Fairy Winner

Chapter 3369: Silence

The three did not move.

Quiet, the silence is terrible.

The void is more lively than those around them.

Ni Zheng hesitated for a while, "No, I..."

"Shut up!"

Che Peng's voice was like hitting an ice cube with a hammer. It was hard and cold, and a lot of ice scum fell on his face, causing pain. Ni Zhengli stopped talking.

At this time, it was really difficult for Che Peng to hold his mind. It was surprising that Zhou Shu was still a saint seed.

He was the one who got the order directly from Baili Qianshan. He knew very well that for Baili Qianshan, the necessity to kill Zhou Shu was still destroying Xianshu City. The reason was that Xuanhuang Realm must not be revived. The reason for Zhou Shu’s repeated increase in the Ten Thousand Fiends List is also here. From Xian Ting’s point of view, Zhou Shu is the leader of many practitioners in the Xuanhuang Realm and the leader of foreign races, and the only person who can revive the Xuanhuang Realm. Just kill Without Zhou Shu, Xuanhuang Realm would not be able to recover.

As for why Xian Ting is so worried about the return of the Xuanhuang Realm, that is not what Che Peng can know.

When Che Peng left the immortal realm, Baili Qianshan left a few words in particular, lay down Xianshu City and kill Zhou Shu. This is a task that must be completed. Once completed, he will have the opportunity to enter Xianting to become an elder and even succeed. Hundreds of miles and thousands of mountains, and fail to complete, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to give up his life palace to fight.

Once he is laid down, he can become the elder of the fairy court and become the most powerful person in the fairy world and even the heavens. He can barely make up for the regret of not being sanctified. It is only barely. After all, he may not want to continue to be promoted, but who let him receive it. What about the task? As the Xianling Zonggen elder, it is impossible to refuse the mission sent by Xianting. Refusing it is equivalent to being abandoned by the fairy world, and will be assigned to a prison that never sees the sun at any time.

This is not a legend, but a fact. Although few people know that the prison is there, many elders have already entered, including the disobedient Elder Xian Ting.

Only two evils, whichever is the lesser, is desperate.

But now it is no longer a desperate problem.

Zhou Shu turned out to be the seed of a saint, protected by the saint.

Then, even if he desperately destroyed the formation, the possibility of killing Zhou Shu is very slim.

The Xianshu city formation is gone, and there are quasi-sages secretly helping. The key is that no one on his side has dared to kill the seeds of the saints. First, it is difficult to kill, and secondly, they must be punished by the saints, which is equivalent to giving up hope of sanctification. Therefore, Ni Zhenghe talks about bitterness will never start Zhou Shu, and he himself, using the Taoist tool to give up his life, is unlikely to have this ability.

Continue to work hard, not only does the gain outweigh the loss, it is simply useless.

Damn it! I thought it was just an ordinary and difficult task, who knew it was an impossible task.

No matter what he thought, he couldn't think of a way, because there was no way.

Looking at Che Peng whose face was turning pale and blue, and the fire in his eyes, Ni Zheng was flustered inexplicably, and said, "Che Dao friends, do we still have to fight?"

Che Peng looked at him, his voice was a little hoarse, "Can you trick Zhou Shu out again?"

Ni Zheng shook his head quickly, "Now there are three quasi-sages out there. Where can he dare to show up again? And he has the protection of the saints. It is useless for us to trick him out. In fact, he was just a little bit of strength when he came out last time. The clone can be abandoned at any time, and I am not considered a chance."

The answer was expected, and Che Peng sneered, "Then you are willing to work hard?"

"Do not."

Ni Zheng shook his head resolutely and looked at Tan Kudao, "Surely you are not willing to talk about fellow Taoists?"

Talking about bitterness and holding hands together, "I forgive the old man for being rude, there are not a few quasi-sages in the Saitama sect. Although the old man is useless, he still has to keep this little capital."

"In fact, fellow Taoists don't have to do this either."

Ni Zheng paused, "Zhou Shu’s formation is so difficult to set up. Maybe it was built by the saints. Otherwise, how could it be so fast and so good? We can’t beat the three of us. I think it’s better to put Xianshu first. The situation of Cheng and Zhou Shu is reported to Xianting in detail, and Xianting will take care of it."

Tan Kui nodded, "The old man also thinks that it is best to do this. Dao friends will not hesitate to work hard, presumably Xian Ting will not blame Dao friends."

Ni Zheng followed, "Yes, there is another person who hasn't shown up. We didn't take down Xianshu City. His fault is the biggest. Fellow Daoist has tried his best. We will explain this to Xianting. I believe Fellow Daoist will not. in trouble."

Che Peng just pretended not to hear, and said coldly, "Anyway, you can't work hard, nor can you kill Zhou Shu, right?"

Tan bitterly sighed, "Friends of Taoism are difficult for a strong man. Our Saitama sect has already obeyed Xian Ting's call. Can't we let us give everything? If we want to be in charge of the sect, we must give up ourselves. As for the quasi-sage, I don’t think any immortal sect is willing."

"It's really hard for a strong man, haha."

Che Peng chuckled dryly, his eyes turned to Xian Shucheng, the fire in his eyes slowly disappeared, and he seemed to have begun to calm down.

The two did not speak any more and continued to be silent, deathly silent.

Wan Muting.

Caiying was a little confused, "Why didn't they fight anymore?"

"I don't know, I'm still waiting outside Qishan Realm, maybe thinking of a new way?"

Qingque looked at the sand table and said relaxedly, "In fact, it's useless for them to think about it. Our formation has no flaws at all."

Caiying glanced around, as if she didn't see Zhou Shu's shadow, she couldn't help but said, "Are they all tired and have little energy? Then can we go out and have a look, and pursue it again by the way, maybe You can take some advantage, grab some...Oh! What are you doing in this palace again?"

"Who makes you talk nonsense."

Zhou Shu retracted his hand and said solemnly, "You like to find the right sage so much? You have not seen their power. If we don't have a formation, we can destroy a world in just a few clicks. Can you do it? If you can do it, I will let you go out and watch."

"I can't do it," Caiying bored her head down and touched her head, "My palace just... I won't tell you."

Qingque turned around, "Shu, what's the situation on Xuanhu's side?"

"Very good, this guy's blood is really...really useful," Zhou Shu glanced at Jianmu, and was a little dissatisfied. "Qing, do you dare to believe it? After using Xuanhuangjie, his recovery speed is even faster than I'm fast, Jianmu must have given him exceptional treatment, **** it."

Qingque smiled ~www.ltnovel.com~ Isn't it normal for Jianmu to protect his people? You are still jealous. "

Zhou Shu frowned, "Why don't you protect me?"

Qingque looked at him and said seriously, "You are not a citizen, you are on the same level as Jianmu, and in my eyes, you are taller."

Zhou Shu paused, touching his chin as if thoughtful. Strictly speaking, he was not a citizen of Jianmu, "Ah, I didn't expect you to think so."

Qingque nodded, "I have always thought about it. Without you, Jianmu would not have recovered. What reason does he have to protect you? You should protect him."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu suddenly laughed. This sentence sounds really comfortable, "Then I hope he will protect others."

(PS: Thank you Morish for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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