of a big world, which is terrible."

   Zhou Shuxi said, "I have also heard of the formation of Qufu Tian. The seventy-two small realms are also quite famous in the immortal realm. I don't think it is as good as mine. Thank you for your praise."

  Jiang Ren Wang quickly said, "Human Sovereign's formation is worthy."

   Zhou Shu said with an itch, "Where has the King of People seen the formation?"

   Jiang Renwang said without hesitation, "Tianwu City, the Emperor, you must have heard of it. I have traveled there before, the famous Great Immortal City in the Outer Domain."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "It's the immortal city of the Zhongli family. My ancestors have been born with saints. They have been unable to get along with the immortal world, but the immortal world has nothing to do with them. The current city lord Zhong Lice ranks tenth on the list of all evils. The quasi-sages are also among the strongest, and there are also several elders who are also in the forefront of the list."


   Jiang Renwang nodded, and said slowly, "There is an array in Tianwu City, which is composed of more than 900 small areas."

   Zhou Shu shook, "More than nine hundred? Then you still say it is worse than me?"

King Jiang Ren shook his head and said solemnly, "The large number does not mean that the formation is strong. The small formations that make up the Tianwu City formation. Except for the main hubs, the rest are mostly floating island fortresses. The kind that has no vitality, start the formation. It requires many practitioners to station on it to exert its power. Although its power is not small, it is very inconvenient to use and extremely expensive. Even the extremely powerful Tianwu City has only been used three times in tens of thousands of years. Many times, they exist only as a symbol, not a real formation."

   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Understood."

   Indeed, that is not a real formation, it can only be said to be a special big formation. The formation must be able to operate and sustain itself.

Jiang Ren Wang said in a deep voice, "That’s why I think Yunjuan Realm’s formations are powerful. These small realms are full of vitality, able to survive and operate on their own. As they continue to develop, the formations will become stronger and stronger. The future is vast, and it is by no means comparable to the deadly formation of Tianwu City."


   Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, and his hard work was recognized, and he was very comfortable.

King Jiang paused and sighed, "Human, why didn't you tell me when you were in the Kuiwei world? If the Jiang family and the old scholar knew that your fairy city had a formation, it would still be such a good formation~www. ltnovel.com~I believe... The old man is hard to say, but the Jiang family will definitely come. Everyone knows that staying in a place protected by formations is much safer than staying in the witchcraft and immortal worlds."

   Zhou Shu smiled and looked at him, "The King, can't you tell them now?"

   Jiang Ren Wang suddenly said, "Yes, you can."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's not that I don't want to say it. It's just that when I left the Kuaiwei Realm, the formation has just begun to prepare. Even I don't know if I will do it or whether it can meet the requirements. A guarantee is not easy to invite."


   Jiang Renwang was so shocked that his face turned pale, "It was only then that preparations began, that is, the formation was completed in decades? How is this possible?"

   Zhou Shu pointed forward, "What is impossible?"

King Jiang Ren looked at the formation in the distance, and knew that he had said something stupid. The impossible thing was right in front of him. It was just that the feeling of broken cognition lingered in his heart. It's not going.

   He still couldn't help, "Human, how did you do it? I can't even imagine it."

   Zhou Shu didn't answer, he sighed while looking at the distance, quite emotional.

   More than a hundred stars, with different colors of brilliance, shining uncertainly, look good on the whole, it can be regarded as a wonder in the void.

   is just such a spectacle, which caused Zhou Shu and the other two countries to pay too much. It is not an exaggeration to say that the vitality is severely injured. Just mentioning Zhou Shu will feel distressed.

   (PS: Thank you Xiao Yingying for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)


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