Fairy Winner

Chapter 3416: Heterogeneous

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, seemingly lost in thought.

King Jiang waited for a while, then slowly said, "Human King, King Mu is not a Hachi or a dragon, let alone a practitioner. It is difficult for people to judge his true position. As practitioners, it is best. It’s better to stay away."

"The King of People."

Zhou Shu paused, "You finally came to the point of the problem, which is his origin."

King Jiang nodded, a little heavy, "Yes, no matter what race he is, dragon, Haechi, or human cultivator, with his current attitude towards the emperor, I will not doubt him, what is he? We can deal with it when we are born, but he is nothing, which makes people worry, alas."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "But my opinion is just the opposite of yours."


King Jiang was stunned, "Then...what do you think of King King?"

Zhou Shu looked at the Xuchang world in the distance, "You are right, there is no neutrality in this world. Except for the demons, everyone in the heavens has to make a choice, and decide what they should and can do according to their choices. Things, of course, most of these things are related to their own origins. The practitioners do what a practitioner should do, maintain the immortal world, etc., while the Dragons do things for the Dragons, and the Hachis do things for the Hachis... Even if someone seems to be neutral and able to go from side to side, there must be a choice already decided in his heart."

King Jiang Ren said blankly, "Yes, I think so too. King Mu must have his own choice. I am worried that he has chosen the immortal world."

Zhou Shu looked at him and said lightly, "Ren King, what choice do you think I made?"

King Jiang Ren said without hesitation, "Human Sovereign, what you are doing is to set things right, let the Profound Yellow Realm return, and let the Immortal Realm return to its former state."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You know a little bit of me, but not all."

King Jiang Ren paused, seeming to understand something, "Human Emperor, you want to change, not just the immortal world, but the entire heavens."

"It's almost this time."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Just as you said, on which side do you think I should stand? There are many other races in the heavens except the demons. If I have to stand on one side, then I should stand on Which side?"

King Jiang Ren thought for a while, and said firmly, "The Emperor should be on the side of the practitioner."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Then do you think I am doing well?"

King Jiang Ren said very seriously, "It must be good. From the time I followed the Emperor to the present, I haven't seen the Emperor do anything to sorry the practitioners."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Then what am I to other races?"

What Jiang Ren Wang thought of, he paused unconsciously, and hesitated, "Except for the demons, you have a very good attitude towards other races. I won’t say anything about Hachei, Liang Miao, etc. Xianshu City is The best example, where all races are equal, they are all going well."

Zhou Shu laughed, "Is that the same as King Mu? It seems that I am also very neutral. Except the immortal world, there will be no enemies."

King Jiang Ren didn't know how to answer for a while, and thought for a while before he said, "Human Sovereign, you are completely different from him. You are the Man Sovereign. Back then, the Xuanyuan Man Sovereign of the Xuanhuang Realm was actually the emperor of all races in the Xuanhuang Realm."

"This is not the answer I want. This is just an excuse for you to help me think. I don't need this."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said slowly, "King of Man, I know that these words you said are old-fashioned and serious, and you are loyal to me. I am very grateful to you, but you don't understand. Actually, I am almost the same as King Mu. , So I can understand him, no matter what he does in the future, at least now I agree with his approach and don’t think he will betray us."

King Jiang seemed to be thoughtful, and thought for a long time before he said, "Human Sovereign, you said so, I naturally obey, but I really can't figure out one thing, how can you be the same as him? King Mu is a strange species, and Human Sovereign are you. A true human practitioner."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "So I said you don't understand."

Wang Jiang Ren said anxiously, "Then... you make me understand."

"No, you just need to know, no matter how much you think, you won't understand it."

Zhou Shu simply refused, suspecting that King Mu was very important. He had to explain to King Jiang, so as not to bury a thorn in his heart and cause trouble in the future, but he and King Mu are almost the same, so there is no need to explain. If the explanation is not clear, except Zhou Shu himself, who can understand that Zhou Shu is not a real human practitioner?

He, like King Mu, is an outlier in these heavens, while Zhou Shu is an outlier more thorough.

Looking at the dazed Mu Yan behind him, Zhou Shu smiled, "Have you heard it all?"

"You didn't say not to let me listen," Mu Yan instinctively backed off a few steps, and said very vigilantly, "Are those secrets? You don't want to seal me? But I don't have everything you said. Understand, and I think you are all right."

"Seal you? You can't figure it out."

Zhou Shu couldn't help but knocked on her, of course he still held it back, only reaching out.

Muyan looked at Zhou Shu and determined that Zhou Shu had no intention of dealing with her, and boldly walked over, "What?"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Show me your Holy Shield Talisman, I'll study it if it's okay now."

"This...that's for you, brother."

Mu Yan hesitated for a moment, and then handed over the Holy Shield Talisman, "I didn’t wake up before, so you took it away if you wanted to. Now he asked me specifically, how could I not give it to you, but you must say yes, don’t If it’s broken, I’ll only have this one. If it’s broken, I won’t have it. When I see the same door, I’ll ask for another one for you. As long as it is a life-saving good thing that a disciple of Cihangzong should have."

"If it doesn't break, I will pay you if it breaks."

Zhou Shu took it, and flew to figure it out.

Mu Yan leaned closer, a little dissatisfied, "How can it be so easy to pay, as if you have the same, then you still ask me?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I don't have one, but maybe I will paint if I look at it."

He still has some confidence in the starting Fu Dao~www.ltnovel.com~. He has felt the power of the Holy Shield Talisman before, and there is indeed a strong power of compassion hidden in it, but the combination of power and Talisman is not too big. Well, the Holy Shield Talisman could not fully display the power of the power of compassion inside. Since the Talisman is not perfect, Zhou Shu should be able to see something, and maybe even imitate it.

"Really? You deserve to be a genius!"

Mu Yan still believed a little.

Zhou Shu was sluggish, and he could draw a talisman when he saw it. It was a very rare high-level talisman. People wouldn't believe it, right? Not too lazy to care about her, Zhou Shu explored some of the power of compassion, carefully sensed the direction of the power, and guessed the reason and origin of the rune pattern, only after watching it for a few breaths, he suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

He looked at Mu Yan, "Sister priest, who did you draw this talisman?"

Mu Yan thought for a while and said, "I don't know, the same door I gave to me only said that it was a rune master in the sect. She also said that I was lucky. Before, the disciples of the Ci Hang Sect did not have the Holy Shield Rune. Only with a good talisman can this lost talisman be drawn."

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