Fairy Winner

Chapter 3377: Don't want

"What's the matter with that monkey?"

"Where do I know, I have never seen such a monster!"

"It is indeed a monster, and I can't see through it. It's hard to tell if it's a life."

"But it's not great. Even if you can't kill it, it's not a big problem. It doesn't matter if you encounter it, Ni Zheng is very upset by the excitement."

"It's not strong, but I always feel weird, that kind of power...I want to go to Xianshu City to see it."

"Don't go! You can play in the past, enter Xianshu City, do your family still want it?"

"Keep on drinking tea, and go for a few more shots in a few days."

"Hehe, Zhunsheng still hasn't come out after all..."

The two people on the floating island recovered their leisurely life, but they were more confused and hard to calm down.

At this time, Xianshu City was full of joy.

The three quasi-sages retreated one after another, marking the victory of Xianshu City's defense battle.

Decades of hard construction have got the best return today.

Almost all the people who stayed behind were celebrating, and after seeing the exciting news from Xuan Huang Jie, they entered a carnival state.

"It's a banquet!"

"Eleven big worlds have free supply of immortal food and immortal wine, open to eat and drink, it is said that they were obtained from the dragon world!"

"I don't go to any banquets. For these six months, Yuntong is free, and all the secret realms will be unconditionally opened. A good opportunity is wasted if you don't practice."

"That's right, but I still plan to go to the banquet. It's a big event in which the whole city participates. Nearly 100,000 people are there. Even a few deputy city owners are there. I heard that there is... Hey, that's the real opportunity. ."

"Ah, wait for me!"

Every world is cheering constantly, of course, there are also some disharmonious voices, such as hiding in a dark corner and secretly sending messages to the fairy world, but they will not know that all their actions are in Zhou Shu’s eyes, and they are left behind. , Zhou Shu also deliberately.

Wan Muting.

Zhou Shu and Qingque surrounded a pill.

"Don't look at it, the more you look at it, the more headaches you get. There must be something wrong with this Dan."

Qingque threw her hand away, a little angry, "I know that the fairy world will not give us any good things, and it also said that it will be paid."

She was still very excited when she saw Ni Zheng delivering the pill, and she was eagerly waiting for Zhou Shu to return, but when she really saw the pill, she realized that it was not the case.

Closing the box, Zhou Shu seemed to think, "This famous pill does have the will of the saint, but it gives people a feeling that the soul will be controlled after taking the pill, just like the original three corpse evil pill. Is there a saint who would do such a thing?"

Qingque frowned, "Impossible, the name given by the saint was originally a blessing, but if you try to control the people who affect Dedan, it will not be a blessing but a disaster, even if it has gained a strong power, There is no benefit in itself, even oneself is no longer oneself, what is the use of strength."

"Then it's not a Ming Dan."

Zhou Shu paused, "But how did the will of the saint in it come from?"

Qingque thought for a long time, and wondered, "Will there be a saint in the fairy world?"

Zhou Shu unconsciously shook his head, "Are you talking about the Saint Moro? It is impossible to use the status of a saint to do this kind of thing. Although I don't think the saint is detached from everything, it is too much, even the saint takes the lead. Control other people, what will the heavens be like... What do you think of me like this, Qing?"

Qingque patted him and said worriedly, "Please don't say the name of the saint directly! You don't listen to it after you say it several times."

"It's fine here, someone is watching."

Zhou Shu pointed to Jianmu, and said with a smile, "Jianmu is considered the ancestor of the saint, and they dare not snoop."

Qingque snorted, "Returning to the ancestor, Jianmu has been in Xianshu City for so long, and I haven't seen any saints come to help. If we didn't try to block the immortal world, Xianshu City would not be guaranteed. Jianmu is afraid that he will be robbed of the immortal realm. They are all unscrupulous descendants!"

Zhou Shu looked at her and smiled, "Ha, you told me to be careful, and I don't care about scolding myself."


The blue bird hurriedly covered her mouth and peeked around, as if the saint was on the side.

"Don't be silly, there won't be anyone," Zhou Shu touched her head and slowly said, "I think Xianshu City has not been favored by a saint, and we are almost the same, none of us got it from a saint. Good, and Jianmu was snatched by the fairy world, but it is something that some saints like to see."

Qingque was stunned, "Isn't it? Isn't it that we are also fighting against the saint?"

Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "It's just an illusion of mine. Don't think about it too much. It's definitely not our turn to fight the saint now."

This is a kind of comfort. Generally, no cultivator is willing to confront the saints. Qingque Zhao Yueru is no exception. Mention of saints, they naturally develop fear, but Zhou Shu knows that it is not necessarily just an illusion. It may be on the road to confront the saint.

Many avenues have dominated the heavens for many years, and the pattern has been set. A new avenue has suddenly appeared. New founders want to be holy and want to change the fixed pattern. Will those saints who represent the avenue sit and watch?

And Jianmu is also a threshold for many saints.

If the sage is compared to the fairy world, Jianmu is the Xuanhuang world, and the Xuanhuang world, the mother world of the fairy world, was abandoned by the fairy world and exiled again. What about Jianmu?

Saying that the saint does not want to see Jianmu and Zhou Shu is not necessarily an illusion.

Qingque nodded and thought about it seriously, "Actually, it doesn't matter if I fight against the saint."

Zhou Shu was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Qing, you can't talk nonsense about this sentence."

Qingque said frankly, "It doesn't matter at all. It's too far away for me to be sanctified. I never think I can do it. Then, even if I do things that disobey the saints, I don't need to care. Give up, I think the saint is too embarrassed to trouble me, hehe."

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Zhou Shu was shocked ~www.ltnovel.com~ and was even angry. I did not expect Qingque to say such things. It is normal to fear the saint, but it is very abnormal to be afraid of sanctification. Although there are very few practitioners who can be sanctified, none of them have yet. Practitioners who want to cultivate will say the words of surrender. Saying this is equivalent to giving up the path of cultivation and betraying the original heart. "How can a practitioner not to..."

"I know."

Qingque stretched his hand to hold Zhou Shu, and said seriously, "How can a cultivator not regard sanctification as his goal, but I really don’t have that kind of thinking. When I was in the Xuanhuang world, I did I just want to rise to immortality, but after Xiaoxue’s accident, I don’t think so. My heart has changed. Improving immortality is no longer my most desired thing, nor is it my goal. Promoted to immortality, but that is not what I want most."

Looking at Zhou Shu, she laughed, "I don't want to be holy, really, Shu, you don't despise me?"

Zhou Shuding looked at her there and was silent for a while.

And Qingque lowered her head, seemingly depressed, "Don't speak, really despise me, do you think I am not worthy to be a practitioner?"

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