Fairy Winner

Chapter 3418: A little weird

Only after canceling the Holy Shield, Mu Yan ran over.

The look in her eyes when she saw Zhou Shu changed, as if there were stars flashing inside, "Brother, you are amazing!"

Zhou Shu reached out his hand indifferently, "Fulug give it to me."


Mu Yan reluctantly handed it over, "Brother, how did you do it? Have you learned it before? Is there a Holy Shield Talisman in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "No."

If the Xuanhuang Realm had the Sacred Shield Talisman, how could the disciples of Ci Hangzong not survive the catastrophe?

The power of compassion in the Holy Shield Talisman is enough to help people stop robbery, but Xuanhuang Realm does not have it, and it is impossible to have it, because the power of compassion in the Xuanhuang Realm is not the real power of compassion. No matter how good you practice it , It was not up to the level of the Holy Shield Talisman, it was impossible to block the Heavenly Tribulation.

Damn the fairy world.

Mu Yan looked at Zhou Shu and looked forward more and more, "How did the brother do it?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I said it, the explanation is very complicated, and if you don't understand Fu Dao, it is useless to tell you."

Mu Yan hesitated, and whispered, "I just want to listen. It doesn't matter if I don't understand. Brother has such a great ability, I am very happy. When Brother returns to Cihangzong, I can follow Zhanguang."

For some reason, Zhou Shu was a little soft-hearted, "Then do you know the talisman chain?"

Mu Yan thought for a while, and shook her head firmly, "I don't know."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Then let me put it simply, you see that I only drew one talisman. In fact, I drew hundreds of them, and then link them together. This is the Holy Shield Talisman you got, Ci Hangzong. The talisman in here also uses the same painting method, but the reason for doing this is different from mine."

In these heavens, there may be only two people who understand the talisman chain.

One Zhou Shu himself, the other Ning Xuanqing.

The Fu Lu chain itself was proposed by Zhou Shu, and then the two discussed and perfected it together.

After Zhou Shu got the Holy Shield Talisman, he quickly discovered the existence of the Talisman Chain. The foundation of this Holy Shield Talisman is the Talisman Chain. He immediately thought of Ning Xuanqing, and at first he thought that Ning Xuanqing might have imparted this technique to him. People in the Ci Hang Sect, but after further observation, I found that this Holy Shield Talisman was originally drawn by Ning Xuanqing himself, because those runes have obvious characteristics of Ning Xuanqing and are cleverly embedded in the vortex at the upper right corner. The word "Xuan Qing" has been added.

Only Zhou Shu and Ning Xuanqing knew how to write two characters.

What an unexpected discovery.

I don’t know if Ning Xuanqing joined Ci Hang Sect or only cooperated with Ci Hang Sect, but it can be seen that Ning Xuanqing and Zhou Shu are still in the same camp. Ci Hang Sect is definitely the right sect against Immortal Realm. Ning Xuanqing’s support for Ci Hangzong is enough to explain her position.

The former confidant has always been on his side, it is a very exciting thing to look at.

How did she find Ci Hangzong and why did she cooperate with Ci Hangzong?

Zhou Shu still doesn't know the answers to these questions, but Zhou Shu believes that one day he will know.

This matter cannot be told to outsiders. Ning Xuanqing is still nominally a disciple of the Tianfumen. Tianfumen is the major sect of the immortal world and one of the next competitors in charge of the sect. It has a good relationship with Xianting. If this It is not a good thing to expose the matter.

Mu Yan lowered his head and thought for a while, "Since they are all the same painting methods, why are the reasons different?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "The reason why I use the talisman chain is because you are too weak. Your compassionate power cannot support a complete talisman. You can only cast it continuously and add it to hundreds of talismans. Connected with a talisman chain, it is possible to exert some of the power of the Holy Shield Talisman, and she uses the talisman chain for the opposite reason, because the person who cooperates with her to draw the talisman is too strong, and her own strength is not enough to use such a strong kindness. To draw the charms with the power of the heart, you can only take it slowly, divide the original power into hundreds, and recombine them to make the final product, but she doesn’t know enough about the power of compassion, and the power will decrease slightly after the combination. , It also seems a bit more complicated."

"and many more……"

Mu Yan was stunned, "Brother, there is so much when you say that, I said I don't understand."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I can only say that if I don't understand."

"Anyway, I wrote down what you said, so I can think about it later."

Mu Yan snorted dissatisfied, but small stars appeared unconsciously in his eyes, "Senior brother, you are so capable. I think you are more powerful than the rune master invited by Cihangzong. You can just take a look at Fulu Knowing his level and drawing method, he would definitely not be able to do it. If you go back to Cihangzong and cooperate with the right people, you will definitely be able to draw the best Holy Shield Talisman. By then, we disciples will certainly be safer. "

"Back to Ci Hangzong, there will be such a day."

Zhou Shu nodded without denying it.

Zhou Shu also got a message from the Holy Shield Talisman.

A certain important figure of Cihangzong, maybe even the lord, should be in the immortal world.

Because Ning Xuanqing can’t draw the Sacred Shield Talisman by herself, and she has never left the immortal world, then the person who worked with her to draw the talisman must also be in the immortal world. If that person is really the Sect Master Cihang, then it’s interesting, who will I want to realize that the Sect Master Cihang, who has been hunted down by the fairy world, is hidden in the fairy world.

Mu Yan said with joy, "Hey, then I must say that I found you."

"I found you."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Why are you still so energetic? Aren't you running out of strength?"

"Oh... Yeah, when you say that, I seem to be going to bed soon."

Mu Yan really fell down. She was able to support it before, mainly because of excitement, but when the energy passed, a huge sense of exhaustion came immediately, as the tide hits, and it can't stop it.

Zhou Shu shook his head, flung his sleeves and threw a cloud to wrap it up.

Yunli is rich in the power of compassion, far more than Mu Yan just consumed.

The King Jiang behind the two looked at all this silently, feeling a little puzzled.

In his opinion, Zhou Shu can definitely paint the Holy Shield Talisman by himself, why use Mu Yan's power? Is it to verify it? It doesn't seem to be the case. If you want to deliberately harm Mu Yan, why do you help her recover now? In this way, Mu Yan's way of compassion can be improved.

There is something weird in this.

Before I knew it, one by one suddenly passed by, and Xuchang Jie was in sight.

"Sir, you are back."

As in the past ~www.ltnovel.com~ Mu Wang waited outside the bounds, and his attitude was as respectful as before.

Soon he noticed Mu Yan behind Zhou Shu and couldn't help but say with joy, "Sir, did you find it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Finally luck, but I can't find it without your help, Mu Wang, thanks."

Wang Mu quickly shook his head, "Sir, what are you polite to me, I just think I can help too little."

Zhou Shu pointed to Mu Yan, "She's named Mu Yan and will follow me back to Xianshu City."

"Congratulations sir, I got another talent, haha!"

King Mu nodded, smiled and congratulated, the laughter was open, seemingly relieved.

Maybe he doesn't want to have Cihangzong disciples in his world?

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Flying Swordsman 2006, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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