Fairy Winner

Chapter 3417: Drawing


Zhou Shu handed the Holy Shield Talisman back, seemingly thoughtful, "What do you think of this Talisman?"

"Senior Brother Zhou, have you finished reading so soon?"

Mu Yan took it over with doubts, and thought for a while, "I don’t understand Talisman, but this Talisman is a bit difficult to use. It’s not easy to bring out all the power in it. I think, if you use all the power in the Talisman, , The immortal hunter should not be able to beat me... at least he can run away."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It should be that the person who draws the talisman does not understand the way of compassion, so the sacred shield talisman painted is a bit nondescript."

Mu Yan retorted unconsciously, "Is it right? How can you draw the Holy Shield Talisman if you don't understand the Way of Compassion? The Holy Shield Talisman is not an ordinary talisman. Only the disciples of the Ci Hang Sect can draw it, and it has been lost for a long time."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Two people cooperate, one provides power, and the other draws symbols."

Mu Yan's eyes widened, puzzled, "Can you do this?"

Zhou Shu smiled and looked at her, "If you don't believe me, you can try it. Provide the power of compassion. I will draw the talisman and I will draw the holy shield talisman."

"This... how is it possible?"

Mu Yan was stunned, and fixedly looking at Zhou Shu, "You only get it and you can paint after a few glances? I believe it, but I won't believe it."

Zhou Shu didn't say much, took out the talisman pen, holding the talisman pen in his hand, and said, "The power of compassion, the more the better... What are you in a daze?"


Mu Yan recovered, and whispered, "How can I give it to you?"

Zhou Shu focused on looking at the talisman paper, "It's fine to use tactics for me, the stronger the tactics, the better, and I will take away your power."

Mu Yan hesitated and began to cast Gan Lin Art on Zhou Shu. Soon, raindrops fell on Zhou Shu's side, and then turned into a cloud of mist, gathered and drilled into the talisman pen, "Can you do this?"

"I heard that the Ci Hang Sect in the heavens also has a lot of offensive tactics, why not use it?"

Zhou Shu frowned and was bathed in the sweet rain. Although it was very comfortable, his strength was too little.

"You said it."

Mu Yan nodded, raising her hand to three white arrows, with a hint of excitement in her eyes, "Actually, I like hitting people, but I can't hit most of the time, and when I can hit, I often can't hit it. Not a few times...Oh, are you okay?"

Seeing the arrow disappear in front of Zhou Shu, as if it had plunged in, she felt a little worried.

"carry on."

Zhou Shu paused, "This method is a bit interesting, yes."

Mu Yan nodded triumphantly, "Of course, this is one of the strongest methods of Cihangzong. Exorcism arrows are specially designed to restrain demons. The most powerful of the same school can send thousands of arrows continuously, overlapping each other. , Getting stronger and stronger, even Demon Lord can't stand it, but I can only send more than forty arrows."

For a time, there were arrows everywhere, and the void turned white.

After dozens of breaths, Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay."

Mu Yan closed her hand, staring at the talisman paper and said, "You haven't painted yet, why is it all right?"

"Drawing symbols when being beaten, I haven't developed this skill yet."

Zhou Shu's hand moved suddenly, and it quivered slightly. The talisman pen shook out a perfect white arc. As the tip of the pen continued to move, a series of shimmering runes slowly unfolded on the pale golden talisman paper. It's like a flower in full bloom.

Mu Yan looked a little dumbfounded, for those delicate runes, and also for the focused Zhou Shu trapped in the light of runes.

At this moment, she had a strange feeling.

After a few breaths, Zhou Shu closed his pen.

The light burst suddenly, and the sky and the earth lit up, but the bloom was only a moment.

As the light dimmed, the runes were completely integrated into the rune paper, and only some fuzzy shadows could be seen.

"So fast?"

Mu Yan couldn't help but praised, "Unexpectedly, you can draw talisman so well, such complicated and cumbersome rune patterns, you will have a headache when you see the twists and turns, but you can draw it so easily, and it feels like a little effort. Whether it is the Holy Shield Talisman or not, I think it is very powerful."

"Keep hitting me, using the same technique."

Zhou Shu glanced at FuZhi, seemingly dissatisfied.

Mu Yan was stunned, "Isn't it finished?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Done the painting? This is just the beginning. It's still very early. Do you think you can draw the Holy Shield Talisman so soon?"

"I don't think so..."

Mu Yan made a few noises, and suddenly sent out a few arrows of shame, "Here you, here you!"

The two repeated this process, collecting power, and then drawing a symbol, which lasted more than an hour.

"Not good yet?"

Mu Yan was a little unsteady, and said bitterly, "Are you trying to use up all my compassionate power? I'm almost gone! Even if I met that fairy trap before, I didn't have such a hard time. Oh, how can you draw symbols like this..."

"There is one last time."

Zhou Shu finally put down the talisman, turned his head and glanced at her, "Who makes you weak? I didn't expect that your power of compassion is so unbearable."

"This, this is definitely a mockery."

Mu Yan looked at Zhou Shu with resentment, and at the same time summed up the remaining strength, cast the magic tricks at Zhou Shu, "Let you laugh, let you laugh!"

Xu was the reason for the added resentment. This time the light arrow was particularly bright, and the power seemed to be stronger.

"Okay, you can rest."

Zhou Shu raised the talisman pen and began the final finishing touch.

"I don't rest, I still don't believe you can draw it. I will try it later."

Hearing Zhou Shu's words, Mu Yan, who had collapsed in the void, struggled to stand up again, moved to Zhou Shu's side step by step, and watched him draw the talisman carefully. He didn't speak until he dropped the last stroke, "Every time you draw The runes seem to be the same, why do you have to draw so many times?"

"It's a bit cumbersome to explain."

Zhou Shu picked up the Fuluo and looked at it, and finally showed a trace of satisfaction, "Not as good as yours, but it can barely be used."

"Then I want to listen too."

Mu Yan poked her head out and stared at the talisman, "Does it really work? It looks very similar to my one, but I still doubt it, anyway, you can't draw it after just a glance. Unless you have learned the Holy Shield Talisman before...Brother, have you learned it before?"

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to push her away, and stuffed the talisman over, "It's useless to say more, you try."

"Then I will try."

Muyan looked at Fulu~www.ltnovel.com~ and was about to use it, and then asked in confusion, "It won't explode, right?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "If the power of compassion can blow you up, then I really want to try."

"That's right, with the power of compassion, there will definitely be nothing wrong."

Mu Yan wanted to settle down, and immediately used the talisman. As soon as he injected some power of compassion, the talisman emitted a soft light, and the white halo spread out layer by layer, covering Mu Yan's whole person.

"Ah, it's really possible, it is indeed the Holy Shield Talisman! I didn't expect you to be able to draw it, it's amazing!"

She yelled loudly and danced, her face full of surprise and joy.

Zhou Shu outside couldn't hear her, but could only see her movements. The more I saw it, the more funny it became, and he couldn't help but smile.

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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