Fairy Winner

Chapter 3415: I considered

Zhou Shu nodded, "Mostly I can't go back."

"You are laughing at me again."

Mu Yan glanced at Zhou Shu, bowed his head and sighed, "I don't know where to go. I can't stay in Dongcheng. I don't have a new order to guide me. I can't find the same door. I don't know where the sect is. Was it the same wandering around...Ah, it was hard to find a sect that would accept me."

Zhou Shu pointed to himself, "Am I the same?"

Mu Yan said with joy, "Yes, but..." hesitated, "I'm not sure if you are yet."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Whatever you want, if you have nowhere to go, you can go to my Xiancheng, where you can develop believers. I will not stop you. In fact, I really hope that there will be disciples of Cihangzong in Xiancheng. , The more the better."

"Brother, you also have Xiancheng?"

Mu Yan stagnated, very surprised, fixedly looking at Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, it's called Xianshu City. It's also a Xiancheng that is right against the fairy world. You should be able to inquire about this..."

"Xianshu City, Xianshu City!"

Mu Yan was surprised for a while, and pointed at Zhou Shu, "You are the city lord of Xianshu, Zhou Shu!?"

Zhou Shu was all confused by her, and he said, "I am Zhou Shu, but didn't you know my name long ago? I remember telling you before. What are you surprised now?"

Mu Yan was still surprised, her mouth clustered into a circle, "But you didn't say that you are the city lord of Xianshu City! It turns out that you are Zhou Shu!"

After taking a closer look at her, Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, and found that she was not playing mystery.

He did not say that he was the city lord of Xianshu, but there was already a lot of information revealed before. As long as Mu Yan thinks a little bit, he will know that Zhou Shu is the city lord of Xianshu wanted by the fairy world, but she is just a little bit. Never thought about it.

It is really a miracle that she can practice smoothly in the heavens till now.

Mu Yan looked at Zhou Shu, his face flushed with excitement, "Ah! I didn't think I could meet Zhou Shu, but you saved me!"

"So what are you excited about?"

Zhou Shu is a little puzzled, is this guy really sick?

Mu Yan said hurriedly, "Of course I'm excited. I've heard a lot of your rumors. You are amazing. You will have little achievement next year, but you will be high. I hear too many people in Dongcheng talking about you. I can listen to it almost every day. Here, besides, the four colleagues I have met mentioned you, and said that you are an immortal nemesis. They also admire you very much..."

Zhou Shu nodded, very flat. Over the years, as the ranking of the Ten Thousand Fouls has been rising, he has indeed risen to fame in the heavens.

It may be a bad reputation in the fairy world, but in Outland, especially those in the fairy city that is against the fairy world, it is a good reputation and praise.

While speaking, Mu Yan felt that something was wrong, and said thoughtfully, "Those senior sisters all want to bring you to Ci Hang Sect, but they don't know, Senior Brother Zhou, you are already a member of Ci Hang Sect. It's just from the Xuanhuang Realm."

"I am."

Zhou Shu nodded, and found a blind spot in a bunch of words, "Did your Sect Master mention Xianshu City and me?"

Mu Yan thought about it for a while, but still shook his head, "No, there is no information about you in the token I got. By the way, your current Xianshu City is so famous, should there be a disciple of Cihangzong? Maybe I can find the same door."

There are many expectations in her eyes.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "There are none at present."

Mu Yan blinked, "That's a bit weird. According to the truth, Xianshu City is antagonizing the immortal world on the bright side, and such an immortal city should have the same door."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It may be that the time for the establishment of Xianshu City is too short."

Mu Yan frowned, "It's not short, I've heard about it before I heard about Dongcheng, there may be something wrong."

"Don't worry about this, I invite you to go, anyway, you can't complete the task of listening to Dongcheng now, it is better to go to Xianshu City to continue your task."

In fact, Zhou Shu also thinks that there is a problem with Cihangzong, which may be deliberate, and does not want Zhou Shu and Yangmei to be involved anymore, but now it doesn’t make sense to keep a Muyan.

"This is not a mission, it is a mission."

Mu Yan retorted seriously, and only nodded again quickly, very happy, "I'm going! Brother Zhou, your fairy city is very big, and you are willing to support me, that would be great, this time I must attract a fellow! No, two!"

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "Your goal is a little smaller."

"The two are already very big, you don't know. It takes a lot of time to observe a person. When you find one, you have to pass the test of Cihangzong, a very strict test. You don't know, at the beginning I..." Mu Yan He stopped and covered his mouth and said, "It's very difficult anyway. I will be content to find one."

Zhou Shu was noncommittal, "Okay."

Mu Yan nodded repeatedly and said eagerly, "Brother, are we leaving now?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I still have some things in the Xuchang world. I will delay it for about a month or two before I go back." He glanced at Mu Yan who was slightly disappointed. "Sister priest, you can go by yourself, but I This is not recommended. Xianshu City is more difficult to find, and you will spend more time on the road alone."

Mu Yan thought about it for a few moments, "Yes, I fly too slowly by myself. If I have a senior, it may save years of time."

"Just a few years, it's a good deal."

Zhou Shu smiled and turned around and said, "Ren King, let's go back to Xuchang world first."


Jiang Ren Wang, who had been silent, immediately agreed.

Mu Yan hesitated, "Go to Xuchang Realm now? Senior Brother Zhou, then we have to be careful. I heard that there are a lot of immortal trappers there, and they are similar to the immortal city in the immortal realm, and the same door is not willing to go there."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I will pay attention, you will be fine if you follow me."

"Then don't leave me too far, brother."

Mu Yan hurriedly moved closer, hiding behind Zhou Shu, it seemed that there was an immortal trapping her now.

Zhou Shu didn't care about it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com released some Shu's power to surround her and quickly returned to Xuchangjie.

King Jiang Ren followed him and hesitated for a while, "Ren King, I think what this girl said makes sense."

Zhou Shu glanced at him, "You don't need to knock on the side, you actually want to say, don't get too close to King Mu, right?"

"Yes, I've always wanted to talk about this, but I didn't find a good opportunity." Jiang Renwang was very calm. "Human King, I have been carefully observing it for a while. King Mu is now eating all three, the fairy world and the dragon world. With you, he now has all the benefits of the three sides, so he has developed so fast. There are few immortal cities in the heavens that can match... It's good, but I think this situation is not normal, maybe One day when someone is forced, he will fall to one side, in case, I said in case, the side he fell to is the immortal world?"

Zhou Shu paused, "I thought about it, but this is not an issue that needs attention now."

Jiang Ren Wang said slowly, "Just think about it. Now King Mu treats you very well, but no one knows what his real thoughts are. Anyway, I have never seen his specific tendency. He treats everyone the same. , And seemingly absolute neutrality is often dangerous."

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