Fairy Winner

Chapter 3370: gone

Retreat. "

I don't know how long it took, and Che Peng spoke up.

Ni Zhenghe was shocked when he talked about suffering, and then he was overjoyed.

They wanted to leave a long time ago. They left early and made plans. They didn't get the reward from Xian Ting this time, but they still have a chance in the future. They are better than facing Zhou Shu who is blessed by the saints and Xianshu city protected by the quasi saints. , In case Che Peng goes crazy, it will not end well.

"Chedao wise friend."

Ni Zheng raised his hand and praised him without hesitation.

Without looking at him, Che Peng said slowly, "But you can't just leave."

Ni Zheng understood something, "Is it going to release the captured Hunyuan Jinxian from Xianshu City? I'm going. It's not difficult. They want us to retreat and they must make a statement."

Che Peng said faintly, "You all said they were prisoners. What does it have to do with me that those useless people die? Is the immortal world missing them?"

"No shortage, that's not going to go."

Ni Zheng didn't dare to refute, for fear of annoying Cha Peng, he could finally leave. If he said the wrong thing and did not leave, it would be troublesome, although he wanted to bring those people from the Sacred Fire Gate back, after all, the Sacred Fire Gate was not a hanging bell sect. , Hunyuan Jinxian is also very important, besides, there are several Dharma kings stuck in it.

Tanku hesitated for a while, but did not speak.

Che Peng said slowly, "Talking about fellow daoists, let's go together. I must return to Xianting as soon as possible without encountering any obstacles."

Tanku nodded, "Yes."

Ni Zheng stopped when he heard the sound, and said anxiously, "What about me?"

"Trouble you, fellow Daoist Ni, stay here temporarily. Pay attention to the situation of the quasi-sage of Xianshu City. If he comes out of the city, you will be responsible for blocking it. You must do it." He glanced at Ni Zheng who wanted to refuse, and Che Peng was expressionless. Said, "We don’t know whether there is a quasi-sage in Xianshu City. Everything is what you said, and this has a great impact on our attack on Xianshu City. For a long time, we can only attack with two people. , If you don't want to stay, I will tell Xian Ting..."

"I stay behind!"

Ni Zheng quickly agreed, and said, "There must be quasi-sages, and there will never be falsehoods!"

Che Peng nodded, "Then there are fellow Dao Ni, we are waiting for you in the fairy world, and hope that fellow Daoists can get more evidence."


Ni Zheng felt bitter, but he could only admit his fate.

Che Peng threw out a box and said in a deep voice, "Also, this Xuanling Tianxin Morodan will make friends with Daoists as a reward for staying behind. You can't let others say that my Xuanling Sect is unfair."

Ni Zheng's heart tensed, and he felt the offensive sage's breath. This was also the reason why he was worried that Che Peng had no good intentions and would not accept it, but now it is impossible to refuse.-Che Peng peace talks The shadows disappeared after hard walking.

How to do it.

Looking at the box in front of him, Ni Zheng was a bit distressed.

The void not far away.

There was a cloud of black mist, about hundreds of miles in radius.

"Great Demon Lord, they seem to be gone."

"I saw it. It seems that our neighbor is really strong. The quasi-sage of the fairy world has not been able to beat it for almost half a year."

"They should be weak too? Shall we take the opportunity to take a look, maybe we can knock down Xianshu City?"

"What good is it for us to build Xianshu City? Thousands of tens of thousands of Purple Devil Stars may not be enough to turn Xianshu City into our realm. The vitality in that realm is incredible. Alas, I really don’t know if it is. What is pinned in Xianshu City."

"Then what are we doing now?"

"Of course it has passed, the allies who have been sent to the door, don't want it for nothing, haha."

The black mist quickly dissipated, and a huge Demon Abyss Mayfly appeared, let out a long hiss, and quickly flew towards Xianshu City.

The void further away.

Hovering a weird chariot without wheels.

It is about one mile long, like a rectangular coffin, made entirely of bones, but the bones are of different color and material. The bones on the left half are gray-white, covered with densely packed small holes, and light green smoke is constantly emerging. The bones on the right half are pitch black as ink, crystal clear and transparent, and you can vaguely see water flowing between the bones.

One black and one white, clearly divided.

There were two people sitting on the chariot, one green and the other yellow, particularly conspicuous.

"Xianshu City seems to be held."

"Well, someone from the city has come here."

"Your people are not slow."

"To each other."

"Then go back?"

"I said go to Xianshu City, are you willing?"

"If you can drive half of the tank to Xianshu City, I have no objection."

"What's more to say? I really don't understand, why are you still a divine envoy? With so many candidates for divine envoy, haven't you killed you yet."

"When you die, I won't be a divine envoy."

The two fell silent, and the chariot started slowly and flew towards the rocky beach.

There seemed to be several screams afterwards.

On a floating island not too far away.

Xie Zheng laughed inexplicably, "Hey, they are gone."

"The formation has indeed been quiet for a long time."

Ming Yuan braced half of his body, with a trace of doubt on his face, "All gone? Che Peng is not so easy to pass, right? I heard before coming that he might be desperate."

"After all, who will really fight hard?"

Xie Zheng said indifferently, "You practitioners in the immortal realm all like to talk more than do, not as good as those in Outland."

Mingyuan didn't care, "I admit that I am, but Che Peng may not be. Those guys from the Suspension Sect cannot be treated with common sense."

Xie Zheng waved his hand, "No matter what you say, he has already left. This is the news from Zhou Shu. There can be no falsehoods, but no one has left. There is also Ni who is waiting for death. What... isn't it waiting for you?"


Mingyuan stagnated, "I didn't offend him. Besides, it was you and not me that reminded him at that time."

Xie Zheng smiled, "Without you, I can't remind him, let us share half of the credit, but I don't care, Xianshucheng and Haze Country are allies in the first place, and even if you are collaborators, hahaha."

"Don't talk about it, I'm really worried now. What does he mean by staying? He won't really have to wait for me to show up. This is still troublesome," Mingyuan touched his chin and said in a deep voice. They are all gone. I’ll fight twice. Even if I’m working with Xianting, but now he’s guarding ~www.ltnovel.com~ I can’t come out well. In case he wants to stay for a few decades, I You can only stay with you, you can't just go back without coming."

Xie Zheng looked at him and smiled, "It's rare to see you worry about yourself, but it's okay. Zhou Shu will go over and drive him away. When you reappear, the fairy spies in the city will naturally know that you have been there."

"Zhou Shu, he dare to go out by himself?"

Mingyuan's expression condensed slightly, "That's what he told you?"

Xie Zheng shook his head quickly, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't contact him directly. These are all the Haechi clan who stayed in the city said, but it should be a decision, not necessarily for him to go, we just wait and see. "

"I don't have a quasi saint but plan to face the saint?"

Mingyuan stood up and looked at the formation in the distance, "I'm a little curious, why don't I go closer and take a look?"

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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