Fairy Winner

Chapter 3376: cloudy day

Zhou Shu sighed slightly. When he let the little stone out before, he didn't take into account that Yves was here.

"The city lord knows it, so I'll just say it straight."

Iver became more solemn, "Linxie that demon monkey is an anomaly that must never appear in the demon world, so I hope the city lord can keep him in Xianshu city, no matter what happens, don’t let him go to any demon world, for For this, we can pay any price."

"What's the price?"

When it was exposed, Zhou Shu simply let go, "Help Xianshu City to block the immortal army?"

Iver nodded earnestly, "It is inevitable to defend Xianshu City. Demon Lord and even Demon Lord will come when necessary, but this will not be the only price."

Zhou Shu thought of something, "By the way, are they all coming soon?"

Ive stopped and nodded, "It will take some time for the news to go back. They know, they should visit the city lord once, but the city lord can rest assured that they will not be malicious and impossible. Compared to Xianshu City, The threat of Lin Xie the demon monkey is much greater, and the city lord can help us restrict Lin Xie to one place, which is a good thing for the demon clan."

Zhou Shu touched his chin, "It sounds like it's okay."

Iver said solemnly, "It must be possible, the chips are in your hands, and we have the greatest sincerity."

"That means let me set the price, hehe, but I haven't figured out how to set the price yet," Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, I don't mean to let him go to the demon world, and he is a little different from the past."

"I hope so, then we will talk more about it later."

Ive seemed to be relieved, and his tone of voice eased a lot. "I can also see that the magic monkey now has no traces of the demon world, and it is more like a certain kind of alien, but the demon monkey is the demon monkey, with his terrifying qualities. Nothing has changed at all, no one can kill him, not even Quasi-Holy."

Zhou Shu smiled, "This is not a bad thing, is it?"

"It's definitely not for fellow Daoists, but for the Demon Race..." Yves smiled helplessly. "Of course the Demon Race does not want the existence of an odd number of natural enemies like the Demon Monkey, but since it exists, it can only accept it. I can only hope that he has been in the hands of fellow daoists."

Zhou Shu was very satisfied, "We have the same answer on this point."

Ive thought for a while and said, "I can ask, where did you get this magic monkey? Is it from the end-winged clan?"

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "End Wing Clan, no, why do you say that?"

"The last time we got the news of the Demon Monkey was from the End Wing Clan hundreds of years ago. It is said that they had seen the Demon Monkey once, and then the world they were in disappeared. This incident triggered a big event in the Demon World. Turbulence, alas," Yves sighed. "The demon monkey of Lin Xie, who has been silent for more than ten thousand years, once again appeared in the world when we all felt that he had completely disappeared, and once again brought us to the demon race. Disaster, no one knows where he will appear next time, even Mozun wants to move."

"Such a big reaction?"

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "Ah, has that world disappeared..."

He knew that the little stone was Linxie that demon monkey, and it was also from the end-winged tribe.

At that time there was no Xianshu City. He encountered a locust tide when he left the Yinkui realm. He asked the little stone to come out for a good fight, shocking the Mowing Clan who was also there, but he did not know that realm. Still gone, most of it was destroyed by the locust tide behind.

Ive was startled, "Could it be that the city lord was also there?"

Zhou Shu nodded without hiding, "Well, but the magic monkey was not obtained there, and we did not touch the demon world."

Iver's heart tightened, and he said unconsciously, "Even if it doesn't move, the realm disappears. This is the fate of the Demon Race and the Demon Monkey."

"This..." Zhou Shu paused after not knowing what to say, "How did the magic monkey disappear more than 10,000 years ago?"

Iver thought for a few breaths, and shook his head, "I don’t know. I only know that the last realm where the demon monkey appears is in the territory of the Dragon Slayer Demon Lord. Very few demons can go there, and not much news has spread, but outside According to legends, Demon Slayer Demon Slayer sent hundreds of worlds of demon races to the demon monkeys to kill, so he disappeared for so long, because he protected the demon world, and no demon would attack his territory. ."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "Well, just this method..."

Yves was very calm, "The city lord should know that this is the most effective. We have no other choice for the magic monkey."

Zhou Shu looked at the Demon Abyss Mayfly under his seat, and didn't intend to go on, "By the way, how about cooking the sky?"

"That idiot! I'm still wandering around now. Ever since I went to the Phosphorescent Demon Lord, I have become more and more silly. When I came back, I looked for people to compete everywhere, and caused a lot of trouble..." Ive finished cursing, but he was a Face helpless, "He still doesn't know that you are Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu, maybe he is also looking for you in the Demon Realm."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You can tell him, I welcome him here, and there is no problem in fighting."

Eve sighed, "I still hope he is honest."

Zhou Shu nodded. For a moment, it seemed as if he saw the look of an old father from Yves. Speaking of which, Yves did his best to Zhutian, and did not regard Zhutian as his substitute or flesh and blood. Very rare in demons.

What is the reason?

As if he was aware of it, a smile appeared on Yves's face, "If the city lord wants it, just take it."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "What to take and what to take?"

"Moyuan Mayfly, it's also considered a handy gift."

Obviously it was not just talking. After speaking, Ive jumped up and let the mayfly fly towards Zhou Shu.

"I didn't even say what bicycle I wanted..."

Zhou Shu murmured a few words, but he really wanted it. This Demon Abyss mayfly was undoubtedly the one that carried Zhutian and him, and Zhou Shu felt the breath of the Profound Yellow Realm from its body, and that The eyes of the weird saint have many secrets..., "Ever, even if you give it to me, I can't control it."

Iver smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry about this."

On the back of the empty Demon Abyss Mayfly, a figure suddenly appeared, and he bent down and bowed to Zhou Shu, "I am willing to serve the city lord."

"He is called Yintian, and he will belong to the city lord from now on. He is a rare hidden demon in the demon world, and he has blood demon blood. He should be able to help the city lord to do something to ensure his loyalty. If the city lord does not want him one day, he If it’s not too troublesome to destroy this, you can send it back."

Iver raised his hand~www.ltnovel.com~ A cloud of black mist flew in front of Zhou Shu suddenly.

In the black mist, there was a jet black transparent bottle with a drop of gray blood in it.

The figure on the mayfly's back trembled slightly, and then returned to normal, "Observe orders on a cloudy day."

"I know."

Zhou Shu put away the blood bottle and nodded gently, "Then it is better to be respectful."

"Haha, then I'm leaving, and I will visit the city lord in a while."

Iver gave a long laugh, escaped into the void, turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

"City Lord, what am I going to do?"

The Demon Abyss Mayfly has flown to his side, and the hidden demon salutes very respectfully.

"Go back to Xianshu City."

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