Fairy Winner

Chapter 3342: Ni Zhengkai

Wan Muting.

A sand table was placed in front of Zhou Shu, and inside it was Xianshu City and its formation.

A radius of tens of feet, every world is displayed on it.

Of course, this is not a sand table. It is better and clearer than a sand table. It can not only show the position of the enemy and us, but can also be directly used to command and mobilize troops.

Ni Zheng outside the array is a shining red dot, while the thousands of practitioners who are waiting in array are green dots.

Caiying and Bian Xue stood beside him, as well as a little trick sitting on Zhou Shu's shoulders.

"Senior Brother Shu, are you really planning to go there?"

Bian Xue was very worried. It was the first time that she saw this situation. Zhou Shu didn’t go to war by himself in the face of a powerful enemy. The one in front now chooses to stay behind and command.

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "It's not necessary, it's just a Ni Zheng."

He wants to get to know him, and he wants to face off against the quasi-sage, but now he doesn’t have a shadow, and he has to be in the middle of the command. He really lacks the ability to do so. Besides, no one can help him. Now there is Jianmu’s power at the core of the source. They are all in the formation, and only he can do these things.

Caiying was also a little unhappy, "It's the first time you deal with Zhunsheng, you don't want to experience it, it's so hateful..."

Although the last sentence was very quiet, Zhou Shu heard it and looked at her with a smile, "I know you want to go, and I didn't say not to let you go."

"This palace stayed here to protect you! It's kind of donkey liver and lungs!"

Caiying pursed her lips, "Besides, not leaving you every step of the way is also their order. My palace reluctantly agreed, so it's hard to go back."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Zhou Shu touched her head and said warmly, "You guys should calm down, and you want to fight the quasi-sage. There will be opportunities in the future."

Caiying became docile, still a little puzzled, "But just one right now, just let's try it out. If there are more enemies in the future, it will be difficult."

"None can be underestimated."

Zhou Shu looked solemnly, "It's very dangerous for you to go out now. To deal with him, it's enough to have a formation. Why take these risks."

Xiao Zhao looked up, rare serious, "Yes, according to the investigation of the ninth pawnshop, Ni Zheng, the quasi-sage, is indeed a bit different. Most quasi-sages don’t want to provoke cause and effect, and are very cautious in killing. He does whatever he wants and does whatever he wants. At least dozens of geniuses are planted in his hands. Many foreign practitioners and foreign races hate him and hate him to death... If he is not a quasi-sage, I am afraid he would be killed long ago. ."


Caiying could only nod her head, and said a little worried, "Sister Qing, Sister Yue, and your baby apprentice, etc., will there be trouble with those people?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "They are more obedient than you, as long as you obey the command, nothing will happen."

"It turns out I blamed my palace for being disobedient, it's terrible..."

Caiying lowered her head and stared at the sand table, not knowing what she was thinking.

Bian Xue also looked down at her, and said seriously, "My little sister, too, they should be fine."

The little trick stared at the sand table, seemingly thoughtful, "This guy runs so fast."

The sand table is very large, but it is still very small in proportion to the void. Perhaps an inch on the sand table is hundreds of thousands and millions of miles in the void. Generally speaking, it is difficult to see the red dots on the sand table moving in a short time. , But in fact it is not, that Ni Zheng's speed is surprisingly fast, it can be clearly seen.

"It was unexpected."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is the quasi saint's speed so fast?"

Caiying curled her lips, "We haven't seen the quasi-sage make a move, who knows."

"The formation is still not clear enough. If you pass by, you can probably see something, whether it is your own law or the method of using the law of space..." Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to touch the red dot and said calmly. "You go there first."

A few people didn't move, but the green dots in the sand table moved one after another.

Very neatly, according to the order, following the direction of the red dot, I reached the boundary closest to the red dot and the surrounding boundary in advance.

Dozens of realms all have green dots, more or less.

After a few hours, Ni Zheng stopped.

The realm in front of it looks a bit more sketchy than before. I'm not sure, but it feels like this.

For him with a lot of combat experience, this feels enough, and even represents that victory is coming.

"Whether it is a weakness or not, there will be a breakthrough here."

He smiled confidently, and at the same time, an endless frenzy surged around him.

The quasi-sage himself is a perfect world, with infinite power hidden in his body, which can be released in any environment, and the endless void is the best place to accumulate power.

That's right, he is not eager to shoot, but accumulating.

Power always accumulates more and stronger. Of course, this accumulation is not the kind of Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal. It takes dozens of breaths or even hundreds of breaths to pile up the strength to the highest level, so that the magic arts can explode with the strongest power. , For the quasi-sage, a few breaths are enough.

But for a few breaths, with Ni Zheng as the center, a haoran storm was stirred up.

It can't be seen in the void, it can only be a perception.

But if those powers can actually be displayed, then everyone can see that they will not be smaller than a realm, and the degree of solidity is far above a realm. Anyone can want to get it. If all such powers fall on In a world, there is no doubt that it will turn that world into a pile of fans.


A lot of complacency flashed in Ni Zheng's eyes, and he even laughed.

In the laughter, the storm that was comparable to the first world suddenly swept toward the nearest world, together with the front world.

The formation suddenly went dark.

But soon, Guanghua flashed again, as fast as a malfunctioning lamp.

The formation seemed to have been smashed into a depression, showing a gap, and the green leaves also oscillated. With each tremor, the gap was made up. After five or six times, the gap had been restored.


This situation made Ni Zheng, who was accumulating the second blow, couldn't help but curse.

The speed of the formation recovery is too fast~www.ltnovel.com~ After being attacked by such a powerful force and an explosive attack, it can be restored to its original state in just a few breaths. Could it be that within a few breaths, oneself Was all of's power absorbed by that formation, or was it eliminated?

It's really impossible.

As a quasi-sage, the power that transcends the law, even if the formation can resist and absorb, it won't be so fast.

In other words, there is a strong person in the formation that can resist his own power. Is he taking out most of the power?

No, that’s not the case. I have deliberately used my true vision to see it. In this realm very close to myself, there is no vitality or aura of the strong. There are only a lot of weak, otherwise he will not take action. As for the weak, it is fundamental. Those who can't block their own strength, as the weak, they can't even work together to resist themselves, because the essence is too different, as long as they touch a point, they will be bounced and even exploded.

But what is going on.

(PS: Thank you book friends 13880001 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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