Fairy Winner

Chapter 3381: Listen to my palace


"Unexpectedly, I was a cultivator, flying with a beast."

King Jiang looked at the Demon Abyss Mayfly with emotion, "Following the Emperor, really weird things will happen, but I still think the tank is a little easier to use, Wanlong chariot, cross-sea chariot, breaking the sun. Cha, as a practitioner, no matter what chariot he drives, he is very powerful."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Can these things you say be invisible? The kind that even Hunyuan Jinxian can't find?"

King Jiang was stagnant, and said, "The chariot is going to rush into the battle, what's the use of being invisible."

Zhou Shu smiled and looked at Caiying on the other end, "Caiying, I will soon reach the rocky beach. You are the leader when you come out this time. You must be cautious in everything. If there is any problem that cannot be solved, look for it through Yunyin. Qingque and the others, let them send someone over if necessary, don't be foolish."

"Say it a hundred times!"

The eyes that stood on the mayfly's head were full of excitement, and said, "Don't worry, this palace is the lord of the palace!"

Leading the team for the first time, unspeakably proud.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay."

"Don't worry, there are only three people in total. Are you worried that I can't manage well? My palace has managed tens of thousands of people!"

Caiying jumped down and patted Xiaojin and Xiaoshi, "You said that?"

Xiao Jin stretched out her wings to show her approval, Xiao Shi shook her shoulders, and gently bounced her away, "Yes."

"Look, they all listen to this palace."

Caiying glanced at Zhou Shu and said complacently, "You order not to move, only this palace can do it!"

Is this really okay? Zhou Shu nodded, always feeling a little unreliable.

How can I say that Caiying is the first time leading the team, with two less obedient guys, but there is no way, there can be no more reliable people in the city to come with them, they are all in order to merge the formation. I'm too busy, and I won't be relaxed in decades.

"Is that a rocky beach?"

Caiying pointed to the dense black shadow in front of him and shouted.

"Stop it, cloudy sky."

The hidden demon, who had no sense of existence hidden in the scales, responded and stopped the Demon Abyss Mayfly in front of the rocky beach.

"You guys wait a minute."

After a long time, after Zhou Shu stopped Caiying and the small stones who wanted to rush in sixteen times in a row, a masked Tsing Yi man walked out of the rocky beach and stopped in front of the Demon Abyss Mayfly for a while. His face changed slightly, and a bit of killing intent appeared in his eagle-like eyes, "Huh?"

After all the obstacles were gone, the huge Demon Abyss Mayfly was fully revealed.

The man in Tsing Yi retreated a few steps, and wings grew under his ribs. It was not until he saw Zhou Shu and others on the mayfly that he realized something was wrong, "Are you here?"


Zhou Shufei took a few steps and raised his hand, "Brother Feng, it's been a long time."

"It's been a long time, it's only a few decades," Feng Kun returned the courtesy, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, "Zhou Shu, your Xianshu city has done a great thing."

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled, "Did you know so soon?"

Feng Kun raised his head and let out a sneer, "Isn't this normal for the Yu Clan? I just didn't care about it before."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "That is, I don’t know if Brother Feng has the idea of ​​going to Xianshu City? There are several circles for you to choose. In fact, there are already many feather tribes in Xianshu City. Come on. Don't suffer."

Feng Kun shrugged, "The Yu clan you are talking about, is this kind of little guy with no full-length hair?"

The disdainful look obviously angered Xiaojin and Xiaoshi, but Caiying was the first to jump out, "You guy, dare to be rude to the people in this palace?!"

The green light flashed before Feng Kun, the sword flicked, and a huge net fell from the sky, completely engulfing Feng Kun.

As soon as Feng Kun spread his wings, the solid green sword intent immediately tightened, gleaming, and it looked like a strange shiny green hair had grown.

"not bad."

Feng Kun was startled slightly, shaking his whole body a few times, and the green lights scattered one after another, falling like stars.

Caiying also stagnated. Although she didn't use her full strength, she broke away from her sword intent so easily. It is also rare. Involuntarily more fighting intent, her eyes are a little green. "What's good, take another sword from the palace. !"

"Don't make trouble."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and pulled Caiying to his side, "Brother Feng, I'm not here to fight with you."

Feng Kun put his wings away and said in a deep thought, "You come to the rocky beach to experience? Or let me teach him something? I have never seen this kind of eagle, but it is very talented. It is not difficult to become a feather clan, but it's a pity that the strength is reduced. It’s a lot, it’s a bit troublesome to recover... Hey!"

Unprepared, Xiao Jin flew up and grabbed it, and even grabbed the face towel.

Feng Kun, who looks hurt, doesn't care at all, but appreciates it, "It looks like there is still a rescue, not bad, just leave it to me."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and said with a smile, "Thank you, Brother Feng."

Feng Kun's gaze fell on Little Stone, "The Mao clan next to him, just..."

"You are the Mao tribe, your whole family is the Mao tribe!"

The little stone only gnawed his teeth, and Caiying said in the following words, "Little stones are little stones, and they come out of the stones!"

Feng Kun's expression slightly condensed, "So it's an elf, it doesn't look like it, you can't feel the breath of the Five Elements Rule, but you are more like it, the sword intent is too pure, is it a sword spirit?"

"This palace is a cultivator, don't shout, call me Lord Palace!"

Caiying shook his head angrily.

"Stop making trouble."

Zhou Shu pulled Caiying back again, and said slowly, "Brother Feng, some of them did come to experience the chaotic beach. Please take care of them, don't let them be overcast, and that is," he Pointing to the little stone, his face became solemn, "Don't let him kill too many people, when he is mad, your people should stay away from him."

Feng Kun was stunned, "Your request is a bit strange."

Zhou Shu paused, "I can't explain it, anyway, if you follow him, you will know why in a few days. This is very important."


Feng Kun nodded, "Just protect it in secret, no problem, the rocky beach is big, but I can still cover it."

Looking at Little Stone, he always felt a little weird, but he didn’t know where the weirdness was, but he didn’t take it too seriously. There were only three little guys around ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu was a little relieved, "Then Well, I am afraid that the rocky beach will be destroyed by him."

"Ha," Feng Kun snorted, "This rocky beach is comparable to hundreds of great realms, and the blood-wish Devil Realm and the Wolf Element Devil Realm combined are almost the same. Will it be destroyed by him? I said Zhou Shu, you worry. It makes no sense, I don’t know what to say."

Zhou Shu turned around, "Go in, remember, don't conflict with Fengkun's people, listen to Caiying's words, and Caiying must pay attention to return at any time."


Before Zhou Shu could finish, Caiying and Xiao Shito jumped onto Xiao Jin, flying out like arrows, and into the rocky beach in the blink of an eye.

"It's very fast."

Feng Kun said, "Zhou Shu, he doesn't seem to have a family yet, how about joining the Feng Family?"

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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