Fairy Winner

Chapter 3368: Fate palace, seed

Desperate life does not mean life.

But the palace of life.

The Palace of Life can be understood as the origin, and it is something unique to the quasi-sage.

Similar to the original core of the realm, it is the most important foundation of the quasi-sage, such as the core of the law, vitality, etc., all originate from this. After the practitioners break through the restrictions of the law and have a deeper understanding of the heavens, the life palace It just appeared naturally.

At the moment of promotion to the quasi-sage, the cultivator seemed to have seen the nature of the world at a glance, even he could see it through.

In the past, I couldn’t perceive the core of the law that was just an abstract concept, the energy that could not be quantified and the standard, and the vitality that was born or disappeared at any time without knowing the specific shape... These once vague things are now presented in oneself. In the perception of, and they and spirits, etc., are gathered in a place like a palace, not only can they be seen but also touched, and they can even be directed to make them move according to their own thoughts and laws.

That palace, the Palace of Life, is both an abstract concept and a real existence.

——Only speaking to Saint.

After the fate palace appears, it will not disappear again. It is the basis for the quasi-sage to continue to move forward. It and the quasi-sage can no longer be separated from each other. Its state determines the state of the quasi-sage. Under normal circumstances, the fate Possibility to be destroyed is the most stable guarantee for the quasi-sage, and once it is destroyed, it cannot be restored. After that, the quasi-sage must go down with the broken life palace, which means that everything in the life palace will change. It is easy to be damaged, vitality is no longer unlimited, the law no longer rotates, etc. things can happen, of course, it basically gave up sanctification.

The previous few people said desperately, it is to bear the danger of destroying the palace of life.

For example, the sustained output of power for a longer period of time may cause the core of the law to be out of balance, the life palace is destroyed from the inside, and cracks appear. This is considered a small damage, and some are more extreme, such as using special magic tricks or dao tools to tear the life. Palace, directly detonate the core of the law or the source of vitality, (this situation usually occurs when the quasi saint must use the sacred instrument), so the life palace will be greatly damaged, and the falling realm of the quasi saint cannot be restored. It is a light result.

Ni Zheng said blankly, "Are you serious?"

Talking about suffering is also very surprised, "Che Daoyou, isn't it?"

Che Peng said coldly, "Didn't you say that it is impossible for the quasi-sage to work hard, then I will show it to you. As the elder of the Suspended Bell Sect, I have already had the consciousness to give everything for the immortal world, even if it is the palace of giving up life. Do whatever you want."

Ni Zheng paused, then took a few steps back, "I won't believe you if you say that."

In fact, he already believed in his heart that Cha Peng’s unrelenting aura born out of his heart could never be pretended, indicating that his heart was indeed prepared desperately, but Cha Peng did this, but let him give birth. In addition to the sense of fear, this feeling lingers in the heart is difficult to eliminate, how can there be such a person? The quasi-sage who doesn't even care about the Palace of Life is not a practitioner at all, he just wants to stay away.

The Suspended Bell Sect is really a terrifying sect.

He seems to understand something, it's no wonder that the Sacred Fire Gate can't compare to...

The question is, who wants to compare with them! I just want to practice hard, have the opportunity to be holy, immortal, look down upon all beings in the heavens, and be admired by the heavens and the earth, but I never thought about dying, and cultivating is not for dying, let alone sect.

Such a sect is terrible.

He said that he did not believe it more to cover up his fear and guilty conscience.

Talking about suffering is still standing in place, seeming thoughtful, "Is it worth it for fellow Taoists? Xianshu City is indeed very strong, but it is just an Outer Realm Immortal City far away from the Immortal Realm. No matter how it develops, the threat to the Immortal Realm cannot exceed The Supreme City near the Immortal Realm or Blazing Phoenix City, and the old man heard that when the Immortal Realm fought Supreme City and Blazing Phoenix City, Xian Ting didn't ask anyone to go desperately, and it didn’t matter if I couldn’t beat them."

"That's right, it's not necessary at all."

Ni Zheng shouted from a distance, with a loud but empty voice, "It doesn't matter if Xianshu City becomes the Supreme City, right? There are already many forces around the fairy world that don't deal with the fairy world. They all coexist with the fairy world in the heavens. It’s okay to have one more Xianshu City, don’t you have to beat it down?"

Che Peng looked at Xianshu City, silent.

"Xianshu City is too far away from the Immortal Realm. It is on the edge of the Demon Realm. It is better to treat it as the Demon Realm. There is no need to destroy it now. It is not worth paying such a high price, and it will not make the Daoist abandon his life palace." Talking slowly said, "Furthermore, go back and tell Xianting, and send more people. Just as Ni Daoyou said, seven or eight should be enough. Then the old man will accompany Daoyou again, how about."

Ni Zheng also nodded, "I'm coming too."

Because of the words of Che Peng, the people who were fighting in the first place are united.

Che Peng turned around and said calmly, "You don't understand, Xianshu City is different."

Tanku was a little confused, "Is there anything special, fellow Taoist?"

Ni Zhengkou said without a word, "Why is it different? Isn't it the sage seed? The same is true of Lu Jing, no worse than Zhou Shu! At most, the immortal world can also be well with him, or simply support..."

As he spoke, he couldn't continue, because he saw a pair of extremely cold eyes.

Even his heart is palpitating, maybe there is a reason to start to fear the Hanging Bell Sect.

Che Peng suddenly stood in front of him and said coldly, "Sage Seed, where did you hear about it?"

Ni Zheng backed away quickly and said in a panic, "I didn't hear it."

He took a step back, Cha Peng took a step further, not letting him go, "Then why do you say that?"


Ni Zheng hesitated, "When you weren't here, I deceived Zhou Shu's clone. I wanted to control him through the clone. If I didn't succeed, my soul was beaten back. There must be a saint protecting him. He must be Saint seed, no doubt!"

"Why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier?!"

Che Peng stared at him and heard the squeaky voice, actually gritting his teeth.

Ni Zheng defended, "If I succeeded, I would have said it a long time ago. If I didn't succeed, what would I say? Is it interesting to say that the soul is being eaten back?"

Cha Peng took a deep breath~www.ltnovel.com~Do you know who is the saint who protects him? "

Ni Zheng just shook his head, "Where would I know? I only know that no matter what saint it is, I can't afford to provoke it and dare not try again."

Seeing Ni Zheng who was still backing, Che Peng paused, his expression very solemn, as if he was thinking about something.


Tanku looked at Ni Zheng with a very ugly face, "You just said now, do you think we were also taught by the saint? Ni Daoyou, your mind is broken."

"I only said to help Xianting fight Xianshu City, but I didn't say that I would kill Zhou Shu..."

Ni Zheng whispered, but the more he said it, the more weak he became, and he secretly regretted it. Why did he say it just now? This is probably offending the Xuanling Sect.

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for the support of the two books, thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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