Fairy Winner

Chapter 3343: 15

The realm attacked by Ni Zheng is called its Five Realms.

The world was calm as before, and there was no trace of being attacked, but the hundreds of practitioners and foreign races standing on the world knew what had just happened.

With Ni Zheng's blow, nearly a hundred energy storms appeared in the world.

Energy storms are formed by the power of violent laws and manifest in various forms. They can cause a lot of damage to the realm in a short time. They are the symptoms that all realms are most afraid of, but people in the five realms are not at all. Accidentally, they had been prepared a long time ago, and they suppressed these storms before they had time to destroy the world.

It only took a few breaths.

Similar to the five realms that are close to a dozen other realms, they also encountered energy storms, but the degree is different. The farther away, the weaker and less the storm, but the result is no different, and it is also the long-awaited practice. Repression.

Those energy storms were naturally caused by Ni Zheng's attack.

The attack is too strong, and the formation is still in its infancy. Even if it continues to oscillate, it is impossible to completely absorb all the damage. Then, there must be a lot of power that the world will bear.

And the endurance of the world is also limited. Instead of causing irreparable consequences when the world reaches the endurance limit, it is better to leave some exits in the world in advance so that the enemy's power will not attack the world, but vent from the exit, which is Let them form energy storms on the realm, and then quickly resolve these energy storms, and the realm will be safe.

Even a powerful attack can be solved in this way.

The irresistible force is continuously divided by the outlet, and it becomes a force that can be resisted by tens of thousands of practitioners.

This is the basic principle of Xianshu city formation to resist the quasi-sage level powerhouse.

It must be explained that those exits are specially designed by Zhou Shu, and the position of each exit is fixed. The energy storm that erupts from it can be strong or weak, and then according to the strength, the practitioners are allowed to wait in advance. Ensure that every practitioner has enough time and ability to resolve these storms.

This is a very difficult thing, except for Zhou Shu who can use deduction to calculate, I am afraid that no one can design it.

It takes many steps to release the enemy’s power at a fixed location. It takes many steps to distinguish, intercept, filter, guide, concentrate, divert, explode, eliminate, etc., use Shu Zhili to distinguish the power of the quasi-sage, use Jianmu and Origin to advance Intercept the unbearable part of the formation, Shu Zhili and Jianmu cooperate to filter the remaining power... No matter which step goes wrong, all previous efforts will be discarded.

When the opponent's power erupts in the realm and forms an energy storm, thousands or more practitioners and alien races are required to quickly suppress it.

And this step, excluding the Xianshu City formation, it is impossible to do it elsewhere.

The reason is very simple. Only Xianshu City has Yuntong, which can connect all the realms in the formation. No matter where the opponent attacks, the standby practitioner can be in place at the fastest speed and be prepared to suppress the energy storm.

The quasi-sage's speed is unmatched, such as Ni Zheng, but it takes at least a few hours for him to run from one realm to another, and the practitioners in the formation realm, even if it's just the Da Luo Jinxian, go around more than 100 realms. It doesn't take half an hour to run a few laps back and forth.

Zhao Yueru stared at the volcano in front of him, still holding a long sword in his hand, and said concentratingly, "Qing Que, how about over there?"

Yes, it is a volcano.

Energy storms in different locations have different forms of eruptions. They are all designed according to the conditions of each realm. For example, there are 170 energy outlets in the Yangshi realm where Zhao Yueru is located. Most of them are volcanic craters. Submarine vortexes, underground rifts, sky curtains, etc., correspond to the different principles practiced by practitioners, and use them in the most suitable environment to get the best results.

As far as Zhao Yueru's sword intent is concerned, it is not restricted by law, anywhere, but she guards the biggest exit.

Almost undertook one-fifth of the task of the entire world.

"There are ten whirlpools that calm down two to three breaths later than planned."

Qingque was in its five realms, the realm that Ni Zheng directly attacked, and it was also the most dangerous place. There were more than 300 exits in this realm, and storms appeared in each of them.

Only the realm close to the edge of the formation has hundreds of energy outlets, and the inner realm generally suffers from joint damage and does not require so many outlets.

While communicating with people in charge of other circles, she also reported to Zhou Shu. All these communication tasks were done by Xuan Huangjie.

By the way, all the practitioners and alien races who participated in the defense of Xianshu City this time have temporarily obtained the communication function, which can communicate without hindrance. Of course, all they need is to follow the command. After the war, the communication function will be recovered. But will get very rich merit points.

This is one of the reasons Zhou Shu can quickly gather a team.

Zhou Shu of Wanmuting was very calm, even with a relaxed smile, "Are there ten exits? I thought there would be a lot of problems for the first time. There were only ten exits for more than 300 exits. It seems we The citizens of Xiancheng are still quite capable."

Qingque said quickly, "Don't be too happy. I don't think so. Many energy storms on outlets are not strong. Those people can solve them faster, but they still did something wrong. I didn't try my best, I took all these people down."

Zhou Shu nodded, "You remind them to pay attention."

Qingque said coldly, "I have already done it. I warned it through the Xuanhuang Jie. If it does this again, I will directly deduct merit points."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Green, don't make it too nervous."

"Well, I'm just a little angry, it doesn't matter if I can't do it, I'm most afraid of being careless."

Qingque paused, seemingly thoughtful, "Shu, I don't think this attack is too strong, in fact, we don't need to open all the more than 300 exits, right? So many people are together, the world seems very chaotic. Even with Xuan Huang Jie, it is difficult to take care of it."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I'm all open, just to see what the ultimate endurance of the formation is."

Qingque quickly calculated, "Of the more than three hundred people in my place, thirteen are Hunyuan Jinxian, and the others are Daluo Jinxian. Most of them can easily eliminate storms. In my opinion, the intensity of energy storms. Three times more~www.ltnovel.com~ Our world can also resist, but I don’t know if the other worlds will do it. The attack is not only the resistance of the five worlds. The dozens of worlds on the side have all taken part in it. The Five Realms have to bear much more."

Zhou Shu asked, "What if everyone in these realms is of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level?"

"They are all Hunyuan Jinxian level?"

Qingque was stunned, "That's not a few thousand. How can we have so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals? It's great to have dozens."

Zhou Shu sighed, "Qing, I mean if it doesn't exist now, you can just estimate it."

Qingque forgot, his face changed, "If all are Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and there is no problem with the formation, then...fifteen quasi-sages attack together, and our world can resist! Ah... …What did I just say, fifteen quasi saints, this is impossible!?"

(PS: Thank you Xiao Yingying for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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