Fairy Winner

Chapter 3430: Of course

"This business is doing very well."

Zhou Shu looked around and showed a trace of approval.

Qingque nodded, "The resources are rich, there are many practitioners, and there are miracles. The practitioners can practice until they enter the heavens. It is a very good world. Shu, this way, I found that our neighbors are all It’s not bad, and it’s much stronger than those of Outland I’ve been to.”

Zhou Shu turned to look at her, "These neighbors, what are you going to do?"

Qingque seemed to realize something, "Shu, do you want them to be merged into Xianshu City? Our formation can't be expanded to that big, right?"

"Of course," Zhou Shu smiled confidently, "Even if it doesn't work now, I will definitely want it in the future. I come to visit them just to pave the way for the future."

Qingque hesitated, and said warmly, "Well, this is a good thing, but it can't be over-excited. Most practitioners who develop here don't like the fairy world, but this doesn't mean that they are willing to join the fairyland that is opposed to the fairy world. Most people still like freedom, and..."

Zhou Shu paused, "What?"

Qingque said in a slow voice, "Some people will develop their own circles well, but they become lazy after joining other forces, and the circles are not as good as before."

Zhou Shu was startled slightly, "You want to remind me that fighting for your own world is not the same as fighting for others."

He seemed to have thought of something, he slowly said, "Qing, I am indeed too anxious. After defeating the fairy world and merging the Liangmiao Kingdom and Haze Kingdom, I want to take this opportunity to further expand my power and bring the world near Xianshu City He Xiancheng has all become part of Xianshu City, but I never thought about how others would treat me, and I couldn’t do good deeds in a hurry. I ignored such a simple truth. I need you to remind me that it’s funny, I’m still there. When you say you want to cultivate your mind, why don't you actually need to cultivate your mind?"

"I don't say you can understand."

Qingque shook his head slightly, "Actually, I don't object to you doing this. You are the emperor, you should have the ambition to annex the world."

Zhou Shu paused and sighed, "I am a human emperor, now I am a bit crooked."

Qingque said hurriedly, "Don't talk nonsense, Shu, you must have chosen the right path, just a little faster."

Zhou Shu laughed and said warmly, "It's okay, I know what to do, Qing, you still have to remind me from time to time."

"Of course."

Qingque smiled and nodded, "That Zhang Fan seems to be still hesitant."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Okay, you can see this world clearly, go up."

Along the way, Zhou Shu would do this every time he went to an unfamiliar realm. In fact, he had the idea of ​​investigating these realm masters and city masters, so as to decide how to deal with the merger in the future. If they stay calm and stable, Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu will merge peacefully in the future. They will still be the masters of the world. If they act on Zhou Shu now, Zhou Shu will not destroy these worlds and immortal cities. It is just their world, which will definitely be necessary in the future. Change of owner.

After all, it is to merge.

Now Zhou Shu temporarily put aside his thoughts of expanding Xianshu City, and there is no need to investigate them.

Seeing them coming up, Zhang Fan couldn't hesitate and walked over and said with a smile, "The city lord is indeed a magnanimous person. I admire him, but I can't do this kind of thing if I change."

Zhou Shu followed with a smile, "In the heavens, it is necessary to observe the rules. In fact, it is the same everywhere I go. You don't have to care, Zhang Daoyou, don't you think I want the immortal world to say that it's not evil?"

Zhang Fan shook his head, "I never believed in the things in the fairy world, and didn't want to care about it, otherwise, why bother to develop here."

Zhou Shu paused, "I think so too. By the way, Daoyou Zhang, do you have any idea of ​​strengthening contact with Xianshu City? For example, those who promote to Xianshu on your side can send them to Xianshu City instead of the Immortal Realm. I will definitely treat them preferentially. As a reward, I will send you some resources."


Zhang Fan was startled for a while, and thought for a while, "There are not many people who promote immortals on my side. I can try to pass on some ideas to them and let them have choices, but I guess it will be difficult. The city lord should know, Zhutian Regardless of the outer realm or the immortal realm itself, most practitioners practice with the goal of entering the immortal realm."

Zhou Shu had some persistence, "I know that it is difficult to change, but I always have to try, right? I don't force the results."

Zhang Fan sighed and said slowly, "It seems that the ranking of the city lord will be improved again."

Zhou Shu smiled indifferently, "Hehe, I have done all the things that shake the foundation of the fairy world, it's hard not to rise."

They are all understanding people. The foundation of the existence of the immortal realm is that the heavens and all realms continuously provide them with practitioners. No matter what realm they break through and ascend, the ultimate goal is the fairy realm. Zhou Shu’s request for practitioners to enter the city of Xianshu, He wanted to change the fairy world from the foundation, but he didn't expect Zhang Fan to agree so readily. It seemed that Zhang Fan was also quite dissatisfied with the fairy world.

Zhou Shu took out a black yellow ring, "This is considered a deposit."

Zhang Fan took it politely and looked at it for a while, "This is the most famous Xuanhuangjie in Xianshu City? I heard that there are so many changes and great powers. I have long wanted to see it... It seems that there are many institutions. It’s not something you can understand at the moment."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You will know everything when you visit Xianshu City, and you can use it when you come back."

"I will definitely go if I have a chance," Zhang Fan looked serious, "Speaking of Xianshu City, can you really not use Yuntong, the city lord, in other realms?"

Zhou Shu said seriously, "No, we must rely on the support of the formation."

"That's really a pity. If Yuntong can be used in the realm of the heavens, such as my realm..." Zhang Fan paused, "I promise to send many practitioners to you. You can see the city lord. My Yuanshan Realm is pretty good, and people keep flying up, and they are still golden immortals, but unlike some small realms, there has only been a usable Sanxian or true immortal for hundreds of years."

"Fellow Daoist said that I was tempted, but I really can't do it."

Zhou Shu sighed, "Although I have been studying ~www.ltnovel.com~, it is difficult to break through this limitation. The core of Yuntong is the formation, not the formation. This cannot be changed."

Zhang Fan unconsciously shook his head and slowly said, "It's a pity, that is something that can change the entire heavens. If it can be done, the city lord will undoubtedly become the person respected by all the practitioners in the heavens, but the city lord you have If you have reached the front of the fairy world, you will definitely have a chance to do it in the future."

"Haha, you are fortunate enough."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Daoyou Zhang is leaving, I hope to see you next time in Xianshu City."

These guys, only Yuntong can't forget.

If you really want Yuntong, just join the formation.

Speaking of Yuntong, the news has spread. Outland and Immortal Realm are mostly aware of it. For this reason, there are many unexplained practitioners and alien races in Xianshu City, and they have also encountered some unexpected troubles, but those are not necessary. To elaborate.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support from the big fat guy, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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