Fairy Winner

Chapter 3382: Go through

Looking at Feng Kun, who didn't know the seriousness of the matter, Zhou Shu had to say, "If you can convince him, I'm fine here."

"That's fine, I teach him something good, and he will definitely join."

Feng Kun's eyes lit up and he said with emotion, "Speaking of which, I haven't encountered a good seedling for so many years, thank you for sending one."

Zhou Shu decided to say a few more words, "I said Brother Feng, the focus is not on Xiaojin and the Palace Master, but the little stone. You must pay attention to it. Don’t let the rocky beach really be destroyed by him, then you... I can only live in my Xianshu City."

"Okay, then I will go to Xianshu City to find you."

Feng Kun chuckled, not even listening.

Zhou Shu spread his hands, "Well, I have left beforehand. If you have something to do, you should find me through that. I can't receive it and others will respond."

"I see," Feng Kun nodded and said admiringly, "Your thing is really good, it looks like a talisman, but it has many functions. I haven't seen a few sects just for sending information. can do it."

"You are going to Xianshu City to have better ones."

Zhou Shu smiled, returned to the Demon Abyss Mayfly, and waved goodbye.

"and many more."

What Feng Kun thought of, a ray of eagle-like eyes burst out, "This Demon Abyss Mayfly should be transformed by Meng Ji?"

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "I'm not sure, did you recognize it?"

"Meng Ji is the enemy of the Yu clan, and the enemy engraved in the soul. How can he not recognize it? Among the Mao clan who can fly with wings, he is considered the strongest one. Some sacred beasts can't compare with that breath, Tsk tsk, it hasn't changed even after it became a Demon Abyss Mayfly."

Feng Kun's gaze swept back and forth on the mayfly, seeming to arouse a backlash, and the mayfly stared back, uncontrollable for a while on the cloudy day.

Feng Kun let out a long laugh, his body suddenly soaring, becoming almost the same size as the Demon Abyss Mayfly, and showing his body.

The two sides confronted each other, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and the edge of the rocky beach seemed to reveal a familiar green light.

"It's all like this, you still think it's the enemy."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, turned around and ordered. On cloudy days, the mayfly was quickly controlled, and Feng Kun smiled happily, "It's just a momentary attack. It's boring for him to fight like this. If he gets demonic energy into his body, then I It's a loss."

Zhou Shu looked at Feng Kun from side to side, "You look so majestic like this, you deserve to be a descendant of God Crow."

"The Yu Clan is the King of Ten Thousand Demons."

Feng Kun triumphantly waved his long wings, as if he was reluctant to restore his human form.

Zhou Shu quickly retracted his gaze and said, "Brother Feng, is it possible for him to return to his original appearance?"

"Impossible, what he has is only a little spirit, in the words of your practitioners, it is just a little obsession."

Feng Kun shook his head and sighed, "Do you want him to return to the Yaozu, Zhou Shu, do you really think so?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "If I have a chance, I want to try. There is no Meng Ji in the heavens. If it can recover, I can be considered as a contribution to the Xuanhuang Realm."

Feng Kun's expression condensed slightly, and he said in a straightforward voice, "He has lost all his blood, and his body has completely turned into a demon. It is impossible to recover, at most, the unusual Demon Abyss Mayfly, but you have this thought, but it makes me very Thank you very much."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Aren't you?"

"I am the most sorrowful rabbit and fox. In the end, they are all monsters, coming down from the Xuanhuang realm." Looking at the mayfly, Feng Kun was unconsciously angry. "Those who left the Xuanhuang realm and went to the heavens at the time thought they had gone to the paradise of the vast world. , Who knows this will be the result? Most practitioners use them as a springboard for promotion, and the demons use them as their own resources. Hmph, they will get retribution sooner or later."

Zhou Shu paused and said, "I don't deny it, but there are a lot of my own problems."

Feng Kun stared at Zhou Shu and said every word, "I know, but they have a problem and have already reaped the consequences, but the practitioners and the demons owe them, but they have never paid it back."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Causality will not let anyone go."

"Who believes it," Feng Kun said with a look of disdain. "The guys who like to practice the law of causality can't solve the cause and effect differently. In the end, they can only say something like putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha. They can only be punished by their own strength."

Zhou Shu nodded and got serious, "I hope you succeed."

"Okay, don't talk to you, if you don't leave, don't experience your group of people," Feng Kun regained his human form, waved his hand, not without envy, "I don't understand, how did you get this What a loyal subordinate, many big sects are incomparable, is it because you give people gold bricks casually, or you give people a mark?"

Zhou Shu smiled and looked into the distance, "None, they are not my subordinates, but my companions."

"It's more troublesome than the Zongmen set."

Feng Kun turned and flew away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu and the Demon Yuan Mayfly disappeared, and the green light on the edge of the black rocky beach also disappeared.

"Go with this palace, go to experience!"

Caiying yelled, and Xiao Jin and Xiao Shito followed, both with a look of excitement.

Mayfly embarked on the journey again and sent them to the rocky beach. The next target was Xuchang.

Without the twitter picking, the road is much cleaner.

Driving a mayfly on a cloudy day, Jiang Renwang watched the surroundings, while Zhou Shu continued to recover.

This is what he has done most often in these years.

What Zhou Shu recovers is not energy, soul, power, these things don't need to be recovered, what he needs is to condition the furnace.

The Taoist furnace is similar to the life palace of the quasi-sage, but it is stronger. As a preferential treatment for the founder, Zhou Shu has enjoyed the privileges of the quasi-sage a lot in advance. However, there is no core of law in the Taoist, and no wheel of life. Temporarily entrusted soul, and a solid heart.

Because of excessive use, the furnace has become chaotic. Of course, it is much better now.

In fact, this recovery period is not without benefits, it gives Zhou Shu a buffer period.

There are too many accumulations during the Daluo Jinxian period~www.ltnovel.com~ According to reason, he should have been promoted a long time ago, but he has been suppressed, but now there are too many rules for promotion, which can no longer be suppressed. In recent years, he has been very kind With a clear feeling, as soon as the furnace returns to normal, the progress of the various laws will be reflected immediately, then, there is likely to be a major problem inside the furnace.

Normal practitioners will not be promoted to the two laws at the same time. They all follow a step-by-step approach. They will be able to reach the Golden Immortal Hunyuan. There are also two or three laws together. That is to get a better integration during the promotion. The power of the same law, it is rare to do this, because it is not easy to improve several laws at the same time, and it will face danger, and Zhou Shu, in order to relax the Tao, he must promote many laws at the same time.

This is a lot, more than one hundred.

Many laws suddenly reached the control stage at the same time, especially there is a highest law and many high-level laws inside. There is no precedent for this kind of thing. Once the harmonization is not good, the impact on the furnace is hard to describe.

Not to mention what kind of calamity Shu Zhidao will bring, there is a catastrophe just for oneself.

Zhou Shu himself was a little worried.

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